
When her husband was not at home that day, her brother-in-law broke into her room and handed her a bank card afterwards

author:Entertainment analysis
When her husband was not at home that day, her brother-in-law broke into her room and handed her a bank card afterwards


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


"What is the most precious gift in love?" It's a topic that has been around for a long time.

Some say it's flowers, some say it's jewelry, and some say sweet words.

But for Zhang Ru, the most precious gift is sincerity and intentions from the heart.

That night, Zhang Ru's husband was on a business trip. In the silent room, the little brother-in-law Li Qiang suddenly broke in.

Li Qiang recklessly broke in and said happily: "Brother, sister-in-law, I'm in love!" Li Qiang said excitedly, with a happy smile on his face.

28-year-old Li Qiang is a programmer, introverted and has never been in a relationship.

This time he finally found the girl he liked, and he was as excited as a child.

When he came in and saw that Zhang Ru was the only one in the house, he was stunned for a moment and asked, "Hey, sister-in-law, where is my brother?" ”

Zhang Ru smiled and said, "Your brother went on a business trip, do you have something to do with him?" ”

Li Qiang couldn't hide the joy in his heart: "It's nothing, I just want to tell my brother and you, the girl I have always liked finally agreed to be with me." ”

"That's congratulations!" Zhang Ru was sincerely happy for her brother-in-law.

Li Qiang smiled, scratched his head and said to Zhang Ru: "I originally wanted to ask my brother about something, since he is not here, sister-in-law, can you help me?" ”

Zhang Ru looked at Li Qiang with a puzzled expression!

"Sister-in-law, I want to give her a gift, but I don't know what to give." Li Qiang was a little confused.

"Can you help me choose a good gift for a girl? It's okay for as much as you want, this is my bank card, and I'll send you the password later. ”

Zhang Ru looked at the bank card handed by Li Qiang in surprise, hesitated, and did not answer. "Xiaoqiang, do you know what your girlfriend likes?"

Li Qiang was stunned for a moment, and said hesitantly: "I...... I don't know, we've only been dating for a long time, so I'd like to ask you. ”

Zhang Ru sighed in her heart, she realized that her brother-in-law was still very confused about love. Gift-giving may seem simple, but there is a lot of knowledge behind it.

"Xiaoqiang, I'm sorry, I can't help you choose a gift." Zhang Ru said earnestly, "Because, the best gift should be carefully selected by yourself." ”

When her husband was not at home that day, her brother-in-law broke into her room and handed her a bank card afterwards

Li Qiang looked at Zhang Ru puzzled, as if waiting for her further explanation, Zhang Ru made two cups of tea and motioned for Li Qiang to sit down.

She knows that it is her responsibility to help this simple uncle understand some subtle but important truths in love.

"Actually, it seems simple to give gifts, but there is a lot of knowledge behind it." Zhang Ru told the story.

Zhang Ru looked at the teacup in his hand and said slowly: "The value of the gift does not lie in how valuable it is, but in the intention of the giver. ”

Li Qiang nodded as if he didn't understand, and asked, "But sister-in-law, I really don't know what girls like." Can you give me some advice? ”

Zhang Ru smiled and asked rhetorically, "When you get along with your girlfriend, have you paid attention to her preferences?" What does she like to do, what does she like to eat, and what are her dreams? ”

Li Qiang was stunned, he realized that his understanding of his girlfriend was still very superficial. On weekdays, he is always busy with work and doesn't spend much time with his girlfriend.

"I, I don't seem to know her very well." Li Qiang said with some embarrassment.

Zhang Ru looked at the embarrassed appearance of the little uncle, and felt a little distressed in her heart.

She knows that Li Qiang's parents have been divorced since he was a child, he lacks love, and his personality is a little inferior, and it is a big deal for him to find the girl he likes this time.

"Xiaoqiang, if you love someone, you have to understand her with your heart." Zhang Ru said earnestly.

"You can talk to her more about her interests, her worries and her joys. When you really step into her inner world, you will know what kind of gift will surprise and move her. ”

Li Qiang nodded thoughtfully, and began to recall the bits and pieces of getting along with his girlfriend in his mind.

He remembered that his girlfriend once said that she liked to travel, take pictures, and like handmade small objects, and Li Qiang's eyes gradually brightened.

Zhang Ru smiled with relief, she knew that her brother-in-law began to know how to manage this relationship with her heart.

