
Folktales: The Legend of the Spirit Spring

author:Yun Shu product life

Legend has it that in the distant village of Xiliu, there is a miraculous spring. As long as you drink this spring water, you can cure all diseases and rejuvenate people. Cuong is a poor farmer who lives with his mother, who has been ill for many years and the family's savings have long since been depleted.

In order to treat his mother's illness, Cuong decides to try his luck and find the legendary spring.

He followed the guidance of the fifth master, the oldest old man in the village, and walked day and night, and after several days of trekking, Ah Qiang really found the Xiliu Village.

But the village has obviously been dry for a long time, the seedlings are wilted and have no spirit, people have to go out to carry water up the mountain, not to mention the magical mountain spring, the expression on people's faces is indifferent, they don't know what Ah Qiang said about the magical mountain spring water, feel that he is simply a fool's dream.

Cuong is disappointed, are the legends all lies? Cuong didn't give up and continued to ask older people.

However, the older people could not understand what he said, and he could not understand the local dialect spoken by the old people.

Some people ridiculed him, if the spring water was real, the people here would not have died of old age and sickness, and they would all have become sperm!

Ah Qiang thinks about it, so why was he so naïve to believe a rumor in the first place?

Isn't it heartfelt to save your mother? , in the absence of a way, go to the doctor! That's why I believe in the legend of this miraculous spring.

Folktales: The Legend of the Spirit Spring

Ah Qiang was unhappy, and seeing that it was getting late, he planned to borrow the Guanyin Temple and return home the next day.

He saw a thick layer of incense ash in the incense bowl in front of the statue of Guanyin, and thought to himself that many people who must have come to worship Guanyin, does it mean that Guanyin is very spiritual?

Go and say goodbye yourself.

So he bowed before Guanyin, hoping to find a way to cure his mother.

Not long after, he walked into a mountain forest in a trance, and he was not knowing how to get out, when he met a beautiful girl dressed in plain white who blocked the way, and the girl called herself Ah Zhen.

Ah Zhen tells him that the spring does exist and has magical powers, but only the pure and good-hearted can encounter it, and those who are greedy and ignorant naturally cannot find it.

Ah Qiang was inspired by Ah Zhen's words, and he wanted to continue to ask about the location of the spring, but the girl turned and left, and he shouted urgently, not wanting to wake himself up from his dream.

He reminisced about the dream just now, and felt that Guanyin must have given her a dream, and the spring water was there, but how could he prove his purity?

He decided to help the people in the village first. He worked hard, helping the villagers with farming, harvesting, and caring for the elderly and children.

Sure enough, his kindness and diligence won everyone's respect and affection, and people liked this stranger more and more.

When he was helping others, he always felt that someone was staring at him in the dark, but when he looked up, he couldn't find it.

Once, he helped an old woman chop wood, but on the way down the mountain, he stumbled and rolled down a steep slope, his clothes were torn, and people were injured.

He felt someone tying him up and calling his name, and he grabbed the man's wrist and opened his eyes to look at the other man.

That's right, it was Ah Zhen, Ah Zhen looked at him in surprise, wanting him to break free of his hands.

"Ah Zhen! Don't hide from me! I knew you were there for me! Cuong said excitedly.

Ah Zhen blushed and lowered her eyes.

Cuong captures Ah Zhen's love for him, but Ah Zhen's whereabouts are uncertain and he never reveals her background.

Three months later, Cuong dreamed that Ah Zhen had instructed him that the spring water was under a stone stone in a valley about 100 miles north, and it was up to his luck to find it. Cuong firmly believes in Ah Zhen's words and begins a journey to find the spring. However, Cuong's search has not been smooth.

Folktales: The Legend of the Spirit Spring

Just as he was looking for Shi Lizi, he encountered a group of fierce mountain bandits on the mountain.

Not only did he rob the villagers of the dry food and water he had brought him, but they also drove him out of there.

How could Cuong suffer such humiliation! He fought to the death with the mountain bandits.

The strength he has accumulated over the years of farming and the experience of walking alone on mountain roads have made him as dexterous as an ape and as swift as a cheetah.

It was only because he was defenseless and mistakenly thought that the people here were all their own people, where would there be mountain bandits?

