
Following Tesla's "can't brake", the BYD Dolphin caught fire on the street, selling: gasoline poured by the owner

author:Brother Yu will show you the world

Recently, the safety issue of Tesla vehicles has attracted a lot of public attention. Some car owners have reported that their Tesla vehicles have lost control and brakes have failed while driving, which is undoubtedly a worrying thing. Imagine you're driving a car at high speed, and all of a sudden, the steering wheel is no longer following your commands, or the brake system fails, and the feeling of helplessness and panic is chilling.

As a leader in electric vehicles, Tesla has always won the love of many consumers with its innovative technology and environmental protection concepts. However, as these security issues came to light, people began to question whether these high-tech products were really as safe and reliable as advertised. After all, safety always comes first for consumers.

Runaway driving and brake failure, these two issues may sound somewhat similar, but in reality their causes can be very different. Losing control can be caused by a malfunction in the vehicle's electronic control system, causing the vehicle to not respond properly to the driver's commands. Brake failure, on the other hand, can involve mechanical failures, such as problems with the brake pump or leaking brake fluid. In either case, it can pose a threat to the lives of drivers and passengers.

Following Tesla's "can't brake", the BYD Dolphin caught fire on the street, selling: gasoline poured by the owner

Tesla's response to these incidents has also raised eyebrows. They usually start by conducting an investigation to try to figure out the cause of the problem. Sometimes, the problem may be with an individual vehicle, and sometimes, it may be a group of vehicles with the same problem. In this case, Tesla may take a recall to ensure that all affected vehicles can be repaired.

However, the recall is not the master key to solving the problem. For car owners who have already had an accident, the recall may come too late. They may have suffered property damage or even personal injury. Therefore, in addition to the recall, Tesla also needs to consider how to compensate these victims and how to rebuild consumer trust in the brand.

In addition, these events have also sparked discussions about autonomous driving technology. Tesla's Autopilot, its self-driving feature, has always been a big selling point, but with the runaway incident, people began to wonder if the technology was really mature and reliable. The development of autonomous driving technology is undoubtedly the future trend of the automotive industry, but should we be more cautious about it until it is fully mature?

Following Tesla's "can't brake", the BYD Dolphin caught fire on the street, selling: gasoline poured by the owner

In general, Tesla's safety concerns are not only an impact on one brand, but also a warning to the entire automotive industry. With the continuous advancement of technology, we are becoming more and more dependent on cars. In this process, security issues must not be overlooked. We need to make sure that, no matter how technologically advanced, it does not come at the expense of human life.

When discussing Tesla's safety issues, people can't help but compare BYD. BYD, as a leading enterprise in China's new energy vehicles, seems to have won a lot of praise for its performance in safety performance in recent years. This can't help but make people wonder, how does BYD deal with the challenge of car safety?

First of all, BYD's investment and innovation in battery technology are obvious to all. Their self-developed blade battery is known for its high safety and high energy density. This battery design is designed to better protect the vehicle and passengers in extreme conditions, such as crashes or overheating. This is in stark contrast to reports of battery fires from some brands, which have made people impressed with BYD's battery technology.

Following Tesla's "can't brake", the BYD Dolphin caught fire on the street, selling: gasoline poured by the owner

Secondly, BYD has also put a lot of effort into the electronic control system of the vehicle. Their vehicles are equipped with advanced driver assistance systems that are able to alert drivers when potential hazards are detected and even take automated avoidance measures if necessary. The application of this active safety technology undoubtedly increases the safety of driving.

Let's take a look at BYD's body structure design. Their vehicles have been heavily optimized in terms of body strength and crash energy absorption. This means that in the event of a collision, the vehicle is better able to protect its passengers and reduce injuries. This emphasis on passenger safety is one of BYD's highlights on safety issues.

Of course, BYD did not ignore the security of the software. As cars become more and more intelligent, software security has become an issue that cannot be ignored. BYD has also done a lot of work in this regard, such as strengthening the encryption and protection measures of the vehicle software to prevent security problems caused by hacking attacks or software failures.

Following Tesla's "can't brake", the BYD Dolphin caught fire on the street, selling: gasoline poured by the owner

However, BYD has not faced challenges. In the past, they have had some recalls, but overall, BYD has shown a high level of transparency and responsibility in dealing with these issues. They promptly disclose the cause of the problem, as well as the remedial measures taken, which has earned the trust of consumers to a certain extent.