"Of course, it's important to give gifts, but more important is the foundation of your relationship." Zhang Ru reminded.

"You have just started to fall in love, you must communicate more, understand each other better, and don't ...... because of impulse"

Before Zhang Ru's words were finished, Li Qiang's mobile phone suddenly rang. He picked up the phone, his face gradually turning pale.

"Sister-in-law, me, my girlfriend has an accident." After speaking, Li Qiang left in a hurry.

Zhang Ru looked at the back of Li Qiang's departure, and felt a little uneasy in her heart. She knew the character of the little uncle, and knew that he was a little impulsive and ignorant emotionally.

When her husband was not at home that day, her brother-in-law broke into her room and handed her a bank card afterwards

But for now, she can only let go of the doubts in her heart first and wait for Li Qiang to finish dealing with his girlfriend.

Early the next morning, Li Qiang appeared at the door of Zhang Ru's house with a tired face. He had stayed up all night, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Xiaoqiang, how is your girlfriend's affairs handled?" Zhang Ru asked with concern.

Li Qiang sighed, and there was helplessness in his tone: "Sister-in-law, I really don't know what to do." My girlfriend is her, and she doesn't seem to be able to let go of her ex-boyfriend. ”

It turned out that Li Qiang's girlfriend Wang Na had a boyfriend in college, and the two had a good relationship.

But after graduation, the man went abroad for work reasons, and the two broke off contact. Wang Na was bullied this time because some old photos of her ex-boyfriend were posted on the Internet.

"What should I do, sister-in-law? I really like her, but we've only been together for three months and I know her so little. ”

Li Qiang said distressedly, "I'm afraid I won't be able to give her the security she wants." ”

When Zhang Ru heard this, her heart was also mixed. She could understand Li Qiang's uneasiness, but at the same time, she felt worthless for Wang Na.

Everyone has a past, but the past does not represent the present and the future.

"Xiaoqiang, you can't deny your current relationship just because of Wang Na's past." Zhang Ru enlightened.

"The important thing is that you are together now, whether you really love each other. If you really care about her, learn to tolerate her past and give her a sense of security. ”

Li Qiang nodded, as if he understood a little. But there was still a lingering haze on his face.

"But sister-in-law, I always feel that Wang Na can't let go of her ex-boyfriend in her heart."

Li Qiang muttered, "When I went to look for her last night, I accidentally saw a photo on her computer. It was a photo of her with her ex-boyfriend, looking very happy. ”

Zhang Ru's heart tightened, and she realized that things might be more complicated than she thought.

In a relationship, if one party is unable to let go of the past, then no amount of effort may be in vain.

"Xiaoqiang, have you had a good talk with Wang Na?" Zhang Ru asked tentatively, "Perhaps, you need to have a frank conversation and say each other's thoughts." ”

When her husband was not at home that day, her brother-in-law broke into her room and handed her a bank card afterwards

Li Qiang was silent for a moment and nodded slowly. He knew that his sister-in-law was right, and he couldn't run away from the problem all the time. But there was still a trace of hesitation and uneasiness in his heart, and he didn't know how to speak.

The next day, Li Qiang took Zhang Ru to find Wang Na, Wang Na didn't seem to be in a very good mood, Zhang Ru saw this, walked forward gently, and held Wang Na's hand.

"Wang Na, I can understand your feelings. It's not easy to let go of a relationship, but you have to believe that the present is your present and the future is your future. ”

"Don't let the shadow of the past obscure your present happiness."

Wang Na raised her head and looked at Zhang Ru with teary eyes. "But, am I really worthy of Xiaoqiang's love? I ......"

"Silly girl, love is never a matter of gaining and losing." Zhang Ru said with a smile.

"Xiaoqiang loves you because you are you, not because you are perfect. You are both young and have plenty of time to learn how to love and be loved. ”

Wang Na's tears burst out of her eyes, she hugged Zhang Ru tightly, crying silently. Li Qiang also stepped forward and hugged the two, the corners of his eyes moistened.

The three of them stood in each other's arms, in the morning light, under the willow tree.

Although there are still many unknowns ahead, they believe that as long as they are honest with each other and move forward hand in hand, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

Zhang Ru looked at the young lovers in front of her, and a smile of relief appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She knows that their love journey has just begun, and there are still many lessons to be learned.

But she believes that after this turmoil, they will cherish each other more and understand the true meaning of love more.

