
took his grandson for 5 years in exchange for a slap in the face, and planned to take back the house, and his daughter-in-law cried and begged for forgiveness, expressing regret

author:Entertainment analysis
took his grandson for 5 years in exchange for a slap in the face, and planned to take back the house, and his daughter-in-law cried and begged for forgiveness, expressing regret


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


"Mom, don't be angry, let's eat two more bites." Wang Qiang persuaded helplessly. Feng Xiaofang silently put down her chopsticks, her eyes revealing deep disappointment.

As the saying goes, "It's hard to be a daughter-in-law, and it's even more difficult to be a mother-in-law", but Feng Xiaofang never expected that she would end up like this.

Five years ago, her daughter-in-law Zhang Lin gave birth to Chenchen, and Feng Xiaofang resolutely gave up her work plan after retirement and devoted herself to the task of bringing her grandson.

In the past five years, Feng Xiaofang has poured all her energy into Chenchen, for fear that he will be wronged.

Just today, Chenchen, who has always been well-behaved, actually pushed the child down the slide in the park!

Feng Xiaofang severely reprimanded him on the spot, but he didn't expect that after Chen Chen went home, Zhang Lin not only didn't educate the child, but ran to count Feng Xiaofang down, and even beat her.

"Mom, I watched the monitoring of the park, it's Chenchen who is wrong, don't take it to heart." Wang Qiang comforted.

Feng Xiaofang smiled bitterly, "I took him for five years, is this my return?" Zhang Lin beat me, I endured it, but she didn't even have a word of apology, I, as a mother-in-law, am really a failure. ”

Wang Qiang sighed, "Mom, don't be sad, I'll go talk to Zhang Lin." With that, he got up and left the room.

Feng Xiaofang looked at her son's back, her heart was mixed, she thought of the bits and pieces of the past five years, and remembered everything she had paid for this family, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Kindness, in the end, is just wishful thinking." Feng Xiaofang muttered to herself, she suddenly felt that this might be the end of her life.

Time seemed to go back to five years ago, when Wang Qiang and Zhang Lin told Feng Xiaofang that they were going to have a child, Feng Xiaofang's heart was full of joy.

She has always looked forward to having a grandson and loving her.

"Mom, I discussed it with Zhang Lin and wanted you to help us take care of the children, can you do it?"

Wang Qiang asked cautiously. Feng Xiaofang smiled, "Silly boy, do you still need to ask?" I wish I could do it! ”

In this way, Feng Xiaofang took on the heavy responsibility of taking care of her grandson without hesitation.

From the moment Chen Chen was born, Feng Xiaofang poured all her efforts into this little guy.

At night, Chen Chen cried, and Feng Xiaofang was always the first to rush to the crib and gently coax him to sleep; During the day, Feng Xiaofang changed her tricks to make food for Chen Chen, for fear that he would be malnourished.

As Chen Chen grew up, Feng Xiaofang's life became more and more fulfilling.

She took Chen Chen to the park to play and teach him all kinds of small animals; She told Chen Chen stories and accompanied him to build blocks; She also deliberately learned to make all kinds of small snacks, just to satisfy Chen Chen's small mouth.

took his grandson for 5 years in exchange for a slap in the face, and planned to take back the house, and his daughter-in-law cried and begged for forgiveness, expressing regret

Feng Xiaofang gradually felt that Zhang Lin's attitude towards her did not seem to be as enthusiastic as before.

Every time Feng Xiaofang wanted to talk to Zhang Lin about her experience with children, Zhang Lin always made excuses to leave after a few perfunctory words.

Sometimes, Feng Xiaofang accidentally made Chen Chen cry, and Zhang Lin spoke coldly, as if accusing Feng Xiaofang of incompetence.

Feng Xiaofang was very aggrieved in her heart, but she comforted herself that Zhang Lin might be too busy and under pressure at work.

Feng Xiaofang decided to work harder to take care of Chenchen so that Zhang Lin could work with peace of mind.

Just today, when Feng Xiaofang saw Chen Chen pushing the child down the slide, her heart sank suddenly.

She had never seen such a fierce side of Chenchen, this must be a problem with her own education method!

Feng Xiaofang hurriedly stepped forward, grabbed Chen Chen, and severely reprimanded him for his behavior.

Chen Chen was scared and cried, Feng Xiaofang was distressed, but she knew that this matter must not be left like this.

She had to make Chen Chen understand that it was very wrong to bully others.

Feng Xiaofang took Chen Chen home, ready to educate him, but she never thought that what was waiting for her was Zhang Lin's slap and a slap.

