
She went to her boyfriend's house to discuss marriage, but forgot to take her mobile phone when she left, and she chose to withdraw from the marriage on the spot after turning back

author:Entertainment analysis
She went to her boyfriend's house to discuss marriage, but forgot to take her mobile phone when she left, and she chose to withdraw from the marriage on the spot after turning back


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


The truth, sometimes like a sharp knife, cuts through your heart when you are defenseless.

"Jiajia, let's get married!" Wang Fei held Li Jiajia's hand, his eyes were full of sincerity.

Li Jiajia looked at her boyfriend who had been in love for four years, and a warm current surged in her heart. "Okay."

Li Jiajia, 28, is a sales manager at a foreign company, and Wang Fei, 30, is a project manager at an IT company.

The two met at a friend's party, fell in love at first sight, and began a sweet love life.

In the past four years, they have spent countless springs, summers, autumns and winters together, and everything is so natural and beautiful.

Finally, on a sunny weekend, the two families met.

Wang Fei's parents are full of praise for Li Jiajia, and Li Jiajia's parents are also very fond of Wang Fei.

The meal was enjoyed and the two families seemed to have become a family.

After dinner, Li Jiajia and Wang Fei said goodbye to Wang Fei's parents and prepared to go home. "Oh no, I forgot my phone at your house."

Li Jiajia said suddenly. "Then you go get it, I'll wait for you downstairs." Wang Fei said with a smile.

Li Jiajia walked quickly to Wang Fei's house and was about to knock on the door, but heard the voices of Wang Fei's parents coming from inside the house.

"When the time comes, I will give them a small bride price first, and I will say that the rest will be given after marriage, and as for whether I will give it after marriage, then I will say ......"

Li Jiajia's hand stopped in mid-air, and her heart seemed to be pinched fiercely.

The truth appeared to her without warning. At that moment, she felt the world spinning, and she didn't know what to do.

Li Jiajia took a deep breath and knocked on the door of Wang Fei's house. "Jiajia, why are you back again?"

Wang Fei's mother smiled as if she had never said what she had just said. "Auntie, I forgot my phone." Li Jiajia forced a smile and walked into the house quickly.

Inside the house, Wang Fei's father was cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, and when he saw Li Jiajia coming in, he also showed a kind smile. "Jiajia, next time you come to our house, you have to stay a little longer."

Li Jiajia felt sick for a while, she couldn't believe that these amiable elders were actually calculating themselves behind their backs.

She hurriedly took her mobile phone and rushed out of Wang Fei's house without looking back.

"Jiajia, what's wrong with you?" Wang Fei saw that Li Jiajia's face was wrong, and asked with concern.

She went to her boyfriend's house to discuss marriage, but forgot to take her mobile phone when she left, and she chose to withdraw from the marriage on the spot after turning back

Li Jiajia didn't speak, just walked forward quickly, tears rolling in her eyes.

Along the way, Wang Fei kept asking Li Jiajia what happened, but Li Jiajia remained silent.

She didn't know how to face Wang Fei, and she didn't know how to face this man she had loved for four years.

When she got home, Li Jiajia locked herself in her room and let her tears flow freely.

She remembered the bits and pieces with Wang Fei, and remembered the promises they had made. But now, it's all tasteless.

Wang Fei's phone calls were repeated over and over again, but Li Jiajia never answered.

She needed time, space, to face the sudden truth.

The next day, Li Jiajia took leave and did not go to work. She was at home thinking, weighing, trying to find an answer.

She loves Wang Fei, there is no doubt about it. But she also loves herself and loves her dignity.

She can't accept deception, she can't accept calculation. Even from those closest to them.

Three days later, Wang Fei came to Li Jiajia's house again. "Jiajia, I want to talk to you." Wang Fei's eyes were full of exhaustion and pleading.

Li Jiajia opened the door and faced the man she once loved. "Indeed, I really should have a good talk."

The two walked into the room and closed the door. A conversation about the future began.

Li Jiajia and Wang Fei sat face to face, and the atmosphere was solemn. "I heard what your parents said." Li Jiajia got straight to the point.

Wang Fei's face instantly turned pale. "You...... What do you hear? His voice trembled a little.

"I heard that they were going to cheat my family about the bride price and the property." Li Jiajia's tone was calm, but her eyes were full of disappointment.

Wang Fei was silent, he lowered his head, not daring to look at Li Jiajia's eyes. "I didn't know they would ...... like this"

"Do you really not know?" Li Jiajia's voice began to tremble.

"I ......" Wang Fei opened his mouth, but found himself speechless.

Li Jiajia stood up, tears rolling in her eyes. "I thought you loved me too, but now, I don't know what to believe."