Overall, BYD's performance on safety issues is indeed impressive. Their technological innovation, strict safety standards, and responsible attitude have all made people more confident in BYD's car safety performance. Of course, safety is an ongoing challenge, and both BYD and other automakers need to work continuously to ensure the safety of consumers. After all, safety is always one of the most important topics in the automotive industry.

Hey, it's really heart-wrenching to talk about this. In the Henan area, a BYD seal pure electric car suddenly spontaneously combusted, and as soon as this incident came out, the Internet exploded. After all, this is about everyone's safety, who doesn't care?

Following Tesla's "can't brake", the BYD Dolphin caught fire on the street, selling: gasoline poured by the owner

First of all, we have to talk about this BYD seal, this car is BYD's proud work, pure electric, environmentally friendly and energy-saving, fashionable appearance, and good performance. But who would have thought that such a high-profile model would suffer such an accident as spontaneous combustion. After the accident, photos and videos of the scene quickly circulated on the Internet, and the fire was terrifying to look at.

The cause of the accident is still under investigation, but there has been a lot of speculation on the Internet. Some people say that it may be a battery problem, after all, the battery safety of electric vehicles has always been the focus of everyone's attention. There is also speculation that it is a circuit failure, or that the vehicle has been parked for a long time in a high-temperature environment, resulting in poor heat dissipation. Of course, these are just speculations, and the real reason will have to wait for the results of the official investigation.

This spontaneous combustion accident is undoubtedly a blow to BYD. Although BYD has always had a good reputation in terms of safety, such an accident will inevitably affect the brand image. Consumers will be worried, can they still buy this car? What about safety? BYD needs to give a clear answer to these questions.

Following Tesla's "can't brake", the BYD Dolphin caught fire on the street, selling: gasoline poured by the owner

At the same time, this accident also sounded the alarm for the entire new energy vehicle industry. With the popularity of electric vehicles, safety issues are becoming more and more important. Battery technology, circuit design, heat dissipation system, these are all areas that need to be continuously optimized and improved. Only when safety is ensured can consumers choose electric vehicles with confidence.

For BYD, the most important thing now is to actively respond, announce the progress of the accident investigation in a timely manner, and give consumers an explanation. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the safety inspection of existing models to ensure that similar accidents will not occur again. Only in this way can we regain the trust of consumers.

This spontaneous combustion accident also shows us the challenges faced by the new energy vehicle industry. Technology is constantly advancing, but safety always comes first. Whether it is BYD or other new energy vehicle brands, they need to continuously improve safety standards to ensure that every vehicle can be safely on the road.

In short, the lessons of this accident are profound. Safety issues cannot be ignored, and every detail may be related to the safety of human lives. It is hoped that BYD can learn the lessons of this accident, continuously improve product quality, and provide consumers with safer and more reliable electric vehicles. At the same time, it is also hoped that the entire industry can take this as a warning and jointly promote the safe development of new energy vehicles.

Oops, that's a big deal. BYD's salesman said that the spontaneous combustion of the seal electric car in Henan may have been caused by the owner pouring gasoline on himself. As soon as these words came out, the Internet exploded, and there were all kinds of voices. Some people say, how is this possible? Isn't it asking for trouble when the owner pours his own gasoline? Some people also speculate that there is something hidden or a misunderstanding?

First of all, we have to admit that this statement does sound a bit ridiculous. After all, who would have nothing to do with pouring gasoline on their car? Isn't this a clear sign that something is going to happen? But then again, we can't rule out any possibilities either. After all, anything can happen in this world.

However, this statement has also raised some doubts. Some people feel that BYD is shirking its responsibilities and wants to dump the pot on the owner. This statement is not entirely unreasonable. After all, as an automaker, BYD definitely wants its products to be safe and sound, and any safety accident will have an impact on the brand image. Therefore, they have an incentive to find out the cause as soon as possible and give the consumer a reasonable explanation.

However, we cannot ignore the fact that the real cause still needs to be confirmed by an official investigation. It's too early to say anything, we need to be patient and see what the results say. After all, only authoritative findings can give us a clear answer.