"Mom, how can you beat Chenchen? He's still so young, you're too ruthless! Zhang Lin ran into the house angrily, and when she saw Chen Chen's crying face, she was very distressed.

Feng Xiaofang was stunned, she never expected that Zhang Lin's first reaction would be to accuse herself.

"I didn't hit him, I just taught him that it's not right to bully others." Feng Xiaofang explained, with a hint of grievance in her tone.

"Education? Are you education? I think you're trying to be angry! Chen Chen is usually so well-behaved, and there must be a reason for today. ”

"You don't ask clearly, just start beating the child, what is your reasoning?" The more Zhang Lin spoke, the more excited she became, and she actually raised her hand and gave Feng Xiaofang a slap.

Feng Xiaofang covered her face, unable to believe what was happening in front of her.

She has taken Chen Chen for five years, and she has never been willing to beat him, and today she saw Chen Chen do something wrong, so she was ruthless in educating him.

But instead of supporting her, Zhang Lin slapped her, which made Feng Xiaofang's heart completely cold.

"I hit the child, you hit me, is this how you educate?" Feng Xiaofang asked with red eyes, her voice trembling, revealing deep disappointment and sadness.

took his grandson for 5 years in exchange for a slap in the face, and planned to take back the house, and his daughter-in-law cried and begged for forgiveness, expressing regret

Zhang Lin also seemed to realize her gaffe, and her tone softened a little, "Mom, I didn't mean it, I just felt sorry for Chenchen." Don't be angry, I'll take care of Chenchen's affairs in the future. ”

Feng Xiaofang smiled bitterly, "You take care of it?" You are so busy at work, how can you have time to take care of your children? If you say so, move out, I'm happy to be alone! ”

"Mom, don't do that, I didn't mean that." Zhang Lin was a little panicked, and she realized that she might have said the wrong thing.

Feng Xiaofang shook her head, her tears could no longer be controlled, and she burst out of her eyes.

She turned and walked into the bedroom, slamming the door shut. Inside the house, Feng Xiaofang's suppressed cry came, her heart seemed to have been pinched hard, and she couldn't breathe in pain.

Zhang Lin stood in place, at a loss. She looked at the closed bedroom door, filled with guilt and self-blame.

She knew that she shouldn't do it to her mother-in-law, let alone question her mother-in-law's way of educating Chenchen.

However, when she saw Chen Chen's crying face, she just couldn't control her emotions.

When Wang Qiang returned home, his heart sank when he saw Zhang Lin's red and swollen eyes and Feng Xiaofang's closed bedroom door.

He knocked lightly on the door, "Mom, don't be angry, come out and talk." ”

The bedroom was silent, and there was no response. Wang Qiang sighed, turned to Zhang Lin and said, "You go to rest first, I'll persuade Mom." ”

Zhang Lin nodded and silently walked into the other bedroom. Wang Qiang paced back and forth in the living room, thinking about how to resolve the conflict between his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Suddenly, he had an idea, picked up his mobile phone, and dialed the property's number.

Feng Xiaofang's eyes were red and she slowly opened the door. Wang Qiang walked into the bedroom, inserted the USB flash drive into the computer, and opened a video.

In the video, Chen Chen was playing on the slide in the park, and suddenly, he deliberately pushed a child down, and the child fell to the ground, crying.

Wang Qiang pressed the pause button and turned his head to look at Feng Xiaofang, "Mom, this is the surveillance video I transferred from the property." You see, Chen Chen did deliberately push people, and you were right to educate him. ”

Feng Xiaofang's tears burst out of her eyes again, but this time, it was tears of emotion. She didn't expect that her son would deliberately retrieve the surveillance video in order to prove that she was right.

At this moment, Feng Xiaofang felt her son's understanding and support for her, and the grievances and sadness in her heart seemed to have been alleviated a lot.

Wang Qiang gently patted Feng Xiaofang's shoulder, "Mom, don't be sad. I know you've done a lot for this home over the years, and we've all seen it. ”

took his grandson for 5 years in exchange for a slap in the face, and planned to take back the house, and his daughter-in-law cried and begged for forgiveness, expressing regret

Zhang Lin didn't mean it, she was just emotional for a while, and she would lose control. If you don't remember the villain, forgive her this time. “

Feng Xiaofang wiped her tears and nodded. She knew that what her son said was right, Zhang Lin was usually very good to her, and today's incident was indeed an accident.

Seeing this, Wang Qiang breathed a sigh of relief. He walked out of the bedroom and knocked on Zhang Lin's door. "Wife, come out, I have something to tell you."

Zhang Lin opened the door and walked out, and when she saw the USB flash drive in Wang Qiang's hand, she was shocked.

