
A special "birthday party" that stirred up the community!

author:Hecheng Evening News

On the morning of July 1

Zhengyang Street Thermal Power Community and

Baolian unit: Municipal Audit Bureau

Organize "50 years of glory in the party" veteran party members with

Residents of the same birthday of the party/representatives of some party members

carried out one

A special "birthday party" that stirred up the community!

The activity was first carried out by

Tang Xinjie, deputy secretary of the community party committee

Lead all party members to take a solemn oath

Review the oath of joining the party

A special "birthday party" that stirred up the community!

Subsequently, the old party members of "50 years of glory in the party" were awarded a commemorative medal, a small commemorative medal, carrying the glory and dreams, responsibility and responsibility of the old party members, is the highest praise for their long years of practice of the original intention and mission, at the same time, the old party members also put their responsibilities and entrustment, passed on to the young party members, and inspired the young party members to work hard and forge ahead.

A special "birthday party" that stirred up the community!

Finally, the old party members of "50 years of glory in the party" and the residents who had the same birthday as the party came to the stage together, everyone sang birthday songs, blew out birthday candles, and celebrated their birthdays with the party, and the atmosphere reached a climax.

A special "birthday party" that stirred up the community!

The event

More than just a simple celebration ceremony

It is also a spiritual baptism and sublimation

It has carried forward the party's fine work style

Improved grassroots party organizations

Cohesion/appeal/combat effectiveness

For the realization of the Chinese nation

The Chinese dream of great rejuvenation and unremitting struggle

Editor: Chen Li