This accident also shows us some challenges in the new energy vehicle industry. With the popularity of electric vehicles, safety issues are becoming more and more important. Battery safety, circuit safety, and heat dissipation systems are all areas that need to be continuously optimized and improved. Only when safety is ensured can consumers choose electric vehicles with confidence.

For BYD, the most important thing now is to actively cooperate with the investigation and find out the real cause of the accident as soon as possible. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the safety inspection of existing models to ensure that similar accidents will not occur again. Only in this way can we regain the trust of consumers.

This accident also reminds us that safety always comes first in all circumstances. Whether it's a car manufacturer or a consumer, we need to be vigilant at all times to ensure our own safety. Only in this way can we enjoy the convenience brought by technology in this era of rapid development, while avoiding possible risks.

In short, the lessons of this spontaneous combustion accident are profound. We need to look at this rationally and not believe any unsubstantiated claims. At the same time, we also hope that BYD can find out the truth as soon as possible and give the public a satisfactory answer. After all, security concerns everyone, and we all have a responsibility to pay attention to and solve it.

New energy vehicles, it sounds quite lofty, environmentally friendly and energy-saving, how good. But to be honest, this technology is not yet fully mature, and security issues pop up from time to time, which makes people's hearts beat a little drum.

Let's talk about the battery problem first. The heart of a new energy vehicle is the battery, but if there is a problem with the battery, it will be a big deal. Batteries overheating, short circuiting, or even spontaneous combustion are no jokes. Think about it, you're driving a car and all of a sudden the battery is smoking, how scary it is. While battery technology is always advancing, there is still some way to go before it reaches complete safety.

Let's talk about the autonomous driving technology. Many new energy vehicles are equipped with automatic driving functions, which sounds cool, but is it really safe to use? Sometimes, the system can't recognize the obstacle, or the judgment is wrong, and the consequences can be serious. We all know that technology cannot be achieved overnight, there must be a process. But in this process, security issues cannot be ignored.

In addition, the circuit system of new energy vehicles is also quite complex. Circuit failures, which are also common in traditional cars, but in new energy vehicles, it may be even more tricky. After all, the circuit system of an electric vehicle is not the same as that of a gasoline vehicle, and it may be more difficult to maintain. If there is a problem with the electrical circuit, it may cause the vehicle to lose control or even catch fire.

Of course, manufacturers of new energy vehicles are also aware of these problems. They are also constantly developing new technologies and improving safety standards. For example, the upgrade of the battery management system, the optimization of the autonomous driving algorithm, the strengthening of circuit protection measures, and so on. These are all to enable consumers to use new energy vehicles with more peace of mind.

But we also have to admit that the development of any new technology cannot be smooth sailing. There will always be problems of one kind or another. The key is how to solve and prevent problems after they occur. This requires manufacturers, government regulators, and consumers to work together.

As consumers, we also have to keep our eyes open when choosing new energy vehicles. You can't just look at the advertisement, you have to look at the efficacy. Learn more about new energy vehicles and pay more attention to some safety accident reports, so that you can be well informed.

In short, the safety of new energy vehicles is indeed worthy of everyone's attention. Although the technology is not yet fully mature, as long as we work together, I believe that one day, new energy vehicles can be safe and environmentally friendly, and become a good partner for our travel.

Hey, when it comes to BYD's spontaneous combustion, this thing does make people mutter. However, we also have to look at it objectively, although spontaneous combustion incidents occur from time to time, BYD is relatively better than other brands in terms of safety.

First of all, we have to admit that BYD's investment and research and development in battery technology are obvious to all. Their blade battery, with its high safety and high energy density, has won a lot of praise. These batteries are designed with safety in mind in extreme situations, such as in the event of a collision or overheating, to better avoid fire, which reduces the risk of spontaneous combustion to a certain extent.

Let's talk about BYD's body structure design. Their vehicles have been heavily optimized in terms of body strength and crash energy absorption. This means that in the event of a collision, the vehicle is better able to protect its passengers and reduce injuries. This emphasis on passenger safety is one of BYD's highlights on safety issues.

