
Loud red songs are sung in this community!

author:Hecheng Evening News

June 30th

At the Longsha District Property Service and Smart City Command Center

Damin Sub-district Office, Qiqihar Property Industry Association

under the guidance of the people

by the Chenguang Community Residents' Committee

Gemdale Property/Chenguang Community

Jointly organized by the Residents' Art Troupe

"Red hearts gather strength to follow the party and present the 'July 1st' exhibition style"

Art Show

Held in the third phase of Lehe


Loud red songs are sung in this community!
Loud red songs are sung in this community!

In the process of preparation and development of the event, Gemdale Property Lehe Phase III Property Service Center, as the backbone of Red Property, actively mobilized resources and carefully planned the venue layout, providing a comprehensive guarantee for the smooth progress of the performance.

Loud red songs are sung in this community!
Loud red songs are sung in this community!
Loud red songs are sung in this community!
Loud red songs are sung in this community!

During the performance, the red silk dance ignited the audience with a cheerful and enthusiastic rhythm, and the chorus "My Motherland and Me", "Building the Chinese Dream Together", and the poem "Red Hymn" were recited, so that the red spirit flowed like a warm current in everyone's heart.

Editor: Chen Li