
What happened to marrying someone you didn't like?

author:Uncle Coffee intercedes
What happened to marrying someone you didn't like?


There is a lyric in Lin Zhixuan's "Single Love Song": "Find a favorite and beloved dear person to say goodbye to singleness". If a woman finds someone to marry, not to mention the one she loves the most and loves deeply, at least she must be in love, you love him, and he loves you.

However, in reality, there are also people who play cards that do not follow common sense, and they just find a person they "don't like" to marry, why is this? This is usually because:

There is a relationship that never meets the "two things", either I like him and he doesn't like me, or he likes me and I don't like him, so I choose "he likes me and I don't like him".

There are all kinds of marriage urgings and blind dates at home, annoyed and numb, so they plunged into a marriage that has no emotional foundation at all.

There are people who no longer believe in love after all kinds of experiences, or it doesn't matter if they love or not, so they just find someone to marry.

There is a clear and clear statement that it is not emotionally involved, but just looking for someone who can help each other to partner.

What happened to marrying someone you didn't like?

All this, marrying a person I "don't like", no love, dear, let alone the most loved, deep love, some is a wedding paper with photos of the two of them smiling but not smiling. So what happened to this kind of marriage to someone who "didn't like it"? Later, there were only three results:

There is a long-lasting love. Marry someone you don't like, but never marry someone you hate or are completely ugly and unacceptable, right? At least the other party is also a kind person, and it is suitable on the surface, but it is not what he likes. After a long time, there will also be so-called photosynthesis and chemical reactions; Some of them are still very fond of you, so it is possible that the water drops are worn and the rope is sawed and the wood is broken, after all, people are not wood and stone.

There are those who "will be divided for a long time". After all, there is no emotional foundation, there is no common language, and even more terrible, you have to face it every day, you have to force laughter, bend to welcome, if you still have a little "conscience", what a humiliation it should be.

There are also those who are safe. I saw through everything, it was all floating clouds, how could I have true feelings, just like this, keep my own free space, no worries, no demands, no debts, not only liberation, but also free and easy, how to live is not all over.

I don't know what happened to you when you married "don't like it"?

Or what do you want to do now that you are ready to marry "don't like"?

To cross others is to cross oneself. Uncle Coffee intercedes, insists on originality, and continues to share emotional topics. Welcome to browse Uncle Ka's other emotional articles, or you can go to the comment area to give Uncle Ka a proposition, and Uncle Ka will write for you personally.

What happened to marrying someone you didn't like?




