
University asks | Shi Lingzhi, director of recruitment of Central South University of Forestry and Technology, answered questions from candidates

author:Hunan Education Release

Central South University of Forestry and Technology is a veteran undergraduate university with a history of 66 years, and is the only university in Hunan Province with forestry engineering, forestry and ecology as its characteristic advantages, and a "double first-class" construction university in Hunan Province.

Please introduce the overall situation of the school's enrollment this year, and what are the highlights or new changes?

The school's enrollment changes this year are mainly manifested in six aspects. First, the enrollment plan. The total enrollment of the school this year is 8,200, an increase of 490 over last year. Among them, 4,723 people are planned in the province, an increase of 243 people from last year. Second, enrollment majors. Two new undergraduate majors were added, Intellectual Property and Digital Economy. Third, the professional category. The school splits 7 major categories such as computer science and electronic information, and directly recruits students according to majors to provide candidates with more professional choices. Fourth, subject selection requirements. This year, there are 45 science and engineering majors that require physics and chemistry, including software engineering, computer science and technology, electronic information engineering and other majors, which were more popular in previous years; 8 majors, including engineering management and logistics management, require physics, landscape architecture requires biology, geographic information science requires geography, and the other 22 majors are not limited to subjects. Fifth, enrollment in experimental classes. The school offers wood science and engineering (academician excellence class), forestry, ecology and biotechnology pottery casting experimental class, which are directly included in the college entrance examination enrollment catalog, and implements "undergraduate-master-doctoral" training. Sixth, Hunan Forestry Special Post Enrollment. The school recruits 280 forestry special post students according to the plan, the enrollment majors are forestry, forest protection and economic forestry, and the three major selection requirements are physics + chemistry. Students are free of tuition during the school period, and those who graduate on time and pass the assessment are directed to work in grassroots forestry institutions in the source of students to ensure that there are posts.

What is special about the school's 2024 admissions policy? What preferential policies have been introduced by the school for excellent high-scoring candidates? What is the policy for students to change majors?

Our school implements the enrollment policy of "one recognition and one commitment" and the policy of "one permission and one priority". First, the recognition of policy bonus points. When adjusting files and arranging majors, our school recognizes the bonus point policy of each province, but it does not exceed 20 points. Second, promise to enter the gear and not retreat. Candidates who apply for the first time in parallel volunteering, fill in the "professional obedience", and whose physical conditions meet the admission requirements of the major, the school promises to admit them without withdrawing from the file. Third, students are allowed to change majors. At the end of the first semester, students who have an average score in the top 10% of their majors can choose their majors independently. Students in the second year and below can apply for changing majors in accordance with the notice requirements of the school and each college to change majors, and those who pass the assessment can transfer to the new major. Fourth, priority will be given to high-scoring candidates to change majors. For the general candidates who are in the top 10% of the first submission and 30 points above the submission line, if the college entrance examination admission major is not the first choice major, at the end of the first semester, the student can apply to the school to study the first choice major of the college entrance examination.

Since the reform of the college entrance examination in Hunan Province, Hunan Province has been implementing the "college professional group" filing model, Central South University of Forestry and Technology has adjusted the professional group setting in Hunan Province this year?

Professional grouping requirements: The subject selection requirements of the majors included in the same group must be the same. Starting from 2024, the requirements for elective subjects will be implemented nationwide, and the professional group setting of our school in Hunan Province will be changed compared with previous years due to the adjustment of subject selection requirements. Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools are grouped separately; Among the general majors, our school classifies them according to their disciplines, and divides the 45 majors selected as "Physics + Chemistry" into two college professional groups, and the other majors are listed as one group according to the subject selection and requirements, and the group is no longer subdivided. When candidates fill in the application form, they need to consider the changes in the professional grouping and grouping plan this year, and reasonably refer to the admission data of previous years.

What are the characteristics of the "Forestry Special Post Students" enrollment program?

Our university continues to undertake the undergraduate orientation training of "forestry special post students" in Hunan, and plans to enroll 280 students from 72 counties and cities in our province, including 175 in forestry, 70 in forest protection, and 35 in economic forestry. The application conditions, voluntary filling, application and enrollment and employment policies are all implemented in accordance with the regulations of the superiors. Compared with last year, the enrollment plan has decreased by 58 students, the subject selection has been adjusted to "Physics + Chemistry", and the number of years of work service has been adjusted to "not less than 6 years".