Moreover, BYD has also put a lot of effort into the electronic control system of the vehicle. Their vehicles are equipped with advanced driver assistance systems that are able to alert drivers when potential hazards are detected and even take automated avoidance measures if necessary. The application of this active safety technology undoubtedly increases the safety of driving.

Of course, BYD has not faced challenges. In the past, they have had some recalls, but overall, BYD has shown a high level of transparency and responsibility in dealing with these issues. They promptly disclose the cause of the problem, as well as the remedial measures taken, which has earned the trust of consumers to a certain extent.

This spontaneous combustion accident also shows us the challenges faced by the new energy vehicle industry. With the popularity of electric vehicles, safety issues are becoming more and more important. Battery technology, circuit design, heat dissipation system, these are all areas that need to be continuously optimized and improved. Only when safety is ensured can consumers choose electric vehicles with confidence.

In short, BYD's performance on safety issues is indeed impressive. Their technological innovation, strict safety standards, and responsible attitude have all made people more confident in BYD's car safety performance. Of course, safety is an ongoing challenge, and both BYD and other automakers need to work continuously to ensure the safety of consumers. After all, safety is always one of the most important topics in the automotive industry.

Speaking of BYD's blade battery, this is really a dazzling technology. Many experts in the industry believe that this battery is one of the safest batteries available. Why? Because it can pass a very rigorous test called the puncture test.

The puncture experiment, that sounds scary, right? This experiment uses a steel needle to penetrate the battery directly to simulate the damage that the battery may suffer under extreme conditions. Many batteries will catch fire or even explode in this situation, but the blade battery is different, it can carry it steadily, and this is where it is powerful.

The reason why the blade battery can be so good is mainly because of its design. This battery uses a special structure that is able to quickly cut off the internal circuit when punctured, preventing short circuits and overheating, and thus avoiding fire. Moreover, its heat dissipation performance is also very good, and it remains stable even in high-temperature environments.

The safety of this battery is of great significance to consumers. You think, who doesn't want to buy a car for safety? Especially for electric vehicles, battery safety is directly related to the safety of the whole vehicle. This characteristic of the blade battery undoubtedly gives consumers a reassurance.

Of course, in addition to the puncture experiment, BYD has also done a lot of work in other aspects of safety performance. For example, their battery management system can monitor the status of the battery in real time, and if an abnormality is detected, it will take immediate action to prevent accidents.

Moreover, BYD also attaches great importance to safety in the overall design of the vehicle. Their vehicles have undergone rigorous crash testing and are structurally designed to be extremely robust to maximize the protection of passengers in the event of a crash.

Having said that, though, while blade batteries excel in terms of safety, that doesn't mean we can let our guard down completely. After all, any technology has its limitations, and security issues require our constant attention and efforts.

In general, BYD's blade battery is indeed at the forefront of the industry in terms of safety. Its success is not only the pride of BYD, but also a progress in the entire new energy vehicle industry. We have reason to believe that with the continuous progress and improvement of technology, the safety performance of new energy vehicles will be higher and higher, bringing more confidence and security to consumers.

The problem of spontaneous combustion is really not a joke, it is not only a problem of the battery itself, but also involves other factors such as battery packs and modules. We'll have to talk more about that.

First of all, the battery pack, which is a key component. The design and material of the battery pack directly affect the safety performance of the battery. For example, if the heat dissipation design of the battery pack is not done well, the heat cannot be dissipated, and the battery is easy to overheat, and overheating may cause spontaneous combustion. Another example is the sealing of the battery pack, if the seal is not good, moisture and dust will enter, which may also cause a short circuit in the battery and lead to spontaneous combustion.

The module, that is, the way the battery is combined, this is also crucial. The design of the battery module should take into account the connection between the batteries, the arrangement and so on. If the design is not reasonable, it may lead to uneven current distribution between batteries, some batteries are overcharged, and some batteries are overdischarged, which is also easy to cause safety problems.

Also, the battery management system, which is also an important link. The BMS is responsible for monitoring and managing the status of the battery, such as voltage, current, temperature, etc. If there is a problem with the BMS, such as a sensor failure, or an error in the control logic, it may not be able to detect and deal with the abnormal state of the battery in time, resulting in a safety accident.