"Jiajia, I really love you!" Wang Fei also stood up and wanted to pull Li Jiajia's hand, but Li Jiajia took a step back.

"If you really love me, why don't you tell me this? Why did you let your parents count me? ”

Li Jiajia's voice became louder and louder, and her tears could no longer be controlled and flowed down.

She went to her boyfriend's house to discuss marriage, but forgot to take her mobile phone when she left, and she chose to withdraw from the marriage on the spot after turning back

Wang Fei was speechless, he knew that he was wrong, the fault was not confessed, and the fault was trying to conceal it. "Jiajia, give me a chance to explain ...... to you"

But Li Jiajia couldn't listen anymore, her heart seemed to be torn apart, and it hurt her heart. "I need time, I need space, I'm gone!"

After speaking, Li Jiajia turned around and walked out of the room without looking back. Wang Fei wanted to catch up, but his legs seemed to be nailed to the ground and he couldn't move.

He looked at Li Jiajia's back, and his heart was full of remorse. He knew that he had hurt this woman, the woman he had sworn to protect for the rest of his life.

Outside the window, the sky was overcast, as if to herald the arrival of a storm. Wang Fei stood in front of the window and watched Li Jiajia's figure disappear into the corner of the street.

He knew he had to make a choice. Is it to confess everything and strive for Li Jiajia's forgiveness? Or continue to hide until everything is irretrievable?

Wang Fei closed his eyes, and heaven and man were at war in his heart. He knows that whatever choice he makes, it will affect his and Li's future.

Three days later, Wang Fei appeared at the door of Li Jiajia's house again. His eyes were bloodshot and his stubble was all over his chin, and it was clear that he hadn't been doing well these days.

Li Jiajia opened the door and felt a pain in her heart when she saw Wang Fei like this, but she still pretended to be calm. "What are you going to do?"

Wang Fei took a deep breath and looked directly into Li Jiajia's eyes. "I ...... I'm here to confess everything to you. ”

Li Jiajia was stunned, she didn't expect Wang Fei to say this. She turned sideways and let Wang Fei into the house.

The two sat down facing each other again, Wang Fei's hands were clasped tightly together, and his knuckles were a little white. "I knew I was wrong, I should have told you this in the first place."

Wang Fei began to tell how his parents always wanted a daughter-in-law to take care of them, how they always felt that Li Jiajia's family conditions were not good enough, and how they planned to take advantage of the bride price and real estate issues.

Li Jiajia listened, the anger in her heart gradually subsided, and was replaced by a deep disappointment. She was disappointed in Wang Fei's concealment and disappointed in his insincerity.

"Do you know that when the two are together, the most important thing is mutual trust." Li Jiajia's voice was calm, but every word was like a hammer, knocking on Wang Fei's heart.

Wang Fei's eyes were full of remorse, and he knew that he had betrayed Li Jiajia's trust. "I really know it's wrong, I've been reflecting on it for the past few days, I've decided not to hide it anymore and I've decided to confess everything to you."

She went to her boyfriend's house to discuss marriage, but forgot to take her mobile phone when she left, and she chose to withdraw from the marriage on the spot after turning back

Li Jiajia looked up and saw the sincerity in Wang Fei's eyes. Her heart softened, but reason told her that she couldn't just forgive it so easily.

"I need time to think about it." Li Jiajia stood up and motioned for Wang Fei to leave. Wang Fei nodded, got up and walked to the door.

He turned his head and looked at Li Jiajia's back, "Jiajia, no matter what decision you make, I respect it." But I want you to know that I really love you, and I will change myself for you. ”

After speaking, Wang Fei gently closed the door. Li Jiajia stood in place, tears blurring her vision again.

She knew that Wang Fei really loved her. But she also knows that love cannot be built on deception and concealment.

She needed time to think about the future of the relationship. She needs Wang Fei to use his actions to prove his change.

Outside the window, sunlight shines through the clouds and into the room. Li Jiajia walked to the window, closed her eyes, and felt the warmth of the sun.

She knows that no matter how difficult the road ahead is, she must be brave to keep going. Because she believes that only after experiencing wind and rain can she see a rainbow.

A week later, Li Jiajia met Wang Fei again. This time, it's at a café.

Wang Fei looked like he had changed a lot, he shaved off his stubble and put on clean clothes. There was more firmness in his eyes and less confusion.

"Jiajia, this week, I thought about it a lot." Wang Fei got straight to the point. Li Jiajia picked up the coffee and took a sip gently. "Tell me what you think."

Wang Fei took a deep breath and slowly spoke. "I realized that everything I had done before was wrong. I shouldn't hide it from you, I shouldn't make you feel cheated. ”

Li Jiajia nodded and motioned for Wang Fei to continue. "This week, I talked to my parents and my parents, and I told them that I can't accept what they do, and I can't accept their calculations about you."