In the end, he defeated the robbers with courage and wisdom, but he himself was seriously injured, and his leg was punctured by the mountain bandits, making it difficult to move an inch. He had to stay under the repair, and at the critical moment, Ah Zhen didn't know when and where she suddenly appeared, and she was anxious when she learned that Ah Qiang was injured.

She took good care of Cuong, and her eyes were full of concern and distress.

Ah Qiang looked at Ah Zhen, and his heart was full of emotion. Every day, Ah Zhen would boil medicine and cook for Ah Qiang, and would chat with him and tell him stories about the village. Under Ah Zhen's care, Ah Keung's injuries gradually improved. In the days of recuperation, the relationship between Ah Qiang and Ah Zhen is also heating up. Together, they walked along the mountain path, looking for the stone stone where the spring might appear.

Cuong would pick wildflowers for Ah Chun and weave them into beautiful garlands to wear on her head. Ah Zhen will sing for Ah Keong, and her singing voice is crisp and pleasant, like a natural sound.

However, happy times are always short-lived.

Under Ah Zhen's guidance, Ah Qiang found the stone stone, which protruded halfway up the mountain, lying there like a raised frog.

Ah Qiang was so excited that he wanted to climb directly over to him, but Ah Zhen hurriedly stopped him, thinking of his injured leg, and asked him to make a hiking stick, and then climbed to the top of the mountain by himself, and threw down a long vine, so that Ah Qiang tied it around his waist and tied the other end to a tree.

In this way, Cuong is more secure.

When Cuong approached the stone stone through many difficulties and dangers, he did not find the mountain spring water.

It's just that it's a little damp under the stone stone, and when I look inside, there seems to be a hole covered with weeds, and the grass and trees here are obviously better than other places, and they are green and green.

There should be water, Cuong thought, but how can he get mountain spring water?

He was at a loss for what to do, when he suddenly heard a singing:

Looking for the spiritual spring, looking for the spiritual spring, the difficulties and dangers have passed through thousands of obstacles, and the kind people have saved their mothers, and the god frog has opened his mouth to send sweet springs.

When Ah Qiang heard it, it was Ah Zhen's voice! He was so excited that he sang along:

Looking for the spiritual spring, looking for the spiritual spring, once you find it in the middle of the mountain, I hope that the divine frog can open its mouth and save all living beings year after year.

In this way, the two of them sang three times in a row, and Cuong suddenly heard a subtle gurgling sound.

Waited a little longer, and sure enough! A thin stream made a pleasant sound and gushed out from under the stones!

Ah Qiang's eyes widened, he was overwhelmed with joy, and immediately he excitedly shouted to Ah Zhen,

There you have it! There you have it! Jane! There's a spring!

Ah Zhen hurriedly shouted, idiot! Drink quickly, fill it up with a jug!

Ah Qiang returned to China to taste the taste, drank the spring water excitedly, and suddenly felt that his whole body was full of strength.

But when he filled it with water, he found that he could not go down the mountain, and the spring water had wet the road under his feet, and the soil was slippery and soft, and he could not pick it at all, so he had to try to avoid climbing up.

At first, he heard Ah Zhen calling out to him, and felt the rattan rope around his waist pulling him upward, but then he couldn't hear Ah Zhen's voice anymore.

When he climbed the cliff and used his last strength to climb the mountain, he saw a frightened scene.

Ah Zhen was wrapped around the vine rope again and again, and fell under a tree, and her hands were still trying to earn the vine rope.

It turned out that in order to pull Ah Qiang up, Ah Zhen used her body to make a reel and entangled herself to death!

Cuong quickly loosened the rope and hugged Ah Zhen and called her name.

But Ah Zhen's hand hung down softly, and Ah Qiang cried out in pain to grab the ground, knowing that if he took Ah Zhen's life, he would not have come to get the spiritual spring water!

Spiritual spring water!

Right! Spiritual spring water!

Cuong hurriedly brought the pot over and slowly fed the water to Ah Zhen.

Hopefully, the spring water will save her life.

Ah Qiang also has words in his mouth, Lingquan Shui, Lingquan Shui, hurry up and save this kind girl!

Finally, when there was not much water left in the gourd, Ah Zhen's fingertips moved.

Cuong hurriedly called her name, and after a long time, Ah Zhen opened her eyes and saw the handsome face.