Candidates applying for the volunteer should pay attention to the following points: first, household registration confirmation, the work has been closed on June 16; The second is to apply for admission, and candidates who meet the application conditions shall fill in the volunteer column in the volunteer column of the undergraduate approved in advance and the corresponding household registration has an enrollment plan in accordance with the time and method prescribed by the Provincial Education Examination Institute; The third is the pre-signing agreement, candidates who have filled in the volunteer should log in to the "Hunan Forestry Grassroots Special Post Student Registration Information Platform" before 17:00 on July 1 to upload relevant information as required, pre-sign the agreement, and the candidates who have not completed the pre-signing agreement procedures at the specified time will be deemed to have given up their admission qualifications.

It is understood that the school's Bangor College is the first Sino-foreign cooperative school-running institution in our province, with four Chinese-foreign cooperative education majors.

Founded in 2013, Bangor College is the first Sino-foreign cooperative education institution in Hunan Province established by Bangor University in the United Kingdom, offering majors in accounting, finance, electronic information engineering and forestry. This year, there are 140 students enrolled in the province, and the admission requirements are not less than 100 points in English, and candidates with non-English languages should fill in carefully.

In addition to enjoying the same treatment as other students, students admitted to Bangor College can also choose "4+0", "2+2" and "3+1" three learning modes, students who meet the registration requirements have dual student status in China and the UK, and qualified graduates can obtain the undergraduate graduation certificate, bachelor's degree certificate and Bangor University bachelor's degree certificate of Central South University of Forestry and Technology.

Bangor College has the following advantages. First, the internationalization of education, teaching and teaching staff has introduced the talent training model of Bangor University in the United Kingdom, where 1/3 of the professional courses are taught by teachers of Bangor University and general education courses are taught by experienced Chinese teachers. Second, strict quality control, the British vice president is stationed in Bangor College for quality supervision. Third, graduates of Bangor College can go to Bangor University in the UK to study for a master's degree without examination, and outstanding graduates can also obtain the qualification of domestic master's degree promotion. Fourth, the employment rate of graduates is high, and the proportion of students going abroad for further study is large. The employment rate of the 2023 graduates of the college is 93.1%, of which 80.8% are pursuing further studies in China and abroad.

The university has 23 national first-class undergraduate majors, 4 national characteristic majors, and 6 disciplines have entered the top 1% of the ESI global rankings.

Central South University of Forestry and Technology was established in 1958 to recruit undergraduates, in 1981 became the first batch of master's degree awarding institutions in the country, in 1993 obtained the right to confer doctoral degrees, in 2008 was recommended to be exempted from the examination for master's students. The disciplines of the school are advantageous and characteristic of forestry engineering, forestry and ecology, and the six disciplines of agricultural science, engineering, environmental ecology, materials science, plant and animal science, and chemistry have entered the top 1% of ESI global rankings, and forestry engineering is a "world-class cultivation discipline" in Hunan Province, with 6 postdoctoral research stations, 6 doctoral degree authorization points, and 37 master's degree authorization points, which embodies the high-quality development of our university's discipline construction.

In terms of majors, the university will enroll 77 undergraduate majors in 2024, covering nine disciplines, which can meet the candidates' comprehensive choice of majors! Among them, there are 4 national-level characteristic majors, 23 national first-class majors, 14 provincial-level first-class majors, and 15 provincial-level advantageous majors, with a coverage rate of more than 50%; In the newly released ranking of Chinese universities, the economic forestry major has been rated A+, which has ranked second in the country, and the major of gardening, environmental design, product design, and visual communication design has been rated A; In addition, there are 27 majors in the disciplines with the right to confer doctoral degrees and 66 majors with the right to confer master's degrees, with a coverage rate of more than 85%.

I will not introduce the specific advantageous disciplines and characteristic majors one by one, candidates and friends can inquire on the undergraduate admissions website, admissions official account, and mini program of our university.

Please tell us about the school's "Green Education Concept" and "Forestry Science Education Project".

Forestry development prospects are ambitious, especially in the general secretary Xi Jinping's "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" under the top-level design, ecological civilization and the construction of a beautiful China is an important task at present, "big forestry" plays a vital role in the "big ecology", the new era of forestry students will have a lot to do in the future, but also the future of the "forest people".