In addition, external factors cannot be ignored. For example, if the vehicle is exposed to the sun for a long time in a hot environment, or if the battery is hit by an external force, these can cause spontaneous combustion. Therefore, when we use new energy vehicles, we must also pay attention to these external conditions and try to avoid situations that may cause spontaneous combustion.

Of course, automakers are also grappling with these issues. When designing battery packs and modules, they use safer materials, optimize heat dissipation design, and improve sealing. In terms of BMS, the software will also be continuously upgraded to improve the stability and reliability of the system.

At the same time, governments and industry are also setting stricter safety standards, requiring automakers to meet higher requirements when it comes to battery safety. For example, the puncture test of the battery, the overcharge and over-discharge test, the high temperature test, etc., are all to ensure that the battery can remain safe under various extreme conditions.

In short, the problem of spontaneous combustion is a systemic problem, involving batteries, battery packs, modules, BMS and other aspects. Solving this problem will require a concerted effort between automakers, governments, industry, and consumers. Only by working together can we ensure the safety of new energy vehicles, so that we can use them with confidence and drive with peace of mind.

Let's talk about BYD, this is a company with a story. When BYD started, it started with batteries, and at that time they mainly made mobile phone batteries. Later, with the rise of new energy vehicles, BYD began to get involved in the field of automotive batteries, and slowly, they gained a firm foothold in this field.

Blade battery, this is one of BYD's trump cards. Since its launch, it has become synonymous with security with its high security. This is not a blow, the blade battery is designed with safety factors in mind, using a unique structure that can remain stable under extreme conditions, such as punctures, overheating, etc.

This battery is designed to reduce safety risks at the source. Its heat dissipation performance is particularly good, and it can keep the battery temperature stable even in high-temperature environments. Moreover, the internal structure of the blade battery is designed to ensure that the battery will not easily cause a short circuit when it is hit or punctured, so as to avoid fire.

BYD's innovation is not only a technological breakthrough, but also an insistence on the concept of safety. They understand that safety always comes first for consumers. Therefore, when BYD develops blade batteries, it takes safety as the most important consideration.

Of course, the success of the blade battery is also inseparable from BYD's deep accumulation in the field of batteries. Their continuous R&D and innovation in battery technology have laid a solid foundation for the success of blade batteries. This accumulation has enabled BYD to maintain its leading position in the face of fierce competition in the new energy vehicle market.

Moreover, while promoting blade batteries, BYD is also constantly optimizing and upgrading. Based on market feedback and technological advancements, they continuously improve the performance and safety of batteries, and strive to bring consumers a better product experience.

In general, BYD's blade battery has become a benchmark in the field of new energy vehicle safety. Its success is not only the pride of BYD, but also a progress in the entire new energy vehicle industry. With the continuous progress and improvement of technology, we have reason to believe that the safety performance of new energy vehicles will be higher and higher, bringing more confidence and security to consumers.

Monthly sales are expected to exceed 200,000 units, which sounds exciting, doesn't it? This is not just a number, it represents the recognition of the market and the trust of consumers in the brand. But at the same time, it is also a heavy responsibility, which means that we need to continuously improve our products, especially safety.

First of all, the growth of monthly sales, which is a kind of affirmation of us by the market. Consumers choose to buy because they believe in the quality of our products, believe in our technology, and believe in our services. This recognition is the best reward for our past efforts and the greatest encouragement for our future development.

However, we can't afford to be complacent about the increase in sales and ignore the improvement of product safety. Safety, which is the bottom line of the automotive industry, is also the most important concern of consumers. No matter how high the sales are, if something goes wrong with security, everything goes to zero.

Take BYD as an example, their blade battery technology has been highly recognized by the market. This battery has become synonymous with safety due to its high safety. However, BYD is not satisfied, and they are still developing new technologies to improve the safety of batteries to ensure the safety of consumers.

In addition to battery safety, we also need to focus on the overall safety performance of the vehicle. For example, the crash test results of the vehicle, such as the active safety system of the vehicle, such as the emergency braking performance of the vehicle, etc. These are all important factors that affect vehicle safety, and we all need to continuously optimize and improve.

At the same time, we also need to strengthen after-sales service to improve the consumer experience. For example, we can provide more convenient maintenance services, we can provide more comprehensive safety training, we can provide faster accident response, and so on. These are all important means of increasing consumer trust.

