
Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

author:Kaka said the world
Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life
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Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

On the stage of the Venice Film Festival, a 61-year-old Asian man stood in the spotlight. He held the Golden Lion Lifetime Achievement Award in both hands, tears glistening in his eyes.

This man is Hong Kong actor Tony Leung, an actor who was once labeled as a "social phobia".

When Tony Leung opened his mouth to thank his wife Carina Lau, his voice trembled slightly, and his emotions were sincere. Carina Lau in the audience looked at her husband on the stage with a smile in her eyes.

Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

This moment seems to be the best interpretation of their long-distance love run for more than 30 years.

Tony Leung's award is not only an affirmation of his acting career, but also a recognition of his unique life choice. As a "Dink" actor who lives in Japan all the year round, he interprets what a successful life is in his own way.

In 1990, the Hong Kong film industry witnessed the beginning of a legendary love. On the set of "The Legend of Deer and Ding", Tony Leung, who is already famous, met Carina Lau, who had just entered the entertainment industry.

The two played husband and wife in the play, but they didn't know that this on-screen marriage had become a preview of real life.

Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

The couple's union was not all smooth sailing. At that time, the Hong Kong media had a lot of complaints about this relationship, thinking that Carina Lau was not worthy of Tony Leung. In the face of doubts and criticism, the two chose to use time and action to prove their feelings.

In the same year that they met, a sudden kidnapping incident became a major turning point in the relationship between the two. When Carina Lau encountered an accident, Tony Leung, who was on the set, received a call from his friend Jacky Cheung, and immediately put down his work and looked around.

Although Carina Lau was safe and sound in the end, this brief disappearance experience undoubtedly cast a shadow on the relationship between the two.

In the face of this turmoil, Tony Leung chose to unconditionally support Carina Lau. He not only accompanied her through difficult times, but also expressed his willingness to fly away with her, away from distractions.

Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

This unwavering support made Carina Lau feel like a mountain. In a later interview, Carina Lau fondly recalled that Tony Leung's support for her made her feel extremely relieved.

The test doesn't end there. In 2002, a Hong Kong magazine caused another uproar when it published photos of Carina Lau during her abduction.

In the face of this blow, Tony Leung once again stood by Carina Lau's side and spoke out with other Hong Kong artists to resolutely oppose this invasion of privacy.

After 18 years of long-distance love, in 2008, Tony Leung finally proposed to Carina Lau. In picturesque Bhutan, the two held a romantic wedding and invited family and friends to witness this hard-won love.

Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

This wedding not only fulfilled the dreams of the two, but also showed those who had questioned them the power of sincere feelings.

After entering the marriage hall, Tony Leung and Carina Lau's relationship became deeper and deeper. They chose not to have children and focused on each other and their respective careers. Carina Lau has publicly stated that this was a joint decision between the two because they recognized that raising children is a great responsibility.

In public, Carina Lau has become Tony Leung's "spokesperson". On her active social media accounts, almost every blog post is related to Tony Leung, showing full support for her husband's career.

Tony Leung, on the other hand, silently guarded this relationship in his own way, and did not forget to thank his wife for her companionship and support on every important occasion.

Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

This relationship that has gone through ups and downs not only makes the two cherish each other more, but also allows them to find the most suitable partner on the road of life. Tony Leung's introverted and Carina Lau's cheerfulness form a perfect complement, becoming an enviable model couple in the entertainment industry.

Their story illustrates the power of sincere love, and also shows how two people protect their own quiet world in the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry.

Tony Leung's achievements in the entertainment industry need not be overstated, and his dedication and dedication to acting are exemplary. On the set, no matter how difficult the shooting conditions are, he can always quickly adjust his state and devote himself to the role.

This dedication and love for art has allowed him to continue to climb new heights in his acting career.

Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

However, in stark contrast to his brilliance on screen, Tony Leung has chosen a low-key and restrained lifestyle in real life. He chooses to spend most of his time in Japan, away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, and enjoys his own peaceful time.

This lifestyle choice reflects Tony Leung's unique understanding and pursuit of life.

Interestingly, despite living in Japan for a long time, Tony Leung admits that he did not study Japanese. He explained that there was no need to learn the local language because he didn't want to interact with people too much.

This seemingly contradictory choice actually reflects Tony Leung's cherishing of personal space and his mindset of pursuing a simple life outside of work.

Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

When it comes to age and appearance, Tony Leung also shows a different attitude. He believes that age should obey the laws of nature and remain the same in order to live up to its time.

In an interview, his friend Ye Tong mentioned that he insisted on not dyeing his hair, hoping to present his truest self. Tony Leung agreed, saying he shared the same view.

This attitude of accepting the traces of time is in stark contrast to the general pursuit of eternal youth in today's society.

Tony Leung's career has been full of impressive achievements. In a documentary, we were able to get a glimpse into the inner world of this actor. Different from people's impression of the image of "social phobia", when talking about his film career, Tony Leung talks eloquently, showing his love and dedication to film art.

Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

He looks back on many moments in the filming process, from which we can see that he is a dedicated, conscientious and responsible actor.

