
He and his daughter-in-law secretly obtained the certificate without telling both parents, and after his father found out, he regretted a move

author:Entertainment analysis
He and his daughter-in-law secretly obtained the certificate without telling both parents, and after his father found out, he regretted a move


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


Father's love is like a mountain, towering into the clouds, silently guarding. When a child's behavior disappoints his parents, the mountain can also be filled with grief.

"You two secretly got the certificate without us?" Jiang Daodao's eyes widened, unable to believe what he had heard.

His son Jiang Fangjun lowered his head, clasped his wife Wang Yiyi's hand, and was silent.

Jiang Daodao, 55, is an ordinary construction worker. His wife died of illness when Jiang Fangjun was 5 years old, and he raised his son alone.

Jiang Fangjun, 28 years old, works in a small company and does not earn much.

He and Wang Yiyi have been in love for two years, but because Wang Yiyi's family is well-off, their parents have not been very satisfied with this family business.

Unexpectedly, two young people secretly got the certificate behind their parents' backs!

"You are doing this irresponsibly to Yiyi and her family!" Jiang Da Chinese said earnestly, "Marriage is a major event in life, how can it be so hasty?" ”

Jiang Fangjun raised his head, his eyes full of guilt: "Dad, I know it's wrong." But I really love Yiyi, we don't want to wait any longer......"

"You don't know what love is!" Jiang Daodao was so angry that he trembled, "Love is not just talking, it needs responsibility and responsibility!" You get married so rashly, how will you live in the future? ”

Wang Yiyi had red eyes and said softly, "Uncle, I'm sorry...... We didn't mean to hide it from your ......"

Jiang Daodao sighed deeply. He felt sorry for his son, but he also understood the feelings of young people. However, he knows better what it means to be unprepared for marriage.

Jiang Daodao's silence made Jiang Fangjun and Wang Yiyi's hearts more and more uneasy. They know that their impulsive behavior has hurt their parents' feelings.

The next day, Wang Yiyi's parents also found out about the incident. They were so angry that they stamped their feet, thinking that Jiang Fangjun was an irresponsible person.

"Our family lacks nothing, just a reliable man!" The Queen Mother said solemnly, "What kind of ability do you have to secretly get the certificate like this? If you have the ability, give us an explanation! ”

The royal father also added with a cold face: "That's right! If you want to get married, you have to follow the rules. First hold a banquet, and then give a bride price, these are indispensable! “

Jiang Fangjun's face was flushed, he knew that he was at a loss, but he couldn't afford to bear these expenses. His salary is not high, where is the extra money to hold banquets and buy bride prices?

Wang Yiyi held Jiang Fangjun's hand and comforted him softly: "Fang Jun, don't worry, let's figure it out together......"

He and his daughter-in-law secretly obtained the certificate without telling both parents, and after his father found out, he regretted a move

Jiang Daodao watched all this silently. He felt sorry for his son, and he also understood the feelings of the Wang family's parents. However, he knows better that marriage cannot be built on money and face.

"Everybody's discouraged." Jiang Daodao slowly spoke, "The marriage of the children, our elders should indeed discuss it carefully. However, I think the most important thing now is to give them a stable home. ”

"A safe home?" The royal father snorted coldly, "With your son's salary, how can you give my daughter a stable home?" ”

Jiang Daodao was not angry, but said calmly: "I know that my son's conditions are not good now, but he is willing to endure hardships and work hard. As long as there is love, the days will always be more and more prosperous. ”

"Besides, it is easy for young people to fall in love now, and the wedding bride price does not need to be so exquisite."

Jiang Daodao's words changed, "I don't think it's as good as this, I sold my old house and bought them a new house." It's always okay, right? ”

"Dad!" Jiang Fangjun was stunned, "That's your pension house, how can you sell it?" ”

"Silly boy, if you can be happy, I can rest assured." Jiang Daodao smiled and patted his son's shoulder.

Wang Yiyi's eyes were also red, she didn't expect that Jiang Daodao would be willing to pay so much for them.

The royal father and queen mother looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

Chiang's proposal seems to have resolved the current predicament. But at the same time, it also made Jiang Fangjun and Wang Yiyi's hearts faintly uneasy.

They have a vague sense that the way to solve the problem at hand does not seem to be so appropriate. But for a moment, no one could tell what was wrong.

Sunlight streams through the windows in this slightly cramped living room. In everyone's heart, there is a mess that needs to be sorted out urgently......

Although Jiang Daodao's proposal temporarily resolved the contradiction between the parents of the two sides, it planted a seed of unease in the hearts of Jiang Fangjun and Wang Yiyi.

