
The Red Scarf Heart to the Party and Strive to Be a Good Team Member in the New Era - The Experimental School of Zichuan Economic Development Zone held a series of activities to celebrate the July 1st "Party Founding Day".

author:Zichuan Fusions

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, guide the Young Pioneers to consciously cultivate and practice the core values of socialism, inherit the red gene, and cultivate patriotic feelings for the party, the Young Pioneers of the Experimental School of Zichuan Economic Development Zone organized a series of activities to celebrate the "Red Scarf Heart to the Party and Be a Good Member in the New Era" to celebrate the July 1st "Party Founding Day".

The Red Scarf Heart to the Party and Strive to Be a Good Team Member in the New Era - The Experimental School of Zichuan Economic Development Zone held a series of activities to celebrate the July 1st "Party Founding Day".

The first is to carry out the theme of flag-raising activities at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. The flag-raising ceremony of "Red Scarf Heart to the Party and Strive to Be a Good Team Member in the New Era" was held. Encourage them to listen to the party, follow the party from an early age, and strive to grow into new people of the era who take on the great task of national rejuvenation.

The Red Scarf Heart to the Party and Strive to Be a Good Team Member in the New Era - The Experimental School of Zichuan Economic Development Zone held a series of activities to celebrate the July 1st "Party Founding Day".

The second is to carry out activities to know the party's history. Each squadron held a team meeting with the theme of "Red Scarf Heart to the Party and Strive to Be a Good Soldier in the New Era" to guide the Young Pioneers to correctly understand and understand the history of the Party, the history of New China, the history of reform and opening up, and the history of socialist development, further improve the ideological quality and political consciousness of the Young Pioneers, and call on the Young Pioneers to establish lofty aspirations, love the great motherland, and shoulder the responsibilities of the times.

The Red Scarf Heart to the Party and Strive to Be a Good Team Member in the New Era - The Experimental School of Zichuan Economic Development Zone held a series of activities to celebrate the July 1st "Party Founding Day".

The third is to carry out the activity of saluting the party flag. The Young Pioneers saluted the party flag, made a solemn promise to "listen to the party since childhood, and always follow the party", and expressed their determination to "listen to the party, feel the party's kindness, and follow the party".

The Red Scarf Heart to the Party and Strive to Be a Good Team Member in the New Era - The Experimental School of Zichuan Economic Development Zone held a series of activities to celebrate the July 1st "Party Founding Day".

The fourth is to carry out the red gene inheritance activities. The "Red Scarf" propaganda group carried out the theme propaganda activity of "Red Scarf Heart to the Party". By explaining the history of the party and the stories of outstanding party members, the team members have enhanced their understanding of the party and cultivated the spirit of loving the party and the country.

This theme activity inspired the Young Pioneers' feelings of loving the party, the country and socialism, and guided the Young Pioneers to remember the party's care, continue the red tradition, inherit the red gene, listen to the party and follow the party from an early age, and strive to grow into a new person of the era who can take on the great task of national rejuvenation. (Zhao Fuchao, Zhang Ying)

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