
Recently, I found that many young people are paying attention to Hu Xijin's reliance on an insurance policy, using 180,000 principal to leverage 410,000 yuan and make 230,000 yuan. This was a bit of a surprise to me, but understandable,

author:Tech Bear

Recently, I found that many young people are paying attention to Hu Xijin's reliance on an insurance policy, using 180,000 principal to leverage 410,000 yuan and make 230,000 yuan.

This makes me feel a little surprised, but I can also understand that after all, the current environment is not good, and aging is the general trend, how to save money efficiently and make your future life secure is quite important.

Carefully analyzed the savings insurance that Lao Hu bought, invested in 15 years in the early stage, with a cumulative principal of 180,000, a total of 20 years, and then a one-time withdrawal of 410,000, if Lao Hu does not take, the probability can continue to double, this value-added idea, much like the increase in the middle class in the past two years, can directly lock in future income, to ensure that funds are not subject to market fluctuations.

Especially after the recent news from the Financial Associated Press, the #部分险企将于6月30日停售3% increase in life# was changed to a product with a scheduled interest rate of 2.75%. There are less than 3 days to go is June 30th, and many friends who have a little spare money in their hands are rushing to get on the bus to increase their birthday.

Why is there such a hurry? The reasons are simple: first, it locks in a predetermined interest rate and is not affected by future interest rate fluctuations. According to the provisions of the Insurance Law, the interest on the increased life is the same as the treasury bonds, which is officially covered and the safety is guaranteed.

The third is that the interest calculation method of increased life is compound interest, which is calculated according to the predetermined interest rate of 3.0%, and it is calculated by taking the 2.0 version of the stable profit and increased whole life on Alipay, if you invest 500,000 at the age of 30, you can take out more than 1 million directly by the time you retire at the age of 55. If you keep saving, you can multiply it even more!

But what does that mean if the scheduled rate goes down? The income in hand will be lengthened over time and shrink significantly, such as 1 million principal, which will be deposited at a predetermined interest rate of 3.0% and 2.75% respectively, and the income will be more than 100,000 yuan after twenty or thirty years! It's not easy to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars now, so it's recommended that you get on the bus early and try not to miss this opportunity.

If you want to get in the car, but don't know what product to choose, you can go to Alipay to search for "increased life" and see version 2.0 of Anwenying and increased lifetime life. Anwenying is a product selected by Ant Baojin, and its income is the first echelon among similar products on the whole network, and it is endorsed by Alipay and state-owned enterprise holding insurance company, which is double guaranteed and more reassuring!

After all, it is not easy to save so much hard-earned money, and if you want to save money efficiently, you must make money safely, do you have other reliable value-added channels? Let's talk!


Recently, I found that many young people are paying attention to Hu Xijin's reliance on an insurance policy, using 180,000 principal to leverage 410,000 yuan and make 230,000 yuan. This was a bit of a surprise to me, but understandable,
Recently, I found that many young people are paying attention to Hu Xijin's reliance on an insurance policy, using 180,000 principal to leverage 410,000 yuan and make 230,000 yuan. This was a bit of a surprise to me, but understandable,
Recently, I found that many young people are paying attention to Hu Xijin's reliance on an insurance policy, using 180,000 principal to leverage 410,000 yuan and make 230,000 yuan. This was a bit of a surprise to me, but understandable,
Recently, I found that many young people are paying attention to Hu Xijin's reliance on an insurance policy, using 180,000 principal to leverage 410,000 yuan and make 230,000 yuan. This was a bit of a surprise to me, but understandable,

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