"Dad, you have paid too much for us...... Jiang Fangjun said guiltily, "I can't let you even sell the pension house for us......"

"That's right, uncle, how can we feel at ease if you do this?" Wang Yiyi also had red eyes and persuaded softly.

Jiang Daodao just smiled, waved his hand and said, "You guys, you always think too much. Isn't I, as a father, just hoping that you will be happy? ”

"Just buy a house again, as long as we are together as a family, everywhere is home."

However, Wang Yiyi's parents don't think so. They believe that Jiang Daodao's approach is conniving at the child's mistakes.

He and his daughter-in-law secretly obtained the certificate without telling both parents, and after his father found out, he regretted a move

"Brother Jiang, aren't you getting used to them when you do this?" The royal father frowned and said, "If they want to get married, they should take responsibility for themselves, instead of always relying on their parents to provide them with support." ”

"yes, they're all so old, aren't they still sensible?" The Queen Mother couldn't help but complain, "Besides, how can you not inform us of such a big event as marriage?" Doesn't this treat us like outsiders? ”

When Jiang Fangjun and Wang Yiyi heard this, they felt even more guilty and blamed themselves.

They realized that their impulsive behavior not only hurt their parents' feelings, but also made the relationship between their parents awkward.

"Mom and Dad, I'm sorry......" Wang Yiyi lowered her head, her voice choked, "We shouldn't hide it from you...... We're just ...... I want to be together so much......"

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it." The royal father sighed, and his tone softened a little, "We are not unreasonable people. Now that you have received your certificate, we can't say that we are separated. ”

"But remember, marriage is not child's play." The Queen Mother said solemnly, "The days ahead are still long, you have to plan carefully, and you can't be so impulsive anymore." ”

Jiang Fangjun nodded heavily, his eyes full of determination: "Mom, Dad, I know it's wrong." In the future, I will definitely work harder, work hard, and let Yiyi live a happy life. ”

Jiang Daodao smiled with satisfaction. He could tell that his son was beginning to realize his responsibility.

But at the same time, there was also a faint uneasiness in his heart. He knew that his decision might bring some variables to the family.

Outside the window, it was getting dark. The afterglow of the setting sun shines through the windows, casting a long shadow on everyone's face.

That touch of gold seems to indicate the wind and rain that this family is about to usher in. And everyone needs to face and deal with it in their own way......

Jiang Daodao sighed softly, his gaze deep and determined. He knows that no matter how many difficulties lie ahead, he will use his own way to protect this family and protect his son's happiness......

Although Jiang Daoguo's decision temporarily resolved the contradiction between the parents of the two sides, it made Jiang Fangjun's heart more and more tormented.

He looked at his father's emaciated figure, and his heart was full of guilt and self-blame.

He knew that his father had saved some savings over the years, and he wanted to enjoy his old age in peace, but he had to carry a heavy burden for his own impulses.

"Dad, I really can't let you ...... like this" One night, Jiang Fangjun plucked up his courage and came to his father's room, "Your health is not good, and you have to worry about us, I ...... I really don't want to ......."

Jiang Daodao is sorting out some old things. He listened to his son's words, and the movement of his hand paused, but he did not look up.

"Silly boy, what you said, Dad has thought about it a long time ago." Jiang Daodao's voice was a little hoarse, "However, you are my sons and daughters."

He and his daughter-in-law secretly obtained the certificate without telling both parents, and after his father found out, he regretted a move

I am willing to give everything for you. ”

"But Dad, it's not fair......" Jiang Fangjun's eyes were a little moist, "We should take responsibility ourselves, instead of letting you clean up the mess for us......"

Jiang Daodao turned around slowly, his eyes deep and loving. He slowly walked up to his son and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Fang Jun, Dad knows your mind. However, you also have to understand Dad's feelings. ”

Jiang Da Chinese said earnestly, "In my life, I count on you to live well." If I can't even guarantee your happiness, what kind of father am I? ”

"Dad......" Jiang Fangjun's tears could no longer be controlled, and he burst out of his eyes. He hugged his father tightly and couldn't stop crying.

Jiang Daodao gently patted his son's back, and the corners of his eyes were a little moist. He knew that his son was finally beginning to understand himself.

At this moment, Jiang Fangjun's mobile phone rang, it was Wang Yiyi's father calling, and he hurriedly picked up the phone.

"Fang Jun, it's not good, you ...... You should go to the hospital......" Wang Yiyi's father said tremblingly.

"Yiyi......" Jiang Fangjun muttered his wife's name, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Jiang Daodao was also shocked. But soon, he calmed down.

"Fang Jun, don't panic." He patted his son on the shoulder, "Let's go to the hospital quickly." I believe that Yiyi will be fine. ”

The father and son hurried to the hospital. At the door of the operating room, they saw Wang Yiyi's parents.

