
At the nephew's full moon banquet, his brother-in-law hinted that he paid for the banquet, and he smiled and regretted arranging the banquet

author:Entertainment analysis
At the nephew's full moon banquet, his brother-in-law hinted that he paid for the banquet, and he smiled and regretted arranging the banquet


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


Feng Wei looked at the invitation to the full moon banquet sent by his younger brother, and couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion.

Then he received a call from his younger brother, "Brother, my son is full moon, you must come!" On the other end of the phone, Feng Dong's excited voice came.

Feng Wei smiled and agreed: "Okay, I will definitely arrive!" Hanging up the phone, Feng Wei fell into deep thought.

His younger brother Feng Dong is his only relative, and the two have been dependent on each other since childhood and have a deep relationship.

After Feng Dong got married, Feng Wei thought that his life would be more happy, but he didn't expect his brother-in-law to be a difficult master.

Feng Wei is a successful businessman with a successful career, but he is still unmarried. He poured all his love into his brother's family.

The younger brother and daughter-in-law don't seem to appreciate it, and always ignore him.

On the day of the full moon banquet, Feng Wei came to the hotel early, and his brother and daughter-in-law held the banquet.

Seeing him coming, he greeted him with a smile: "Brother, you are here!" Today, you have to give your nephew a big bag of red envelopes! Even if you don't make red envelopes, you have to give your nephew's banquet money! ”

Feng Wei smiled slightly, he knew what his brother-in-law's words meant.

The banquet began, staggered and laughed. Feng Wei toasted and congratulated, showing his brother's demeanor. During the banquet, his brother and daughter-in-law frequently hinted to him to settle the bill.

Feng Wei comprehended, but remained silent, he smiled and arranged everything properly, waiting for the moment when the banquet ended.

After the full moon banquet was over, the guests dispersed, and Feng Wei found his younger brother Feng Dong after settling the account, and told his brother-in-law that he had hinted that he had settled the bill.

After Feng Dong heard this, his face changed suddenly. He never expected that his wife would do such a thing.

"Brother, I'...... I don't really know. Feng Dong's face was full of guilt, "I'll go find her." ”

Feng Wei sighed and patted his younger brother on the shoulder: "I know that you are a good husband and father. But there are some things that still need to be communicated in a timely manner. ”

Feng Dong nodded, his eyes full of apologies, and his brother-in-law was triumphantly counting the gift money, and Feng Dong's angry appearance made her feel uneasy.

"Why do you have that expression? Aren't you having fun today? She asked, pretending to be relaxed.

"Happy? Today's full moon banquet for our son, you actually asked my brother to check out, do you think I can be happy? Feng Dong was furious.

The brother-in-law's face turned pale and she defended: "I, I didn't mean that......"

"So what do you mean? He's my brother, not an ATM! Brother is usually so busy, I'm already very happy to be here today, you actually ......" Feng Dong trembled with anger.

The younger brother and daughter-in-law realized the seriousness of the matter and panicked: "Husband, am I wrong?" I'm going to apologize to my brother! ”

At the nephew's full moon banquet, his brother-in-law hinted that he paid for the banquet, and he smiled and regretted arranging the banquet

Feng Dong sneered: "Is it useful to apologize?" Do you know what other people will think of me if you do this? How can you embarrass me? ”

My brother and daughter-in-law wept silently: "I really know it's wrong, just forgive me this time!" ”

Feng Wei stood by the window, looking at the night outside, he thought of his younger brother's hardship, and thought of the future of this family, and couldn't help but sigh.

Feng Wei knows that the lesson has been given, and the most important thing now is to get this family back on track.

He turned and walked towards the couple, who were still arguing.

Feng Wei walked into the room and saw his brother-in-law kneeling on the ground crying, and his younger brother Feng Dong stood aside angrily.

"You two, sit down and talk." Feng Wei said calmly.

Feng Dong and his brother-in-law glanced at each other, and they both felt that Feng Wei had something to say. They obediently sat opposite Feng Wei.

"Brother and sister, do you think you did the right thing today?" Feng Wei looked directly into his brother-in-law's eyes.

The younger brother and daughter-in-law lowered their heads, and the tears couldn't stop flowing: "Brother, I really know it's wrong." I shouldn't have done that......"

