
Zichuan District Experimental Kindergarten carried out the theme activity of "Exploring Ants".

author:Zichuan Fusions

When planting outdoors, the children found that a group of "little guests" - ants had come to their plantation, and the children had a heated discussion. Based on the children's interest in exploration, recently, the middle class department of Zichuan District Experimental Kindergarten carried out the theme activity of "Exploring Ants".

Zichuan District Experimental Kindergarten carried out the theme activity of "Exploring Ants".
Zichuan District Experimental Kindergarten carried out the theme activity of "Exploring Ants".

Starting from the ants, the children used conjecture and practical inquiry to find the footprints of ants in the kindergarten, in the wisteria garden, under the slide, and in the acacia garden, marking the infested places of ants. After tracking the ants, the children became more curious about the ants. The children explored the eating hobbies of ants together, saw the ants who worked together, and we also saw the ants in the microcosm together, which was more intuitive and clear. Some children said that I saw that ants use their antennae to carry food, and some children said, no, I think it is the mouth, leaving space for children to explore and share the body structure of ants with the children, and the children are becoming more and more full of understanding of ants. In independent discovery and exploration, even the most inconspicuous little ants can bring a big world for children's exploration.

Zichuan District Experimental Kindergarten carried out the theme activity of "Exploring Ants".

Through this activity, the children have a certain understanding of "ants" in observation, judgment and practice, understand the knowledge of ants' dietary preferences, appearance characteristics, etc., satisfy their desire to explore, and germinate their love and yearning for scientific exploration activities. (Ziasi)

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