
Response to the proposal on the ecological development of forestry


Response to the proposal on the ecological development of forestry

Letter on the reply to Proposal No. 0033 of the Second Session of the 13th CPPCC Provincial Committee

Lin Shenghan [2024] No. 150

XX Commissioner:

Your "Proposal on the Development of Forestry Ecology" has been received. After research and handling, the reply is as follows:

Our province is a key province in the southern collective forest area, an important green barrier in the Yangtze River Delta region, and has national key ecological function areas such as the mountainous areas of southern Anhui and the Dabie mountainous areas of western Anhui. According to the results of the 2022 land change survey, the forest land area of the province is 4,059,200 hectares, accounting for 28.97% of the total land area. In recent years, the Provincial Forestry Bureau, together with relevant departments, has actively promoted the development of forestry ecology, paid attention to overall coordination, improved the working mechanism, and strived to build a high-value, high-value, high-quality, high-quality and high-quality green Jianghuai.

1. Continue to deepen the reform of the forest chief system. Promulgated the country's first provincial-level forest chief system regulations "Anhui Provincial Forest Chief System Regulations", established and improved the provincial forest chief responsibility system in key ecological function areas, the "forest chief + chief prosecutor" working mechanism, and the "five ones" service platform of the forest chief system, and established and improved the six working methods of "implementing the forest chief meeting system, implementing the forest chief patrol system, implementing the forest chief responsibility area system, directly contacting the forestry industry base, directly contacting the forestry management body, and directly contacting the grassroots forest chief", which has played a demonstrative and leading role in the construction of ecological civilization in our province and even the whole country.

2. Scientifically carry out land greening. Implement the "Four Sides, Four Sides and Four Innovations" land greening promotion action, the "Four Corridors and Two Screens" key construction project and the Green Beauty Jianghuai Action, promote the integrated development of urban and rural greening as a whole, actively carry out national and provincial forest carbon sink pilots, release 40 carbon sink afforestation main tree species, and continuously improve the carbon sink capacity of the ecosystem. Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", the province has completed afforestation and greening of more than 530 million mu, restored more than 220 mu of degraded forests, added 1 national forest city, 7 provincial forest cities, 280 forest towns, 1,250 forest villages, and the Wanjiang National Forest City Agglomeration has been fully completed.

Third, do a solid job in forest fire prevention. Our province is the only forest fire prevention grid pilot province in the country, the provincial government issued the "national forest fire prevention grid management pilot province construction implementation plan", the general office of the provincial government issued the "on comprehensively strengthening the implementation of forest fire prevention and extinguishing work under the new situation", the province's forest fire prevention and fire prevention work to make a series of deployment arrangements. At present, the province has formed a grid management system in all fields such as responsibility implementation, source management, infrastructure construction, and emergency response. Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", a total of 17 forest fires have occurred in the province, with a forest area of 3.91 hectares, a decrease of 92% and 97% respectively compared with the same period of the "13th Five-Year Plan".

Fourth, increase investment in ecological protection and construction. Strengthen policy and financial support, and strive for central and provincial financial funds to support forestry development. Promote the introduction of "Several Measures to Support the Participation of Social Capital in Forestry Development", smooth the channels for social capital to enter the mountains and forests, and innovate the value realization mechanism of ecological products. Make full use of the China Hefei Seedling and Flower Trade Conference to promote the precise docking of supply and demand of ecological products. Increase support for green finance, establish a consultation mechanism for forestry and insurance, guarantees, banks, and forest rights collection and storage, and actively guide financial capital and social capital to increase the development and utilization of ecological products. Scientifically guide the national and provincial state-owned forest farm forest carbon sink pilot projects, explore the business model of consolidating and improving the forestry carbon sink capacity, and broaden the path to realize the value of forestry carbon sink.

5. Strengthen the publicity of forestry laws. Make full use of important festivals such as Arbor Day, Wetland Day, Ecology Day, Biodiversity Day, and Bird Loving Week, vigorously publicize the "Forest Law", "Regulations on the Implementation of the Forest Law", "Wildlife Protection Law", "Regulations on the Protection of Wild Animals", "Regulations on Forest Fire Prevention" and other forestry laws and regulations, and strive to tell the vivid stories of forestry practice of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" and "overall management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands and sands", and constantly arouse the awareness of ecological civilization in the whole society to respect nature, conform to nature, and protect nature.