Feng Wei sighed: "It's good if you know." We are a family, so we should understand and respect each other. ”

Feng Wei stood up and said earnestly, "Let's talk about it." Remember, home and everything is prosperous. ”

With that, he turned around and wanted to leave. The younger brother-in-law hurriedly took his hand: "Brother, I'm sorry, I will never do this again." ”

Feng Wei looked at her crying red eyes, and his heart softened: "Okay, I don't blame you, just live a good life for the two of you in the future." ”

The younger brother and daughter-in-law couldn't cry, Feng Dong also had red eyes, he stepped forward and hugged his brother: "Brother, thank you for not bothering with us." ”

Feng Wei patted him on the back and whispered, "Love your wife and your children well." Tell me if there's anything, and we'll carry it together as a family. ”

Feng Dong nodded heavily, tears blurring his vision.

Feng Wei walked out of the room, but there was no sense of relaxation in his heart. He vaguely felt that things were not so simple.

Sure enough, early the next morning, his brother-in-law found him. She was holding a red envelope in her hand, her face full of guilt.

"Brother, this is the money for the full moon banquet, please accept it." She choked up.

Feng Wei was stunned, he didn't expect his brother-in-law to come over to pay him back.

He didn't expect that this woman, who was still arguing about money yesterday, would take the initiative to repay the money today.

At the nephew's full moon banquet, his brother-in-law hinted that he paid for the banquet, and he smiled and regretted arranging the banquet

"Brother, you have to accept this money." The brother-in-law's eyes were firm and sincere, "I was too selfish yesterday. ”

Feng Wei slowly took the red envelope, his fingers gently rubbing the pattern on it. He looked up at his brother and daughter-in-law, with mixed emotions in his eyes.

"If only you knew you were wrong." Feng Wei sighed, "I won't accept this money, just treat it as if I gave it to my nephew!" ”

The younger brother-in-law shook her head and stuffed the red envelope back into Feng Wei's hand: "Brother, you must accept it." It's my fault and I have to make amends. ”

Feng Wei was silent for a moment, and finally put the red envelope in his pocket. He patted his brother-in-law on the shoulder and said earnestly:

"Don't do it again. We are a family, and we can't hurt our feelings because of money. ”

The younger brother-in-law nodded, her eyes moistened again: "Brother, I understand, thank you, I will definitely live a good life in the future." ”

Feng Wei smiled with relief, he could see that his brother and daughter-in-law were truly remorseful. This turmoil may have made the family more united.

At this moment, Feng Dong also walked in. A hint of surprise flashed across his face when he saw his wife with his brother.

"Brother, what are you talking about?" Feng Dong asked curiously.

Feng Wei and his brother-in-law glanced at each other, and they both saw a tacit smile in each other's eyes.

"It's nothing, it's just about family life." Feng Wei smiled and said, "By the way, my brother and sister have already paid me back the money for the full moon banquet." ”

Feng Dong was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "That's good, that's good." ”

He stepped forward and put his arm around his wife's shoulders: "Daughter-in-law, let's live a good life in the future, don't let my brother worry about it anymore." ”

The brother-in-law leaned into her husband's arms and nodded happily.

Feng Wei looked at this loving couple, and a warm current surged in his heart. He knew that this family was back on track.

But he also understands that the lesson is not over. He wanted his brother to understand what kind of responsibilities he should take on as the head of the family.

Feng Wei cleared his throat and said with a straight face: "Xiaodong, I have something to tell you." ”

Feng Dong and his sister-in-law were stunned, and they smelled a trace of unusual smell from Feng Wei's serious expression.

Feng Wei motioned for his younger brother Feng Dong to sit down, and he also sat down on the sofa. He took a deep breath and slowly spoke: "Xiaodong, what do you think about this incident?" ”

Feng Dong was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and remained silent. He seemed to be thinking about something.

Feng Wei didn't urge, just waited quietly. He knew that there were some truths that his younger brother needed to comprehend by himself.

At the nephew's full moon banquet, his brother-in-law hinted that he paid for the banquet, and he smiled and regretted arranging the banquet

After a long time, Feng Dong raised his head, and there was a hint of realization in his eyes: "Brother, I understand." As the head of the family, I should be more concerned about the feelings of my family than about my own face. ”

Feng Wei nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, I am very relieved that you can figure this out." But that's just the first step, and you need to put it into action. ”

Feng Dong said firmly: "Brother, I will definitely reflect on it and correct my mistakes." I want to fill this home with laughter again. ”

The younger brother and daughter-in-law also stepped forward and held her husband's hand: "Husband, let's work together to make this family happier." ”

Feng Wei looked at the couple, and the emotion in his heart was indescribable. He stood up and said solemnly:

"Xiaodong, brother and sister, I am very happy that you can have such an awareness. This turmoil is actually a lesson for me. ”

Feng Dong and his brother-in-law both looked at Feng Wei in surprise, not understanding what he meant.