Ah Zhen was saved, Ah Qiang wanted Ah Zhen to go home with him, and he had to wait for her for the rest of his life.

Ah Zhen said that she had deceived Ah Qiang.

Cuong was puzzled.

Ah Zhen told him that he was actually a small grass next to Lingquan Immortal.

Growing next to the spiritual spring, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, not only cultivating into a human form, but also knowing all the stories about the spiritual spring.

I knew that Ah Qiang had come to ask for spiritual spring water, so I inquired about the news in the village.

Knowing that Ah Qiang is a strong-willed, kind and filial young man, this led him to Lingquan.

But if you really want to get the spiritual spring water, it is almost impossible without her help, and there are many white bones in the valley of the spiritual spring that no one can collect.

And that's the reason why no one dares to ask about the spiritual spring anymore, people say, where is the spiritual spring? It is clear that there is a yellow spring that has no return.

During the contact with Ah Qiang, Ah Zhen had fallen in love with him, so she successfully protected him to get water.

Now that he has saved his life with the spiritual spring, he really didn't see the wrong person.

Ah Zhen followed Ah Qiang back to his hometown, because they drank the spiritual spring water, they walked like flying, and soon arrived at their home.

The mother is dying, and the reason why she has survived until now is that she wants to see her son for the last time.

Ah Qiang hugged his mother and shouted: Mother! Mother! I am back! I took the spiritual spring water!

He took the kettle and poured it, but only a few drops were on the old lady's lips.

The old lady laughed, took him and Ah Zhen's hands, and said:

"My son, over the years, my mother has dragged you down, with a good son like you, my mother is worth it! Now you've brought back a good girl, mother! I was able to close my eyes! ”

"Mother! Mother! What do you say! You'll be fine! ”

But the old lady's head tilted and she fainted......

Ah Qiang hugged his mother and refused to let go, he obviously went to find the spiritual spring water, but in the end he failed to cure his mother's illness and killed her.

He shouted for heaven and earth, and Ah Zhen knew that Ah Qiang could have brought spiritual spring water home to save his mother, but he used it to save her.

She felt ashamed and suddenly had a plan!

I want to return the spiritual spring water! She cut her wrist with a knife, and gurgling blood gushed out, which she picked up and brought to the old lady's mouth.

Cuong's eyes widened and he looked at her in disbelief, he couldn't get any more killed!

Hurry up and tear your clothes to bandage Ah Zhen!

"Ah, Jane! If you want to cut my wrists, you will cut my wrists! Are you dying? ”

"Quick! Go and save your mother! ”

Ah Zhen pushed Ah Qiang away, and Ah Qiang had to take the blood and tremble and pour it into the old lady......

An hour later, the old lady's hands and feet warmed.

Ah Zhen and Ah Qiang are very excited, their mother is saved!

But the old lady lay down like a wooden man, without eating or drinking, only with a faint breath.

Ah Qiang thought about it and carried Ah Zhen on his back, planning to cut a piece of meat on his body to nourish his mother.

He sharpened his knife quickly, brought a bowl of wine, sprayed it on his thigh, and said to himself:

"Ah Qiang! Mother did the next thing in order to give birth to you, and now that you have been nourished by the spiritual spring water, it is time to repay your mother, you just lost a piece of meat, and your mother gave up her life. ”

With that, he raised his dagger and stabbed himself.

"Stop! Ah Qiang! Check it out! We've got the spring water! ”

Ah Zhen ran in with the pot, and the water was bubbling out of me.

It's amazing! Cuong couldn't believe his eyes!

He didn't dare to slack off, and filled all the stored utensils at home.

The pot of water stopped overflowing.

Since then, Cuong has fed his mother spiritual spring water every day, and sure enough, the old lady is getting better day by day.

Half a month later, I was able to walk on the ground, and for another half a month, my face was radiant.

And Ah Qiang and Ah Zhen held a wedding, and the family has lived happily ever after.

Their pots of water would come out from time to time, and they would give to the people without taking a penny.

Ah Qiang once again bowed in front of the statue of Guanyin, thanking the Bodhisattva for his blessing.

But suddenly he heard a voice:

Mortals worship gods in everything,

I don't know that the gods are in my heart,

Good thoughts are as infinite as light,

Illuminate the road ahead for the benefit of the field.