
Cai Bin's Olympic 13 people: 11 people are trained by Lang Ping! There is no training of new talents in this cycle, and the future is worrying

author:The golden retriever of the women's volleyball team who loves sports

Cai Bin's Olympic list was released, which is also expected, after all, this list is not selected according to the ability of the players at all, but by household registration and geographical balance, this is the end of sports and politics!

Cai Bin's Olympic 13 people: 11 people are trained by Lang Ping! There is no training of new talents in this cycle, and the future is worrying

However, looking at the 13 people in the list, there are still these old athletes, among which the veterans of the three dynasties of the Olympic Games are Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Gong Xiangyu, Yuan Xinyue, Ding Xia, and the rest of Gao Yi, Zheng Yixin and others were also discovered and cultivated by Director Lang, 11 of the entire 13 people were trained by Director Lang, Zhuang Yushan and Wu Mengjie were not trained by Cai Bin, it can be said that not a single newcomer has been cultivated in this cycle!

So at present, I hope that the Seven Fairies are healthy and healthy, and don't get hurt, because when you are forced to exchange two for three, it proves that you can book a ticket in advance! Therefore, let's not think so much, just prepare a plan to only play three games, and go as far as we can. Leave the rest to luck!

Cai Bin's Olympic 13 people: 11 people are trained by Lang Ping! There is no training of new talents in this cycle, and the future is worrying

Looking at so many veteran players, the author wants to ask, in addition to Wu Mengjie and Zhuang Yushan, where are the candidates for the Chinese women's volleyball team in the Los Angeles Olympics? Wang Yunlu, Zheng Yixin? Who of them can play in the Los Angeles Olympics? As a result of Cai Bin's three years of coaching, he is the main candidate for the Los Angeles Olympics, and Li Yingying, who has been trained by Director Lang for 17 or 18 years!

It can be said that the echelon construction of the Paris Olympic cycle is really a mess, Cai Bin has not cultivated a newcomer for 3 years, Wu Mengjie is also on this year, if Director Lang is here, he will definitely train her with the old and the new, but Cai Bin can't do it!

Cai Bin's Olympic 13 people: 11 people are trained by Lang Ping! There is no training of new talents in this cycle, and the future is worrying

Cai Bin is not bold enough at all, he is too conservative, and he dares to use it after a long training period. And at the beginning, Zhu Ting didn't trust Zhu Ting when she came back, she didn't dare to use it, and she could only go to Zhu Ting after being forced to do so! At present, under the leadership of Cai Bin, I don't even have the interest in watching the women's volleyball team, because I am angry in every game, and it is normal to win and lose the game, but the coach's on-the-spot command can make you angry!

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