
"Stop-and-Go" Best Supporting Actress Yue Hong, divorced during lactation, "hates mother" in the eyes of her daughter

author:Emotional relief monk
"Stop-and-Go" Best Supporting Actress Yue Hong, divorced during lactation, "hates mother" in the eyes of her daughter

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Yue Hong, who won the Temple of Heaven Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as a mother in "Stop and Go", has portrayed countless mother roles, but in life, she has become a "hated mother" in the eyes of her daughter.

"Stop-and-Go" Best Supporting Actress Yue Hong, divorced during lactation, "hates mother" in the eyes of her daughter

As a well-known veteran actor in the film and television industry, Yue Hong has won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress and the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actress with her excellent acting skills.

In recent years, Yue Hong has played the role of a mother in many film and television dramas, which is deeply loved by the audience, but there is one exception, that is, her daughter Koala.

At the age of 28, Yue Hong's husband suddenly filed for divorce due to personality incompatibility. At that time, her daughter Koala was only a few months old, and Yue Hong was forced to become a single mother.

With her daughter waiting to be fed on the one hand, and the burden of the economy on the other, Yue Hong had to send her 4-month-old koala back to Chengdu to be taken care of by her grandmother.

And she herself is desperately filming outside to earn milk powder money for her daughter.

In those difficult days, raising her daughter Koala to adulthood was the biggest motivation for Yue Hong's struggle.

"Stop-and-Go" Best Supporting Actress Yue Hong, divorced during lactation, "hates mother" in the eyes of her daughter

In that era when communication was not developed and transportation was not convenient, it was too difficult for Yue Hong to see her daughter. When the mother and daughter saw each other again, the koala could already speak, and said to her in a childish voice, "Hello Auntie." ”

Yue Hong's heart is mixed, happy and sad, happy because her daughter is growing up so fast, sad because her daughter is so strange to herself.

However, it was helpless to be separated from her daughter.

Unable to juggle spending time with her children and earning money to support her family, she had to go out to work.

Yue Hong stayed in the crew for a few months, and the number of times she met her daughter was only a handful. Feeling guilty, she did her best to satisfy her daughter materially.

"Stop-and-Go" Best Supporting Actress Yue Hong, divorced during lactation, "hates mother" in the eyes of her daughter

When Koala was 6 years old, Yue Hong took her mother and daughter to see the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast".

The koala was very happy to see it, and she said to Yue Hong excitedly, "Mom, I still want to watch it again." ”

Looking at her daughter's expectant eyes, Yue Hong couldn't bear to refuse, but a ticket of 500 yuan was really not cheap for her at that time.

After weighing it, Yue Hong said to the koala: "It's okay to watch it once, mom buys two tickets, and grandma takes you in to see it, okay?" ”

In this way, Yue Hong bought two more tickets and asked Yue's mother to take her daughter into the venue to watch it again.

"Stop-and-Go" Best Supporting Actress Yue Hong, divorced during lactation, "hates mother" in the eyes of her daughter

Although Yue Hong did everything to satisfy her daughter's wishes, as Koala grew up, the relationship between mother and daughter became more and more stiff.

It turned out that as Yue Hong became more famous, her work became busier, and she cared less and less about koalas, but as she grew up, koalas were extremely eager for her mother's company and care.

After a long period of separation, Koala became more and more disappointed with her mother, and then became resistant. Koala, who has resistance, hates Yue Hong's plays, especially the "mother" role she plays.

Children will think that what is played in the TV series is real, and the better the mother played by Yue Hong is to other children, the more aggrieved the koala is: she is obviously her own mother, why should she be someone else's mother.

The pain in her heart can't be told, and Koala can only vent it in a stubborn way, that is, alienating Yue Hong. This made Yue Hong helpless, and she didn't know how to love her only daughter.

In the worst two years, the relationship between mother and daughter was simply unharmonious. Koala would rather stay on the living room sofa of a relative's house than live under the same roof as Yue Hong.

