
Are Tang Wei and Tony Leung really fake in "Lust and Caution"? Netizen: I've seen it all!

author:Guoguo Historical Time Machine

To this day, it is still a mystery whether the passion scene in "Lust and Caution" is a fake play or not.

The 7-minute passion scene is said to have contributed 80% of the box office. When this drama was released at that time, the audience was shocked: Can such a drama really pass the trial? Is there really an actor who can sacrifice so much for the play?

Are Tang Wei and Tony Leung really fake in "Lust and Caution"? Netizen: I've seen it all!

Now that I think about it, Tang Wei should not regret his original choice, after all, before that, Tang Wei was not famous, and he was about to be angry.

Strictly speaking, Tang Wei is not beautiful, especially in the entertainment industry where there are so many beautiful women, her appearance can be said to be a bit clear and watery, and she is not comparable to many female stars at all, let alone famous.

Before that, Tang Wei didn't have any masterpieces, only one "Police Flower Swallow", which was barely a masterpiece.

Are Tang Wei and Tony Leung really fake in "Lust and Caution"? Netizen: I've seen it all!

It was at this time that Ang Lee fell in love with her. Ang Lee was also at a low point in his career at that time, because after he filmed "Brokeback Mountain", he never had a better work to present, until he met Zhang Ailing's "Lust and Caution".

At that time, Ang Lee decided to shoot this work.

Ang Lee adapted this work at that time, most of which were faithful to the original work, but in some details, such as a detailed description of Wang Jiazhi's life experience, so that Wang Jiazhi finally had a source for his feelings for Mr. Yi. Then there is the adaptation of a large number of passionate scenes.

Are Tang Wei and Tony Leung really fake in "Lust and Caution"? Netizen: I've seen it all!

In fact, in the original book, there is only one sentence: Being with Lao Yi is like taking a hot bath.

But in Ang Lee's case, a 7-minute passion play was adapted. Because Ang Lee said that since the name of the movie is "Lust Caution", there is no color, how can this title be reflected? What's more, their relationship was gradually established in the three passion scenes, after all, many people fell in love because of sex.

So, are the two in the movie really doing a fake show?

Some netizens said: "It's absolutely true, I've seen it all!" ”

Are Tang Wei and Tony Leung really fake in "Lust and Caution"? Netizen: I've seen it all!

Indeed, the scale of the two people in the play is indeed very large, the green tendons on the forehead, the beads of sweat, and the leakage of the private parts of the two people will indeed make people feel that it must be true.

But objectively speaking, how likely is it that this thing is fake?

In fact, for these large-scale scenes, both of them have said in public how they were filmed.

Tang Wei said that in fact, when filming these scenes, the director withdrew the others, leaving only the two of them and the cameraman, to create a private environment for the two of them to the greatest extent.

Are Tang Wei and Tony Leung really fake in "Lust and Caution"? Netizen: I've seen it all!

Moreover, their movements are all designed, from how to tear clothes to how to swing their arms, they are all designed in advance and rehearsed many times, so they will be perfectly performed.

Speaking of the shooting technique, although it seems to be a large scale, the technique of shooting such a large-scale drama is also beyond our imagination.

The most common is borrowing, and the cinematographers and directors who can shoot such a large scene are very experienced, and the method of borrowing is enough to reach the point of being fake.

Moreover, the actor's sense of belief has also been fully tested in this scene, this is the difference between actors and ordinary people, this kind of scene is not the first time to shoot, if you can't even complete such a scene, then how can you be called an actor?

Are Tang Wei and Tony Leung really fake in "Lust and Caution"? Netizen: I've seen it all!

Of course, there should also be some true feelings revealed, after all, they are all human beings, and it is impossible not to have seven emotions and six desires, not to mention that the two did meet naked at that time, so there will also be some primitive impulses in it, which is also a test for actors.

For this reason, Tang Wei's boyfriend at the time, Tian Yu, broke up with her, after all, no one could stand his girlfriend being watched by tens of millions of people, and he also filmed almost hand-to-hand combat scenes with the actor.

And Tony Leung's wife, Carina Lau, is said to have also left the cinema with a black face at that time. In the face of the reporter's interview, he had to pretend to be generous and gritted his teeth and said that he was an actor and should make certain sacrifices for art.

Are Tang Wei and Tony Leung really fake in "Lust and Caution"? Netizen: I've seen it all!

But I have to say that "off" seems to be a magic weapon for female stars to become famous quickly, and many actresses have also quickly opened up the situation in this way.

Such as Shu Qi, Yang Simin, Qiu Shuzhen, Weng Hong, etc., all became stars without a way, and since then they have quickly entered the game, and then successfully transformed, and finally gained love.

As for Tang Wei, although she returned to domestic entertainment with her excellent works after being banned, even if she can now rely on other works, the name "Off the Star" and the work "Lust and Caution" will always be with her, which is probably people's initial impression of Tang Wei.

Are Tang Wei and Tony Leung really fake in "Lust and Caution"? Netizen: I've seen it all!

Anyway, Tang Wei has indeed grown into the heroine of life now, after experiencing such a storm, not only survived, but also fought out a piece of his own, Tang Wei is indeed very good!

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