
15 "Tips for Running a Smooth Life" That Teachers Didn't Teach


Although science and technology are developing day by day, and everything in life can have a scientific basis, sometimes life is going to go smoothly, and it still depends on the help of metaphysics that is difficult to verify. There are billions of people in the world, and everyone has a unique way to survive, and these teachers won't teach you the cheats of smooth sailing, once at a time.

15 "Tips for Running a Smooth Life" That Teachers Didn't Teach


If you want to remember something, do some strange and conspicuous actions when you think about it. Connect the action with the memory, and then you will remember the event when you see the action.

For example, if you think of "remember to take out the garbage before going to bed", "put the pillow at the end of the bed".

After that, when you see the pillow at the end of the bed, you will think that the garbage has not been emptied.

15 "Tips for Running a Smooth Life" That Teachers Didn't Teach


When you want someone to do something, thank them with "it."

For example, instead of saying "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting", say "Thank you for your patience" or "Thank you for your understanding".


My youngest child (4 years old) was in the "why" stage a while ago.

If you really don't know how to answer, ask, "I don't know, what do you think?" It's amazing that they'll tell the answer themselves, and if you give a positive feedback at this point, "Really? Sounds amazing!" and they will be content and no longer entangled.

15 "Tips for Running a Smooth Life" That Teachers Didn't Teach


When someone apologizes, don't say, "It's okay," try saying, "Thank you for apologizing."

Here's how my mom taught kindergarten children: If the other person really offends you, and you don't really care, it means that what happened was not right. Let the other person know that you are really unhappy about this matter, and you also thank him for his willingness to admit his mistakes, this practice can make the other person remember your feelings about this matter more and grow.


How do you avoid a fight when you have opposing opinions?

Talk about the merits that you can agree with or are good first, and then express your opinion.

15 "Tips for Running a Smooth Life" That Teachers Didn't Teach


I'm now the owner of 6 restaurants with 240 employees at my bottom and it's not easy for them to do what they're asked to do.

But I've found that just saying, "I need your help," makes them more cooperative.

People like to feel needed and valued, and expressing this to them makes a huge difference.


If you want to have less disputes at work and better popularity, you often praise others behind your back.

15 "Tips for Running a Smooth Life" That Teachers Didn't Teach


Don't tell your child "Don't do something."

For example, if someone tells you "don't think of unicorns", the moment you hear this sentence, you will definitely think of unicorns; But if you say, "Think of penguins!" The penguin that comes to mind at the moment.

So, the more they say, "Don't do something," the more they want to do it, and instead, tell them to do something else.

For example, don't say, "Don't play with food!" Instead, he said, "Shall we eat a piece of meat together?" Don't plant in their minds what you don't want them to do.


If you want to know more, don't ask.

To keep a person shopping, "listening quietly" is the most effective, don't give advice, don't ask questions. If he wants to speak for himself, see that you are silent and want to listen, he will continue; If he doesn't want to talk, the more you ask, the more he will retreat.

15 "Tips for Running a Smooth Life" That Teachers Didn't Teach


I am a professional Texas Hold'em player.

If you want to know what the other person is thinking, make them laugh when they are thinking, and people will let go of their defenses the moment they laugh sincerely.


If you want the other person to make a decision that is closer to your expectations, don't ask open-ended questions, but offer options.

For example, don't ask, "What are you going to do tonight?" , but ask, "Do you want to watch a movie or go out to eat?"

15 "Tips for Running a Smooth Life" That Teachers Didn't Teach


When bargaining (e.g. buying a car), don't talk too much and let the other person say as much as possible.

This embarrassment of silence works.


Greet you warmly at the first meeting, and others will treat you with a good attitude in the future.

15 "Tips for Running a Smooth Life" That Teachers Didn't Teach


If someone gets emotional and yells at me, I calmly say, "I know what you mean, but can you say your question differently?" I'll understand it better."

90% of people usually stop and talk to you in a calmer manner.


The disguised smile will stay on the face for a long time, but the expression from the heart will flash quickly on the face.

15 "Tips for Running a Smooth Life" That Teachers Didn't Teach