Li Jiajia's heart trembled, she didn't expect Wang Fei to do this.

"I told them that if they can't accept you, they can't accept me. Because you are all I have. Wang Fei's eyes were full of determination.

Li Jiajia felt a warm current surging into her heart, and she knew that Wang Fei was really working hard for this relationship.

"I know I've hurt you, and I know it takes time to rebuild trust. But I hope you can give me a chance to prove my change with my actions. ”

She went to her boyfriend's house to discuss marriage, but forgot to take her mobile phone when she left, and she chose to withdraw from the marriage on the spot after turning back

Li Jiajia was silent, she looked at Wang Fei, trying to find a trace of falsehood in his eyes. But she failed, and all she saw was sincerity and determination.

"I ...... I need to think again. Li Jiajia's voice trembled a little. Wang Fei nodded, he knew that he couldn't force it.

"Jiajia, no matter what decision you make, I respect it. But I want you to know that I will wait for you until you are willing to accept me again. ”

After speaking, Wang Fei got up, kissed Li Jiajia lightly on the forehead, and turned to leave.

Li Jiajia sat in place, thousands of thoughts churning in her heart. She remembered the bits and pieces of her and Wang Fei, and remembered the sweetness and happiness they once had.

She knows that Wang Fei is really changing, and he is really working hard for this relationship. But she also knows that once trust is broken, it's hard to repair it again.

She needed time to heal her wounds. She needs courage to face this imperfect world.

Li Jiajia walked out of the café, the sun shining on her face, warm and bright. She suddenly realized that, perhaps, love was never perfect.

There will be misunderstandings, there will be harm, there will be deception. But as long as both people are willing to work hard and change, there will always be hope for love.

A smile appeared on Li Jiajia's face. She knew she already had the answer.

No matter how difficult the road ahead is, she must go on bravely. Because she believes that as long as she is with Wang Fei, nothing is impossible.

Another week passed, and Wang Fei appeared at the door of Li Jiajia's house again. This time, he was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand and had a nervous and expectant smile on his face.

Li Jiajia opened the door and saw Wang Fei, and her heart warmed. "Come in."

The two sat on the sofa, and Wang Fei handed the flowers to Li Jiajia. "Jiajia, this week, I've been thinking about you every day."

Li Jiajia took the flower and sniffed it, fragrant. "I think about it a lot, too."

Wang Fei held Li Jiajia's hand, his eyes were sincere.

"I know I've hurt you, and I know I need to prove my change with action. This week, I went to meet your parents to apologize to them and tell them about my mistakes. ”

A hint of surprise flashed in Li Jiajia's eyes. "You...... Did you really go? ”

She went to her boyfriend's house to discuss marriage, but forgot to take her mobile phone when she left, and she chose to withdraw from the marriage on the spot after turning back

Wang Fei nodded. "I tell them, I love you, and I want to be able to get their blessings."

"I also told them that I would spend my life to make up for my mistakes, to protect you, to love you."

Li Jiajia's eyes were filled with tears, and she knew that Wang Fei was really working hard for this relationship.

"I ...... I forgive you. Li Jiajia's voice was a little choked.

Wang Fei's eyes also flashed with tears, and he held Li Jiajia's hand tightly. "Jiajia, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I promise that I will spend my life loving you and pampering you. ”

Li Jiajia smiled, she knew that she had made the right choice. "Fly, let's work together and face everything in the future together."

Wang Fei nodded, he knew that with Li Jiajia by his side, he was fearless.

The two embraced each other, and at this moment, all misunderstandings and injuries disappeared. They know that nothing is impossible as long as they are together.

Outside the window, the sun is shining and the birds are singing. Everything is like a new beginning.

Love is never perfect, and it will face all kinds of challenges and trials.

But as long as both people have a sincere heart and are willing to change for each other, there is always hope for love.

Misunderstandings and hurts are inevitable, but the key is to have the courage to face them, admit mistakes, and make amends.

Only after experiencing wind and rain can you see the rainbow; Only after going through the test can love be stronger.

This story also teaches us that communication and honesty are the cornerstones of love. Concealment and deception can only cause harm, and only by being honest with each other can true trust be built.

Love requires courage, effort, and tolerance. It requires us to learn to understand, to learn to forgive, to learn to grow.

Only in this way can we walk the long road of life hand in hand.

The meaning of love is to give each other strength, give each other courage, and give each other hope.

It makes us a better version of ourselves and allows us to learn to love and be loved.

So, let us all have a sincere heart to love, to pursue, to protect.

Because love is the most beautiful thing in life.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.


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