
Why do men love to eat leeks and women prefer lotus roots? The truth is here!

author:And Ze Walker

In our profound Chinese culture, there are many popular health sayings. Among them, the ancient saying "men do not leave leeks, women do not leave lotus roots" is a household name and is regarded as a health book by countless people.

However, what is the scientific basis behind this statement? Is it true that men should eat more leeks and women should eat more lotus roots, as people say? Today, let's unveil the mystery of this health secret and see if this old saying is really reliable.

Why do men love to eat leeks and women prefer lotus roots? The truth is here!

Leeks: The right-hand man of men's health

When it comes to leeks, the first thing that comes to many people's minds is its unique spicy smell. This smell is not only appetizing, but also has many health benefits. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that leeks can warm the body, lower the qi, replenish the deficiency, and reconcile the internal organs, which has significant benefits for men's health. Modern medical research has also confirmed that the volatile essential oils and sulfides rich in leeks do have the effect of increasing appetite and enhancing digestion.

What's more, these nutrients in leeks are also helpful in improving the health of the male reproductive system. Since ancient times, traditional Chinese medicine has believed that leeks have the effects of tonifying the kidneys and warming the yang, benefiting the liver and stomach, regulating qi and blood, and moistening the intestines and laxatives. Eating more leeks can dispel cold and dissipate stasis, and have auxiliary effects on men's enuresis, impotence, spermatozoa, premature ejaculation and other symptoms.

However, we should also be clear that although leeks can "benefit yang" and "warm yang", they are not "cheap aphrodisiacs" as the folk say. It is more of an indirect contribution to men's health by regulating bodily functions and improving overall health.

Why do men love to eat leeks and women prefer lotus roots? The truth is here!

Lotus root: a good product for women's beauty

Compared with leeks, lotus root is more associated with women's beauty. Native to India and later introduced to China, lotus root is loved by people for its sweet, crunchy and delicious taste and rich nutritional value. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that lotus root is cold and sweet, and it has the function of cooling blood and dissipating stasis when eaten raw, and can benefit blood, stop diarrhea, and strengthen the spleen and appetize when used in practice. These benefits are especially important for women.

Why do men love to eat leeks and women prefer lotus roots? The truth is here!

Modern research has also found that lotus root contains nutrients such as mucus protein and dietary fiber, which can bind to bile salts, cholesterol, and triglycerides to reduce lipid absorption. At the same time, the tannin in lotus root also has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stopping diarrhea, which is helpful for improving the loss of appetite and other conditions. These effects are especially important for women, who tend to have a weak spleen and need more spleen-strengthening appetizers to nourish their bodies.

Why do men love to eat leeks and women prefer lotus roots? The truth is here!

The health value of leeks and lotus roots

After the above introduction, we can see that the old saying "men do not leave leeks, women do not leave lotus roots" does have a certain scientific basis. Leeks and lotus roots have different health benefits, which have certain benefits for the health of both men and women. However, we also need to look at this sentence rationally. First of all, nutritional balance is the key to good health, and a single food picky diet is not conducive to comprehensive nutrient intake. Secondly, different people's physique and eating habits will also affect the health effect of food. Therefore, in our daily diet, we should pay attention to the diversity of food and the balance of nutrition.

Why do men love to eat leeks and women prefer lotus roots? The truth is here!

How to eat leeks and lotus roots reasonably

So, how to eat leeks and lotus roots reasonably? First of all, we should pay attention to eating in moderation. Although both leeks and lotus roots have good health benefits, excessive consumption may also cause physical discomfort. Secondly, we need to choose the consumption method according to the individual's constitution. People with a hot constitution may not be suitable to consume too many leeks. In addition, we can also eat leeks and lotus roots with other ingredients to enhance the nutritional value.

Why do men love to eat leeks and women prefer lotus roots? The truth is here!

There are no absolutes in health preservation, the emphasis is on balance and moderation

After today's introduction, we can see that the old saying "men do not leave leeks, women do not leave lotus roots" does have a certain scientific basis. However, health regimen is not static, but needs to be reasonably adjusted according to the individual's physique and eating habits. We should take a scientific approach to health care and pay attention to nutritional balance and food diversity. At the same time, we should also avoid being overly superstitious about a certain food or health regimen, so as not to fall into misunderstandings.

Finally, I would like to say that wellness is a long-term and complex project that requires us to continue to learn, practice and explore. What do you think of the health concept of "male leek and female lotus"? How do you put this into practice in your daily life? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your experience and views!

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