Zhang Ru looked at the touching scene in front of her, and her heart swelled with thousands of emotions.

Love is never achieved overnight, it needs to go through the test of time, and it needs to be constantly run in and grow.

Just like Li Qiang and Wang Na, their relationship experienced misunderstandings and hurts, but they finally came together.

Because they know how to be tolerant, they know how to be honest, and they know how to change for each other.

Zhang Ru suddenly realized that the true meaning of love may lie in this, it is not a game of love and love, but a collision of souls and a blend of life.

In love, we learn to grow, learn to tolerate, and learn to break through ourselves for the most important person in our hearts.

"Xiaoqiang, Wang Na, you must cherish each other." Zhang Ru said emotionally, "Love is the most precious gift in life, and it needs to be cared for by you all your life." ”

Li Qiang and Wang Na hugged each other tightly, their eyes full of tears, but more of determination and hope.

When her husband was not at home that day, her brother-in-law broke into her room and handed her a bank card afterwards

They know that there is still a long way to go in love, and there will be many tests. But as long as there is each other, they have the courage to face everything.

At this moment, time seems to freeze, and all the troubles in the world no longer exist. There is only the warmth of love, the hope of life.

A year later, Li Qiang and Wang Na held a grand wedding.

At the wedding scene, Zhang Ru and her husband looked at the couple happily, their eyes full of relief and blessings.

"Xiaoqiang, Wang Na, I wish you a happy newlywed and grow old together." Zhang Ru said sincerely.

"Remember, marriage is a continuation of love, but it requires more tolerance, understanding, and giving. You need to learn to appreciate each other, support each other, and grow in each other's company. ”

Li Qiang and Wang Na hugged each other tightly, their eyes shining with happiness.

They know that there is still a long way to go in marriage, and there will be many trials.

But they believe that as long as we are honest with each other and move forward hand in hand, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

After the wedding, Li Qiang and Wang Na came hand in hand to the place where they first met.

The big willow tree still stands there, witnessing the bits and pieces of their love.

"Nana, I love you." Li Qiang said affectionately, "From now on, we will be a family." No matter what difficulties lie ahead, I will face them with you. ”

"I love you too." Wang Na happily snuggled in Li Qiang's arms, "With you, I have nothing to fear." Let us walk through this long life hand in hand and write our happiness together. ”

The sun shines on them, reflecting the most beautiful smiles. At this moment, all the suffering is in the past, and only endless love and hope remain, flowing in time.

In the blink of an eye, the love between Li Qiang and Wang Na has gone through ten years. In the past ten years, they have experienced a lot of ups and downs together, but their love has never wavered.

Because they understand that love is not a momentary passion, but a lifetime of companionship and growth.

When her husband was not at home that day, her brother-in-law broke into her room and handed her a bank card afterwards

With each other's encouragement and support, they have both become better versions of themselves. Li Qiang has a successful career and has become an excellent architect.

And Wang Na also found her dream and became a gentle and kind kindergarten teacher.

Their homes often reverberate with laughter. Three lovely children, filling their lives, also witnessed the crystallization of their love.

In the dead of night, Li Qiang and Wang Na would sit in each other's arms, reminiscing about the past.

They are grateful to have each other's company in their lives, and they are grateful for all the experiences that have taught them to love and be loved.

This is the most beautiful appearance of love, go through the ups and downs of life hand in hand, continue to grow in each other's company, and create the happiest life together.

This story tells us that love is the most precious gift in life, and it needs to be cared for with sincerity and defended with courage.

On the road of love, we will inevitably encounter difficulties and setbacks, misunderstandings and hurts.

But as long as we have a tolerant and honest heart, and learn to change and grow for each other, we will definitely be able to find our own path to happiness.

The true meaning of love lies in the companionship and growth of each other. It is not a momentary passion, but a lifetime of commitment and dedication.

In the journey of love, we must learn to appreciate each other's strengths, tolerate each other's shortcomings, and become a better version of ourselves together with each other's encouragement and support.

Life is fragile, but love is eternal, even if life is limited.

As long as we have courage and honesty, face our hearts, and pursue our love and dreams, we will be able to bloom the most beautiful brilliance in a limited time.

Let us treat feelings and life with sincerity and courage, and continue to grow and break through ourselves in love.

Let us walk hand in hand through this beautiful world, warm each other with love, and light up the hope of life with love.

Because love is the most beautiful miracle in life.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.


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