Tony Leung's professional attitude and life choices show how he balances his artistic pursuits with his personal life. In his work, he goes all out and strives for excellence; In life, he chooses to be simple and peaceful, away from the hustle and bustle.

This balance not only allowed him to achieve great success in his career, but also allowed him to find inner peace in his personal life.

Tony Leung's choice tells us that success lies not only in the brilliance of his career, but also in finding a lifestyle that suits him. He used practical actions to explain what is a real winner in life: keeping his original intention in the bright spotlight and finding happiness in ordinary daily life.

Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

This dedication to art and freedom in life constitute Tony Leung's unique philosophy of life, and also provide us with a new perspective to think about the value of life.

Tony Leung's personality can be called a puzzle in the entertainment industry, showing the contradictory characteristics of low-key and dazzling. In public, the actor often behaves cramped and uneasy, as if he is a newcomer who has just entered the entertainment industry.

Once, at an awards ceremony in South Korea, Tony Leung's performance was even described by the media as a "fake smile boy". His frequent bowing and greeting is very different from the majestic image of the actor in people's minds, but it looks a little cute.

However, under this seemingly shy appearance, there is a tireless heart for art. On the set, Tony Leung showed a completely different side: focused, dedicated, and striving for excellence.

Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

Whether it's the main or supporting role, he puts his heart and soul into it, striving to present each character perfectly. This dedication and love for performing arts has allowed him to continue to climb new heights in his acting career.

In interviews, Tony Leung's answers are often unexpected. His frankness and sincerity are in stark contrast to the habitual politeness of many artists. Once, when asked if there was anything in particular he wanted to say to the public, he replied "no" without hesitation.

This straightforward answer makes people feel that he is real and cute.

Tony Leung's personality traits explain to some extent why he chose to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry and live a relatively secluded life in Japan. He seems to prefer to interpret himself with his work rather than maintain his visibility through social media or public events.

Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

This choice not only reflects his cherishing of personal space, but also reflects his yearning for a simple life.

In public, Tony Leung often keeps a low profile and can even quietly blend into the crowd. However, when he stands in front of the camera, he can instantly shine with dazzling light.

This contrast precisely constitutes Tony Leung's unique charm.

This kind of low-key and dazzling personality traits make Tony Leung a unique presence in the entertainment industry. He proves his worth with his strength, while maintaining his yearning for a simple life, and this balance may be the secret of his longevity in his acting career.

Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

Tony Leung's story tells us that the real charm of stars lies not only in the brilliance on the stage, but also in the real nature of life.

The love story of Tony Leung and Carina Lau can be called a good story in the entertainment industry. Their relationship is not only husband and wife, but also the most solid backing for each other, showing the power of love in the face of adversity.

In 2002, when Carina Lau was caught in a photo storm, Tony Leung stood by her side without hesitation. He joined other well-known Hong Kong artists in speaking out against this invasion of privacy.

This kind of unconditional support made Carina Lau feel like a mountain. In an interview, Carina Lau once affectionately said that Tony Leung's support gave her incomparable strength, and even expressed her willingness to fly away with her and stay away from trouble.

Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

In daily life, Carina Lau has become Tony Leung's "spokesman". On her active social media accounts, almost every blog post is related to Tony Leung, as if she is his "number one fan".

This kind of support and publicity for her husband's career shows her good intentions as a wife.

The two also made an important life decision: not to have children. Carina Lau has publicly stated that this is their common choice because they believe that raising children is a great responsibility.

This decision not only shows that they are thoughtful about their lives, but also allows them to focus more on each other and their respective careers.

Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

At the 2024 Venice Film Festival, when Tony Leung received the Golden Lion Lifetime Achievement Award, he once again thanked Carina Lau affectionately. Tony Leung, standing in the spotlight, his voice trembled slightly, and his emotions were sincere.

And Carina Lau, who was sitting in the audience, was full of pride and love in her eyes. At this moment, their love seems to transcend the boundaries of time, and it is still as passionate as when they first met.

Tony Leung, who has entered the year of sixtieth year, has chosen a different way of life. He stayed away from the hustle and bustle of the Hong Kong entertainment industry and found inner peace in Japan.

This lifestyle choice reflects Tony Leung's unique understanding of life.

Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

Living in Japan allows Tony Leung to stay out of the public eye and enjoy his own private space. Despite living in a foreign country for a long time, he chose not to study Japanese, admitting that it was because he did not want to communicate too much with people.

This seemingly contradictory decision reflects his yearning for a simple life.

Tony Leung and Carina Lau's two-person world is full of happiness and warmth. Although they have no children, their relationship has passed the test of time and has become more mellow and deep.

The choice of the two breaks with conventional wisdom and shows another possibility of happiness.

Facts have proved that Tony Leung, a Dink family living in Japan, has long chosen another path in life

In his career, Tony Leung still maintains his love for performing arts. He carefully selected roles and interpreted different lives with superb acting skills. And in life, he chose a simple and poetic way to lay his heart.

Tony Leung's life choices teach us that there should be no one model for success. Finding a lifestyle that suits you and striking a work-life balance may be the true wisdom of life.

His story shows us a unique attitude towards life: to maintain inner peace in the midst of prosperity, and not to forget the original intention in the midst of success.

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