In terms of green education, Central South University of Forestry and Technology has first proposed the "green education concept" around the training goal of "green talents", built the "213" talent training model, and implemented the "forestry science education project", which has won the second prize of national teaching achievements and the special prize of Hunan Provincial Teaching Achievements; CCTV News Network, "Guangming Daily", "China Education Daily", "Hunan Satellite TV" and many other mainstream media reported on this.

The application of the "green education concept" and the "forestry science education project" collaborative education system has achieved remarkable results. Among them, 12 forest-related majors have been selected as national first-class undergraduate major construction sites, and the talents cultivated are all over the domestic forestry fields; Furniture Design and Engineering, Industrial Design, Wood Science and Engineering have the reputation of "Huangpu Military Academy of China's Furniture Major", and the talents trained have made great contributions to the upgrading of the mainland furniture industry; The students of the school ranked second among forestry colleges and universities in the national college student competition rankings, and the quality of talent training was further improved.

In recent years, Central South University of Forestry and Technology has formed a series of innovative technological achievements in green scientific research. The "low-carbon manufacturing technology of ecological inorganic straw wood-based panels" developed by the company is "the first in China and the world's leading"; The selected "Sanhua" varieties are known as "super rice in Camellia oleifera"; The research and development of "intelligent and precise targeted rice milling technology" solves the technical problems of the industry, the research results of "combined constructed wetland sewage treatment technology" are included in the national "Science and Technology Benefiting People Program", the first "self-propelled camellia fruit harvester" in China has achieved the transformation of achievements, and the "Biomass Green Nanomaterials Innovation Research Team" has won the medal of the "Xiaoping Science and Technology Innovation Team" of national college students in the Great Hall of the People.

What kind of scholarships and financial aid does the school have?

In order to help poor students and motivate students with excellent character and learning, the school has established a student financial aid system with national student loans as the main channel and national scholarships and grants as the main body, including Taozhu Scholarship, Outstanding Student Scholarship, Work-Study Grant, Hardship Subsidy, Tuition Compensation, Tuition Waiver and Social Donation, which provides various awards and subsidies of about 30 million yuan to about 40% of students every year, escorting students' peace of mind and healthy growth and success. Advanced Unit of Hunan Provincial Student Financial Aid Research Association".

What are the suggestions for candidates to increase their chances of admission to Central South Forestry University?

Here are three suggestions for candidates' reference:

First, the first choice or the same university volunteer chooses to fill in the "Zhongnanlin" first, which is conducive to the priority search of "Zhongnanlin" in many colleges or universities (groups) volunteers.

Second, fill in multiple "Zhongnan Forestry majors (groups)", which is conducive to searching for "Zhongnan Forest" volunteers many times among the majors (groups) of many colleges and universities. In particular, candidates in this province, in addition to filling in the general volunteers, eligible candidates can also apply for the national special projects, local special projects and Sino-foreign cooperative school-running volunteers of our university.

Thirdly, fill in the professional volunteers according to their preferences and "professional obedience", which is conducive to candidates to grasp the opportunity to actively choose majors and avoid the risk of "entering and then retreating" as much as possible, so as to avoid being transferred to unsatisfactory majors due to less majors or being degraded because they only fill in popular majors and do not obey professional adjustments. Our school adheres to the practice of "entering the file without retreating" for the candidates who apply for the first time in parallel volunteers, pass the physical examination, and obey the adjustment of majors, and when the six professional volunteers cannot be met in turn, they will be transferred and admitted to the majors that are not full of plans in the professional group.

Welcome Hunan students to apply for Central South University of Forestry and Technology!

Please tell us about the school's admissions counseling method.

There are four ways to counsel our school.

First, new media consulting. Candidates can inquire about the information of our school through the official WeChat account of "Central South University of Forestry and Technology", the official account of "Central South University of Forestry and Technology Undergraduate Admissions", the mini program and the school enrollment network.

Second, online Q&A. Candidates can scan the QR code "QQ Online Consultation" or add the "800106009" undergraduate enrollment consultation QQ number for consultation, and they can also click the link to enter the "Online Q&A" platform, and the school will arrange staff to reply to the candidates' inquiries in real time.

Third, the robot answers questions. Candidates can enter the intelligent Q&A system through the undergraduate admissions official account, mini program and admissions website, and reply to candidates' inquiries 24 hours a day.

Fourth, hotline consultation. The school admissions office consultation telephone 0731-85623099, 85623098, welcome candidates to call for consultation.

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