
The largest in 25 years! 125 dolphins stranded in Cape Cod, at least 10 dead

author:Sing Tao Chronicle

Dolphin stranding in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA, with 125 Atlantic white dolphins stranded in the upper shoal since the end of last month, 10 of which have died.

The largest in 25 years! 125 dolphins stranded in Cape Cod, at least 10 dead
The largest in 25 years! 125 dolphins stranded in Cape Cod, at least 10 dead
The largest in 25 years! 125 dolphins stranded in Cape Cod, at least 10 dead

According to foreign media reports, the collective stranding of dolphins in Cape Cod occurred on the 28th of last month. After the stranding was discovered, at least 25 staff members and 100 volunteers from the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) were on site to help the dolphins get out of trouble. However, at least 10 dolphins have died so far.

The International Fund for Animal Welfare confirmed that the rescue was also supported by the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Organization, the Center for Coastal Research and the New England Aquarium, among others.

Stacey Herdman, a spokesperson for the International Fund for Animal Welfare, said: "This is the largest mass stranding the group has experienced in 25 years. ”

At the moment, the reason for the stranding of these dolphins is unknown.

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