Feng Wei sighed and said slowly: "I always thought that giving you money and material support is love. ”

"But I was wrong, true love is to give you spiritual care, to make you understand the responsibilities and obligations of the family."

Feng Dong burst into tears and stepped forward to hug his brother: "Brother, thank you." You are the real pillar of this family. ”

The younger brother and daughter-in-law also choked up and said, "Brother, in the future, we will honor you well and let you enjoy the joy of family." ”

Feng Wei shook his head and said with a smile: "I don't need your filial piety, I just hope you can be happy." Xiaodong, you have to love your wife and your children well. ”

"Brother and sister, you have to support your husband well and educate my nephew well. That's my greatest wish. ”

Feng Dong and his brother-in-law nodded solemnly, their eyes full of gratitude and determination.

At that moment, the baby's cry broke the touching scene. The younger brother and daughter-in-law hurriedly ran into the bedroom, and after a while, they came out with the child in their arms.

"Brother, look, this is your nephew." The younger brother and daughter-in-law said happily, "Come, hug him." ”

Feng Wei carefully took the child, looking at this little life, infinite tenderness swelled in his heart.

"Little guy, you have to grow up healthy and happy, and you have to be a good man with a sense of responsibility." Feng Wei said softly to the child.

The child seemed to understand Feng Wei's words, giggled, and grabbed Feng Wei's fingers tightly with his small hands.

Feng Dong and his sister-in-law looked at this warm scene, with happy smiles on their faces.

They know that with Feng Wei, a good brother, this family will definitely get better and better.

But what they didn't know was that Feng Wei also had a secret wish in his heart.

At the nephew's full moon banquet, his brother-in-law hinted that he paid for the banquet, and he smiled and regretted arranging the banquet

He hopes that one day, he will be able to have his own family and have a happy life like his younger brother.

A few years later, Feng Wei's wish finally came true. He met a kind and virtuous woman, and the two tied the knot and built a happy family together.

Feng Dong and his brother-in-law's lives have also undergone earth-shaking changes. Under Feng Wei's careful guidance, Feng Dong's career is thriving, and his brother-in-law has also become a good wife and mother.

Their children thrive in a loving environment that becomes the pride of their parents.

One weekend, Feng Wei and his wife came to Feng Dong's house with their children. The two families were happy and laughing.

"Brother, thank you for helping us over the years." Feng Dong raised his wine glass and said sincerely, "Without you, there would be no happiness for our family today." ”

Feng Wei smiled and shook his head: "This is all the result of your own efforts." I'm just giving you a little help and guidance. ”

My brother and daughter-in-law also said movingly: "Brother, you have not only helped us, but you are also our spiritual pillar." You are the one who makes us understand the true meaning of family. ”

Feng Wei's wife echoed with a smile: "Yes, your brother has such a charm." He not only made me feel loved, but also taught me how to love. ”

Feng Wei looked at the happy scene in front of him, and his heart was full of emotion. He remembered the full moon banquet that was constantly turbulent, and remembered the lesson he had taught his brother.

"Actually, I'm the biggest beneficiary." Feng Wei raised his wine glass, tears flashing in his eyes.

"It was you who made me understand that the meaning of family is not only material, but also spiritual belonging. It was you who gave me the courage to pursue my own happiness. ”

Everyone raised their glasses and toasted to this happy family. Sunlight shines through the windows and shines on everyone's faces, illuminating their satisfied smiles.

This story tells us that family is the harbor of our hearts and the place where we belong emotionally.

In this harbor, we can not only get material satisfaction, but also spiritual comfort.

But the happiness of the family is not a pie falling from the sky, but the result of the joint efforts of every member.

We must learn to understand each other, respect each other, resolve conflicts with love, and care for feelings with our hearts.

This story also teaches us that love is not just about giving, but also about guiding and inspiring.

True love is to let the other person understand the meaning of life and understand their own responsibilities. Only in this way can the family's happy legacy be passed on from generation to generation.

Let us all be like Feng Wei, become the pillars of the family and the messengers of love.

Let us use love to light up every family and everyone's heart.

I believe that as long as we manage with our hearts, every family can become a happy harbor, and everyone can find the meaning of life in love.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.
