
In summer, the liver is nourished, and the lotus root is equipped with a thing to nourish the whole body, soothe the liver and clear away heat, and return you a "baby" liver

author:Hepatologist Yao Xin

Summer, as the season of the year when yang energy is at its peak, the yang energy in the human body is also vigorous. However, excessive rise in yang energy often leads to an increase in the burden on the liver, so it is particularly important to nourish the liver in summer. Today, we will introduce a simple and effective way to nourish the liver - lotus root with one thing, which can not only nourish the whole body, but also relieve the liver and clear away heat, so that your liver can return to a healthy state like a "baby".

In summer, the liver is nourished, and the lotus root is equipped with a thing to nourish the whole body, soothe the liver and clear away heat, and return you a "baby" liver

First, let's take a closer look at the mysteries of the lotus root, an aquatic treasure. The lotus root, like an emerald in the water, blooms quietly at the bottom of the water, and its elegant temperament and rich nutrition are breathtaking.

Lotus root is not only beautiful in appearance, but also its intrinsic nutritional value cannot be underestimated. It's a treasure trove of nutrients, packed with high-quality proteins, carbohydrates, and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. These nutrients play an important role in the human body, and together they form the building blocks of health.

In summer, the liver is nourished, and the lotus root is equipped with a thing to nourish the whole body, soothe the liver and clear away heat, and return you a "baby" liver

On a hot summer day, a bowl of cool lotus root soup or a delicious stir-fried pork slice with lotus root can bring a comfortable feeling of quenching your thirst. What's more worth mentioning is that the health value of lotus root is far more than that. It also has the effect of clearing heat and cooling the blood, which can help us resist the summer heat and keep the body refreshed. At the same time, it can also strengthen the spleen and appetize, promote appetite, so that we can enjoy food while also have a healthy body.

In summer, the liver is nourished, and the lotus root is equipped with a thing to nourish the whole body, soothe the liver and clear away heat, and return you a "baby" liver

In addition, lotus root is also an excellent liver food. In modern society, many people are facing challenges with liver health due to the pressure of work and the accelerated pace of life. The various nutrients in lotus root can effectively protect the liver, promote the regeneration and repair of liver cells, and escort our liver health.

To sum up, lotus root is not only a delicious dish, but also an ingredient with high health value. Let's enjoy the food at the same time, but also do not forget to pay attention to the health of the body, let the lotus root become a regular guest on our table!

So, what is this thing that goes with a lotus root? It's goji berries. Goji berry, also known as "Mingyanzi", is a Chinese medicinal material with a long history. It is rich in carotene, vitamin A, B1, B2, C and calcium, iron and other nutrients, with a variety of effects such as tonifying the kidney, nourishing the liver and brightening the eyes, nourishing blood and soothing the nerves, quenching thirst, moistening the lungs and relieving cough. The combination of wolfberry and lotus root not only tastes delicious, but also has a better effect on nourishing the liver.

In summer, the liver is nourished, and the lotus root is equipped with a thing to nourish the whole body, soothe the liver and clear away heat, and return you a "baby" liver

Next, let's take a look at the specific method of lotus root with wolfberry. First of all, prepare an appropriate amount of lotus root and wolfberry, wash and peel the lotus root, and cut it into thin slices for later use. Then, wash the goji berries and soak them in warm water for a few moments to soften them. Then, put the lotus root slices and wolfberries into the pot together, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over high heat, and then turn to low heat and simmer. During the simmering process, an appropriate amount of rock sugar or honey can be added to taste according to personal taste. Finally, when the soup is thick and the lotus root is fully ripe, turn off the heat and remove from the pot.

In summer, the liver is nourished, and the lotus root is equipped with a thing to nourish the whole body, soothe the liver and clear away heat, and return you a "baby" liver

The way to eat lotus root with goji berries is simple, it can be eaten directly as a dessert or as a snack for breakfast or afternoon tea. Stick to it for a while, and you'll notice a significant improvement in your liver condition.

In addition to eating lotus root with wolfberry, the following points need to be paid attention to to nourishing the liver in summer:

1. Maintain good work and rest habits. In summer, the yang energy is strong, which can easily lead to insomnia, dreaminess and other problems. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a good work and rest habits, ensure sufficient sleep time, and avoid staying up late and overwork.

2. Eat a reasonable diet. The summer diet should be light and easy to digest, and eat more vitamin-rich foods such as vegetables and fruits. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid eating foods that are too greasy and spicy to avoid increasing the burden on the liver.

In summer, the liver is nourished, and the lotus root is equipped with a thing to nourish the whole body, soothe the liver and clear away heat, and return you a "baby" liver

3. Moderate exercise. Proper exercise can boost the body's metabolism and speed up the elimination of toxins. It is advisable to choose some low-intensity, aerobic exercises, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc.

In summer, the liver is nourished, and the lotus root is equipped with a thing to nourish the whole body, soothe the liver and clear away heat, and return you a "baby" liver

4. Keep a good mood. Factors such as emotional instability and excessive stress can have adverse effects on the liver. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a happy, optimistic and cheerful attitude to avoid excessive mood swings.

In short, nourishing the liver in summer is a comprehensive process, which needs to start from many aspects such as diet, work and rest, exercise, and mood. Through the simple and effective method of eating lotus root with wolfberry, combined with good lifestyle habits and mentality adjustment, I believe that your liver will be able to restore its healthy state like a "baby".

In summer, the liver is nourished, and the lotus root is equipped with a thing to nourish the whole body, soothe the liver and clear away heat, and return you a "baby" liver

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