In short, the growth of monthly sales is our honor and our responsibility. We need to continuously improve product safety and strengthen after-sales service to ensure the interests of consumers. Only in this way can we be invincible in the fierce market competition and win the trust and support of more consumers.

We Chinese consumers have a lot of expectations for BYD, and everyone hopes that it can surpass Tesla and become the pride of our own brand. This is not only because of patriotic feelings, but also because of BYD's strength and potential in the field of new energy vehicles.

First of all, BYD's technical strength is obvious to all. Take their blade battery, for example, which is recognized as the industry's most secure battery technology. These batteries not only have high energy density, but also excellent safety performance, and can pass rigorous puncture tests, which are among the best in the industry.

Moreover, BYD also has a deep accumulation in the manufacture of electric vehicles. Their electric vehicles not only have a strong range, but also have a good driving experience, and the level of intelligence of the vehicles is getting higher and higher. These are all the capitals that BYD can compete with Tesla.

But we also have to see that Tesla, as the leader of the industry, has a very strong brand influence, technological innovation capabilities and global market layout. If BYD wants to surpass Tesla, it is not enough to rely on technical strength, but also needs to work hard in brand building, marketing, service experience and other aspects.

Consumers expect BYD to provide better products and services, better after-sales support, and a more humanized intelligent experience. These are all areas where BYD needs to continue to work hard and improve.

At the same time, BYD also needs to strengthen communication and interaction with consumers, understand the needs and expectations of consumers, and let consumers feel the care and temperature of the brand. In this way, consumers will identify more with BYD and be more willing to support and recommend BYD's products.

In addition, BYD also needs to strengthen its own brand story and cultural construction, so that consumers can feel that BYD is not only an automobile manufacturer, but also a company with feelings, responsibilities and responsibilities. In this way, BYD can establish a deeper sense of brand identity in the hearts of consumers.

In short, consumers have high expectations for BYD, hoping that it can surpass Tesla and become the pride of its own brand. This requires BYD to make all-round efforts in technological innovation, brand building, marketing, service experience, etc., and continuously improve its comprehensive strength. Only in this way can BYD stand out in the fierce market competition and win the trust and support of more consumers.

New energy vehicles, this is the current automotive industry hot spot. Environmental protection, energy saving, and various policy preferences have made it more and more popular in the market. But at the same time, we must also admit that in order to truly win the hearts and minds of consumers, these are not enough, safety is also the key.

First of all, new energy vehicles have to give full play to their advantages. For example, the acceleration performance of electric vehicles, which is leveraged, as soon as you step on the accelerator, the feeling of pushing back is simply unstoppable. Another example is the low noise of electric vehicles, which is quiet and comfortable to drive, which makes people feel comfortable. These are the selling points of new energy vehicles, and they are also important factors to attract consumers.

But that's not enough, safety is the biggest concern for consumers. If new energy vehicles want to win the trust of consumers, they must work safety. For example, battery safety, which is one of the biggest safety hazards of new energy vehicles. The stability, impact resistance, fire performance, etc., of the battery, must be in place, so that consumers can rest assured.

In addition to battery safety, the overall safety performance of the vehicle is also important. Crash tests, active safety systems, emergency braking performance, and more are all important indicators to measure the safety of a vehicle. New energy vehicles can not be sloppy in this regard, and must show real skills to let consumers see its safety performance.

In addition, the intelligence of new energy vehicles is also a major advantage, but at the same time, it is necessary to ensure the stability and safety of the system. For example, although the autonomous driving system can bring convenience to driving, if the system is unstable or malfunctions, the consequences can be serious. Therefore, while being intelligent, security issues must also be considered.

In addition, the after-sales service of new energy vehicles is also crucial. If a consumer buys a car, if something goes wrong, whether it can be solved in a timely and effective manner is also an important factor affecting consumer trust. Therefore, new energy vehicle manufacturers must provide perfect after-sales service to make consumers feel at ease.

In short, if new energy vehicles want to win the trust of consumers, they must give full play to their advantages and ensure safety at the same time. This requires manufacturers to work hard in technology research and development, product design, after-sales service, etc., and constantly improve their comprehensive strength. Only in this way can new energy vehicles truly become the darling of the market and win the hearts of consumers.

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