Wang Qiang pulled her aside and told her what had happened. After hearing this, Zhang Lin's face instantly turned pale, she didn't expect that she would make such a mistake.

"Husband, I'm ...... What am I going to do? Zhang Lin asked tremblingly, tears flowing uncontrollably.

Wang Qiang patted Zhang Lin on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Wife, go and apologize to my mother." You really didn't do it right. ”

Zhang Lin sobbed and nodded, she knew that she owed Feng Xiaofang an apology. She wiped away her tears, took a deep breath, walked to Feng Xiaofang's bedroom door, and knocked softly.

"Mom, it's me. Can I come in? Zhang Lin's voice was still a little choked.

The door opened, and Feng Xiaofang stood at the door, the expression on her face calm and indifferent. As soon as Zhang Lin saw Feng Xiaofang, she couldn't control her emotions anymore and knelt on the ground with a thud.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done anything with you, and I shouldn't have questioned your way of educating Chenchen."

"Over the years, you have given so much to this family, but I have never really understood your hard work."

"I'm so selfish to focus on my own feelings and ignore yours. Mom, you can beat me and scold me, I know I'm wrong. Zhang Lin said, tears streaming down her face.

Feng Xiaofang looked at Zhang Lin who was kneeling on the ground, and her heart was mixed. She squatted down, helped Zhang Lin up, and said in a calm tone:

"Okay, don't cry, I know you love Chenchen, and you are also in a hurry, so you will lose control. In the future, we all have to think more about each other, communicate well, and don't let such things happen again. ”

When Zhang Lin heard Feng Xiaofang's words, her tears flowed even more fiercely. She hugged Feng Xiaofang tightly and said sorry over and over again. Feng Xiaofang gently patted Zhang Lin's back and comforted her.

At this moment, Feng Xiaofang suddenly realized that her expectations for Zhang Lin may be too high.

took his grandson for 5 years in exchange for a slap in the face, and planned to take back the house, and his daughter-in-law cried and begged for forgiveness, expressing regret

She always hoped that Zhang Lin could pour all her efforts into her children like herself, but she forgot that Zhang Lin also had her own life and work.

As a mother-in-law, I should give more understanding and support, instead of blindly asking and blaming.

When Feng Xiaofang thought of this, her heart suddenly brightened, she took Zhang Lin's hand and said earnestly:

"Zhang Lin, we all have to learn to empathize. You have to understand my love and dedication to Chenchen, and I also have to understand your difficulty. ”

"We are a family, so we should be considerate of each other and support each other. In the future, Chenchen's education, we will discuss it together, don't let the conflict happen again. ”

Zhang Lin nodded movingly, she didn't expect her mother-in-law to say such a thing.

At this moment, she really felt her mother-in-law's understanding and tolerance for her, and her heart was full of guilt and gratitude.

Wang Qiang stood aside, watching the scene of his wife and mother reconciling, and his heart was also full of mixed feelings.

He suddenly realized that the key to family harmony is not who is right and who is wrong, but that everyone can empathize and understand each other's difficulties.

Only by understanding and supporting each other can we build a truly happy family.

From this incident, Wang Qiang, Zhang Lin, and Feng Xiaofang have all learned profound lessons and insights.

They understand that the relationship between family members needs to be cared for with heart and nourished with love.

They decided that from now on, they should communicate more, understand more, be more tolerant, and work together to create a home full of love and warmth.

This accident made Zhang Lin and Feng Xiaofang completely free of the estrangement between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

They understand that life and health are the most precious, and other contradictions and differences are so insignificant.

They decided to love Chenchen together, love this family, and use actions to make up for their previous mistakes and regrets.

Wang Qiang looked at his wife and mother who had reconciled, and his heart was full of gratitude and happiness.

He knew that this home, after so many ups and downs, finally ushered in a rainbow.

From now on, they will cherish each other more and build this happy harbor with love.

Every family cannot always be smooth sailing, and conflicts and disagreements are inevitable.

However, when we encounter problems, we should not only see the shortcomings of the other party, but should learn to empathize and understand the difficulties of the other party.

Only by understanding and supporting each other can we resolve conflicts and maintain feelings.

Many times, we quarrel over small things, but forget to cherish the most important people around us.

In fact, family affection and love are the most worthwhile things to pursue in life.

Although this story is simple, it contains a profound philosophy of life, which tells us that family is a harbor of love and a place of belonging.

As long as we have understanding and tolerance, and water with love, we will surely make this harbor stronger and warmer.

Let us all learn to use love to resolve contradictions, use love to build happiness, and use love to light up the light of hope in life.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.
