
The three countries sent troops to the Asia-Pacific region, dozens of warplanes flew around China, and the US media showdown: preparing for a conflict with China

author:October track

Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, European countries have focused on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, pointing the finger directly at Russia. In addition to the continuous military assistance to Ukraine, European countries, led by the United States, have continued to conduct military exercises around Russia. For the United States, compared with Russia, which is mired in war, China, which is becoming more and more powerful, is the main problem. In the process of preparing for a conflict with China, the United States is also continuing to integrate European forces. Recently, Germany, France and Spain are preparing for a Pacific Sky 24 exercise. During this period, dozens of warplanes will fly to the Asia-Pacific region. Behind this exercise is the US military strategy of "turning to Asia." It can be said that the United States is stepping up preparations to win over its Asia-Pacific allies to deal with possible future armed conflicts with China.

The three countries sent troops to the Asia-Pacific region, dozens of warplanes flew around China, and the US media showdown: preparing for a conflict with China

Judging from the information released by the Western media, the air forces of the three countries have a very close itinerary and will participate in a number of military exercises, including the "Arctic Guardian" military exercise in Alaska, the "Japanese Sky" military exercise in Japan, the "Rim of the Pacific-2024" joint military exercise in Hawaii, and the large-scale "Black Asphalt" military exercise in Australia. After the military exercises with a large circle of Asia-Pacific allies of the United States, the fighters of the three countries will participate in the "Pacific Sky 24" military exercise non-stop. In this air exercise that spans the entire world, the three countries will send 1,800 military personnel, including "Typhoon" fighters, "Rafale" fighters, "Tornado" fighter-bombers, A-400 transport planes, H-145M helicopters, etc.

The so-called Xiangzhuang sword dance is intended for Pei Gong. Although China's name is not mentioned in this series of military exercises, judging from the road map of the three European countries' troop deployments, the fighters of the three countries are equivalent to flying around China and launching a series of military exercises around the mainland, and some of the participating countries are basically unfriendly to China and belong to the "circle of friends" of the United States.

The three countries sent troops to the Asia-Pacific region, dozens of warplanes flew around China, and the US media showdown: preparing for a conflict with China

It stands to reason that NATO is not monolithic, and in recent years, the contradictions between France and Germany and other European countries and the United States have continued to intensify, and Europe wants the right to speak and autonomy, so it naturally opposes the United States on many issues, such as the Russia-Ukraine issue, and many NATO countries are unwilling to continue to provide weapons to Ukraine. However, although the hegemony of the United States has weakened, the obscenity remains. It can be seen that under the constant hype and instigation of the United States, although the center of gravity of the interests of European countries is not in the Asia-Pacific region, they have no choice but to submit to the United States and send troops and forces. As European countries pay more and more attention to the Asia-Pacific region, in order to curry favor with the United States, France and Germany, the so-called big European powers, have quickly changed their faces, and have put on the lips of "sending troops to the Asia-Pacific region," and have shown undisguised hostility toward China while hyping up the "China threat theory."

The water comes to cover the earth, and the soldiers come to block it. First of all, the military exercises of the three European countries are very shabby, just to show their existence, but because of their weak family background, they can't send decent fighters even if they are swollen and fat. In terms of the comparison of air force strength, only France among the three countries belongs to the air force, but the legal "Rafale" is only a fourth-generation and a half fighter, which is completely different from the PLA's J-20. The Three Kingdoms sent dozens of fighters, but not a single fifth-generation fighter, which has to be said to be a sadness.

The three countries sent troops to the Asia-Pacific region, dozens of warplanes flew around China, and the US media showdown: preparing for a conflict with China

In addition, the fighters of the three countries flew around China, not only to show their muscles against China, but also to keep an eye on Russia. For this group of uninvited guests, the fighting nations who are angry on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield will certainly not sit idly by. Lieutenant General Francisco Espresatti, commander of the Spanish Air Combat Command, predicted that during a series of military exercises, the Russian military will inevitably make countermeasures, and it is very likely that the fighters of the three countries will approach and intercept them. It is no exaggeration to say that these fighters are simply unable to set off a storm in the Asia-Pacific region, and can only further intensify the contradictions between China, Russia, and Europe. When a major war breaks out between China and the United States, these European countries are simply powerless to intervene in the Asia-Pacific theater and can only be bystanders.

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