"Stop-and-Go" Best Supporting Actress Yue Hong, divorced during lactation, "hates mother" in the eyes of her daughter

(Yue Hong and her daughter Yue Yien)

Yue Hong called or texted koalas, but there was no response, and she had no choice but to adopt the strategy of "saving the country by curve".

From time to time, I would bring good food and drink, go to a relative's house to meet a koala, and call the school every day to find out how the koala is doing at school.

But no matter how low Yue Hong's posture is, she will never be able to repair the relationship between mother and daughter, and she will not be able to save her daughter's heart.

In 2002, Yue Hong was unfortunately diagnosed with stomach cancer.

This news is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.

"Stop-and-Go" Best Supporting Actress Yue Hong, divorced during lactation, "hates mother" in the eyes of her daughter

Yue Hong knows that she is old and young, and she is not only the heaven of her parents, but also the pillar of her daughter, and she must not give up easily.

So, she cheered up and followed the doctor's advice for surgery to give herself the best chance of survival.

The operation was hidden from Koala, although she was 12 years old, Yue Hong couldn't bear to let her daughter endure such tremendous pressure at an age when she should be carefree.

When she saw the koala again, Yue Hong had already completed the operation. She had tubes in her body and needles in her hands.

Seeing all this, the koala fell beside her mother and cried bitterly, with distress and guilt in her tears.

"Stop-and-Go" Best Supporting Actress Yue Hong, divorced during lactation, "hates mother" in the eyes of her daughter

(Yue Hong and her mother)

Growing up is always in an instant, and since then, Koala has suddenly woken up, understood her mother's good intentions, and the hardships of many years, and she deeply regretted her rebellion.

Fortunately, when she turned around, her mother was still there, and the wall of ice between her mother and daughter had completely melted overnight and disappeared forever.

released his suspicions with his daughter Koala, allowing Yue Hong to get rid of the haze in his heart. With a happy mood and timely treatment, Yue Hong's body recovered quickly, and she returned to work half a year after surgery.

And her relationship with her daughter has become more and more intimate.

After experiencing life and death, Yue Hong also learned how to express love to her daughter.

Yue Hong will say to the koala every day: I love you. They would also give her a hug, or kiss her cheek, or touch her hair.

Every time, the koala would happily say, "Oh, don't say it, I know!"

What he couldn't give to his daughter, Yue Hong made up for it one by one.

"Stop-and-Go" Best Supporting Actress Yue Hong, divorced during lactation, "hates mother" in the eyes of her daughter

(Three generations of grandparents and grandchildren are happy in the same frame)

Through years of struggle, Yue Hong has become a veritable old actor in the entertainment industry.

And her daughter Koala was also admitted to the directing department of Beijing Film Academy through her own efforts, and later went abroad to study for graduate school, and now she has also stepped into the film and television industry to inherit her mother's business and become an actor.

Yue Hong is undoubtedly excellent, she has experienced a failed marriage, and she bears the burden of raising children alone.

Although she loves her daughter Koala deeply, Yue Hong has to leave her daughter and work hard to provide her daughter with the best living and learning conditions.

The long-term reunion and separation made Koala resentful and estranged from her mother, but when faced with life and death, the mother and daughter finally understood each other's hearts and reached a reconciliation.

Yue Hong, who is now in her 60s, is still active on the big and small screens, climbing the peak of her acting career.

"Stop-and-Go" Best Supporting Actress Yue Hong, divorced during lactation, "hates mother" in the eyes of her daughter

(Yue Yien)

She has presented many mothers to the public, but the most like, proud, and most important thing is to be the mother of koalas.

In real life, there are many working women who, like Yue Hong, are mired in the dilemma of parenting, entangled and painful between their children and careers, and it is difficult to choose.

Holding the baby in their left hand and working with their right hand, even if they try their best, they may not be able to achieve perfection in everything.

I hope that everyone can give them some tolerance and understanding to help them achieve a balance between parenting and career.

Don't deprive them of the ability to fly high because they are mothers.


Introduction: Zhang Ping, psychological counselor, marriage and family counselor, well-known emotional self-media person. I have wine, do you have a story?

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