In the next step, we will conscientiously absorb your suggestions and effectively and orderly promote the ecological protection of forestry in our province. The first is to comprehensively carry out the green beauty Jianghuai action. Strengthen communication and coordination with relevant departments directly under the provincial government, compile a high-quality construction plan for the Lvmei Jianghuai Action, establish and improve the indicator system of the Lvmei Jianghuai Action, refine the construction standards of Lvmei Villages and Lvmei Townships, and guide all localities to orderly promote the "Ten Actions" such as Lvmei Villages, Lvmei Townships, and Lvmei Cities, so as to make new and greater contributions to accelerating the construction of "three regions and one district" and the construction of "seven strong provinces".

The second is to deepen the reform of the collective forest tenure system. Comprehensively sort out the registration data of forest rights and the problems left over from history, adhere to the problem-oriented and effect-oriented, further standardize the registration of forest rights immovable property, establish a simple and easy-to-implement registration system for confirming rights, and properly solve the problems left over from history such as overlapping land types and overlapping ownership. At the same time, we should conscientiously do a good job in the mediation of disputes over the contracting and management of collective forest land, promote the reform of the system for the use of self-retained mountains, and give farmers more adequate property rights and interests.

The third is to make every effort to promote the "balance of occupation and compensation" of forest land. Strictly implement the "Anhui Provincial Construction Project Permanent Occupation of Forest Land Occupation and Compensation Balance Management Work Plan (Trial)", study and formulate the "Anhui Provincial Forest Land Occupation and Compensation Balance Implementation Plan", implement the government's statutory responsibilities for forest land protection, and earnestly assume the responsibility of supplementing forest land, and replenish forest land in a timely and sufficient amount. Strengthen the awareness of forest ecological protection, implement land spatial planning and special planning for the protection and utilization of forest land, strengthen use control, and strengthen the supervision of forest land review and approval. While ensuring economic and social development, we should dig deep into the space for forestry ecological construction, expand and supplement the sources of forest land through multiple channels, and realize the dynamic balance of forest land occupation and compensation through supplemental occupation and government credit commitment.

Fourth, we should solidly promote the construction of a pilot province for national forest fire prevention grid management. Guide all relevant departments in all localities to increase the control of risk sources, implement various prevention and response measures in detail, further strengthen the empowerment of science and technology, increase scientific and technological innovation, make full use of the opportunity of trillion-dollar national debt projects, promote the construction of high-quality forest fire video surveillance, fire risk factor monitoring and forest fire extinguishing equipment projects, accelerate the construction of video surveillance systems in grid areas with frequent human activities, around important facilities, and fire-prone areas, promote the research and development and application of new technologies such as electronic fences, satellite remote sensing, and aviation forest protection, and strive to build "air, space, and earth" The three-dimensional monitoring and early warning system has vigorously improved the modernization, specialization and standardization level of local forest firefighting teams.

Fifth, vigorously optimize the business environment. Deepen the reform of "delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, and improving services", promote the working mechanism of "three modernizations, four into five offices", and improve the level of forestry government services. Give full play to the leading role of green finance, connect with the capital market at multiple levels, and encourage financial institutions to develop more forest-appropriate financial products. Enrich the varieties of forestry characteristic insurance, and promote the credit enhancement of forest insurance financing. Accelerate the cultivation of leading forestry enterprises, play a leading role in demonstration, and guide forestry enterprises to take the development path of raw material base, intensive operation, product branding, and standardized management.

Sixth, strengthen the publicity of forestry policies and regulations. Take the initiative to do a good job in information disclosure, news release, policy interpretation and other work of relevant policies and regulations, so that the relevant forestry routes, guidelines and policies and measures to benefit forests are well-known and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the requirements of forestry laws and regulations such as the "Forest Law", "Wildlife Protection Law" and "Forest Fire Prevention Regulations" have become the conscious actions of all citizens. At the same time, focusing on the key points of land greening, forest resource protection, nature reserve management, and collective forest tenure system reform, publicity is carried out through multiple channels and forms such as press conferences, WeChat, and Weibo, so as to create a good atmosphere for promoting key forestry work.

Anhui Provincial Forestry Bureau

June 11, 2024

Source: Anhui Provincial Forestry Bureau Government Network

Response to the proposal on the ecological development of forestry

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