The Queen Mother's eyes were red and swollen, and tears flowed profusely. The royal father looked anxious and kept pacing.

"Depend on her...... How is she? Jiang Fangjun's voice trembled.

The doctor said...... It is said to be acute appendicitis......" said the Queen Mother, sobbing, "has ...... Surgery has already begun......"

Everyone's heart is full of anxiety, fear and insecurity, and the only thing they can do is wait......

The lights in the operating room finally went out, and the doctor came out, took off his mask, and showed a tired but relieved smile.

"The patient is fine!" The doctor's words are like a ray of light that illuminates everyone's heart.

The Queen Mother held the doctor's hand tightly and thanked her with tears streaming down her face. The royal father also breathed a long sigh of relief, and the tension on his face finally eased a little.

Jiang Fangjun stood motionless, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

He and his daughter-in-law secretly obtained the certificate without telling both parents, and after his father found out, he regretted a move

It wasn't until Jiang Daodao gently patted him on the shoulder that he came back to his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream.

At this moment, Wang Yiyi was pushed out, and Wang Yiyi lay on the bed weakly but happily, smiling at everyone.

"Dad...... Mother...... Uncle...... Fang Jun ......" Her voice was still a little weak, but her eyes were extremely firm, "Thank you...... Thank you for always being there for me......"

The Queen Mother could no longer control her emotions, rushed forward, hugged her daughter tightly, and wept silently.

"Silly boy...... Scared mom to death...... You...... You have to take care of your illness and get better soon......"

The royal father's eyes were red too. He slowly walked over to his daughter's bed and gently held her hand.

"Yiyi, Dad was too strict with you before, Dad just wants you to be happy!"

"Dad...... I understand......" Wang Yiyi said with a smile, "Fang Jun and I will be fine, and we will prove with our actions that our choice is correct." ”

Jiang Fangjun also came to his wife's side and held her other hand tightly.

"Yiyi, I'm sorry, I didn't protect you!" His voice choked, "From now on, I will definitely work harder to give you a happy home." ”

Jiang Daodao stood quietly aside, his eyes deep and gratifying. He knows that this family is experiencing an unprecedented baptism and growth.

Everyone, in this test of life, re-examines themselves and redefines happiness and responsibility.

And he, as the pillar of this family, also truly understood the meaning of father's love at this moment.

It is a kind of selfless dedication, a kind of silent protection, and a kind of support and encouragement that never gives up.

He knew that his sacrifice was worth it. Because he believes that his son and daughter-in-law will be able to protect this family in their own way and create happiness that belongs to them.

Outside the window, the morning sun is slowly rising, and the golden sunlight spills into the ward, illuminating everyone's face.

That touch of warmth, as if it was a blessing from heaven, heralded that the family was about to usher in new hope and dawn.

In the blink of an eye, five years have passed. The past five years have been an unforgettable and precious time for the Jiang family.

The relationship between Jiang Fangjun and Wang Yiyi has become deeper and deeper in the grinding of life.

They supported each other, encouraged each other, and walked through countless springs, summers, autumns and winters hand in hand.

With his own efforts and talents, Jiang Fangjun has made great achievements in his work.

He and his daughter-in-law secretly obtained the certificate without telling both parents, and after his father found out, he regretted a move

He rose from an ordinary employee to the company's management step by step.

And Wang Yiyi is also conscientious in his own position and has been unanimously recognized by leaders and colleagues.

Their lives, although not all smooth sailing, are full of laughter.

Jiang Daodao, the loving father, also ushered in the second spring of his life, he is no longer the old man who needs to be taken care of by his children, but has become the spiritual pillar of the family.

His wisdom and life experience have become a beacon for his son and daughter-in-law on the way forward. His love and support also made the family warmer and happier.

Family is the most solid harbor in life. Love, on the other hand, is the most powerful force that holds the family together.

In this story, each character is interpreting the true meaning of love in their own way.

Jiang Daodao, with his selfless dedication and silent support, guarded the happiness of his son and daughter-in-law. His great love has become the most solid backing for this family.

Jiang Fangjun and Wang Yiyi, with their understanding and tolerance, resolved all kinds of contradictions in life. Their love, witnessed by time, has become more mature and firm.

The road of life is not always smooth. But as long as we have love and hope, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

The happiness of the family requires the joint efforts of every member. Only by understanding and supporting each other can we build the most solid line of defense.

Love is the most precious treasure in life. Because of love, our lives are more complete; Because of love, our lives are better.

Let us all learn to treat everyone around us with love and take care of the most precious family members in our lives.

Because love is the most beautiful answer in life.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.
