
Good news! Women's basketball team vs. Australian women's basketball team, Zheng Wei adjusts the twin towers lineup for revenge!

author:Chasing the ball girl

The players of the Chinese women's basketball team are currently training in Europe, and in the first three warm-up games, they lost three games, so it brought a lot of pressure to the team. The players of the Chinese women's basketball team are also facing great difficulties, if they want to have a bigger breakthrough to win the championship at the Paris Olympics here, then the team must make a big adjustment.

Good news! Women's basketball team vs. Australian women's basketball team, Zheng Wei adjusts the twin towers lineup for revenge!

In recent years, the players of the Chinese women's basketball team have also continued to improve their strength, and these young players have slowly grown up and are at the peak, but in the first three warm-up games, we can see that some players are still not in good shape, and some players are not in good shape, which leads to the game not going smoothly, which is also the biggest problem of the Chinese women's basketball team. The opponent is the Australian women's basketball team, and the women's basketball team between the Chinese women's basketball team and the Australian women's basketball team has a great chance to play against each other, but every time they play each other, both sides play very anxiously, and they both rely on luck to win the game, so the strength of the Chinese women's basketball team players still needs to be strengthened!

Good news! Women's basketball team vs. Australian women's basketball team, Zheng Wei adjusts the twin towers lineup for revenge!

This is against a strong opponent. Zheng Wei adjusted a new lineup, that is, a double-card lineup, this double-tower lineup is also a double-tower lineup composed of Han Xu and Li Meng, because Li Meng is currently in the recovery stage, its role and help for the Chinese women's basketball team is very big, if she can be in good shape, the Chinese women's basketball team to win the game is not a particularly big problem.

A while ago, Li Meng also updated the dynamics, and also said that she really wanted to follow the players of the women's basketball team to play games, but due to injuries, she has not recovered. He is also very anxious and wants to play with the team as soon as possible, because the twin towers combination of Li Meng and Han Xu will be of great help to the Chinese women's basketball team, and it will also put a lot of pressure on the opponent. Therefore, her return and Han Xu's internal and external combination will be of great help to the Chinese women's basketball team, and her advantages in all aspects of her body are also great!

Good news! Women's basketball team vs. Australian women's basketball team, Zheng Wei adjusts the twin towers lineup for revenge!

In the first three warm-up games, the Chinese women's basketball team was defeated by the opponent, and everyone's opinions were also very big, because we all thought that this time the Chinese women's basketball team players could win the championship in the Paris Olympics, why was the team in such a poor state in the warm-up game? It can be seen that some players are not in good shape at all, these players are actually at the peak of their careers, and if they can play well, they can bring good results to the Chinese women's basketball team.

At present, the focus of the Chinese Basketball Association is on the side of the Chinese women's basketball team, because these players are preparing for the national team game. Although the Chinese men's basketball team said that it would also play some warm-up games, the attention was not particularly high, because the Chinese women's basketball team would play the Paris Olympics next.

Good news! Women's basketball team vs. Australian women's basketball team, Zheng Wei adjusts the twin towers lineup for revenge!

Li Meng is a key player of the Chinese women's basketball team, if he can recover well, it is not a big problem for the Chinese women's basketball team to achieve better results in the Paris Olympics, but he has also said now, he is also in the rehabilitation stage, and strives to complete the rehabilitation-related work, and return to the team as soon as possible to play. The state of these players will be relatively good in all aspects, so if these players are troubled by injuries, then the state of other players is not particularly ideal, so in the past few years, Zheng Wei has also been constantly cultivating young players, but the growth rate of these young players is too slow!

Good news! Women's basketball team vs. Australian women's basketball team, Zheng Wei adjusts the twin towers lineup for revenge!

Li Meng's injury has a great impact on the Chinese women's basketball team, and now the pressure on the position is also very high, and she is constantly adjusting the lineup, that is, in the next game, the Milan players can play a better technical level, and the state is very important. Also, it must be tough, we can see that in the first 3 warm-up games, the players of the Chinese women's basketball team are not in good shape, and they are not tough enough, they must be lucky to play a strong team game, they must believe in themselves to win, the players' confidence is not strong enough, and they still have to continue to improve!

Playing the Australian women's basketball team, I hope that the players of the Chinese women's basketball team can play the state, some players have a very big height advantage, Han Xu has helped the Chinese women's basketball team very much on the inside, and in the face of the opponent Australian women's Lan, we also hope that a combination of Han Xu and Li Meng can bring good results to the Chinese women's basketball team. It's just a warm-up game, so the players must take care of their bodies because the next Paris Olympics are so important, so we are looking forward to this game!

The coaching staff of the Chinese women's basketball team and the players can make a good adjustment, although the first three warm-up games were lost to the opponent by a large score, but in the next game, we also believe that the players can play better after a period of adjustment. In any case, we all believe in the spirit of the women's basketball team and believe that these players can play a super high technical level on the court, which is also very crucial for the next games of the Chinese women's basketball team!

I hope that Li Meng can recover as soon as possible, return to the big team of Milan, and follow the players of the Chinese women's basketball team to prepare for the next games. The warm-up game is the golden period for the Chinese women's basketball team to find problems, and I hope that these players can go all out to take the game seriously. In fact, the current state and strength of the Chinese women's basketball team have no strong opponents in the world league, and we also believe that these young players can play a higher technical level on the court. Now the Chinese women's basketball team is at the peak of its career, and we look forward to the good results of the Chinese women's basketball team.

Good news! Women's basketball team vs. Australian women's basketball team, Zheng Wei adjusts the twin towers lineup for revenge!

The players of the Chinese women's basketball team can't play on the court, and the pressure on the position as the head coach is very high, and they will definitely be scolded by the fans, because they lost all three games, which is not the strength of the Chinese women's basketball players. #我要上热门##长文创作激励计划##中国女篮##一起为中国女篮姑娘加油#

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