
Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

author:Ta Tu said

As the saying goes, "Thirty years in the east of the river and thirty years in the west of the river".

used to be a pure, sweet, and enviable "champion girlfriend", but now she has become the object of "completely helpless" in the mouths of netizens.

Ma Su's life seems to be a TV series with ups and downs, when she stands at the peak of her career, she should have ushered in the peak moment of her life, but instead went to an embarrassing situation.

What made this former three-material actress fall here, is it the photo of intimate interaction with black people, or the relationship that has lasted for 11 years?

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

From a dancing girl to a rising star in film and television

From an early age, Ma Su showed a keen interest in dance, and whenever the music played, she would involuntarily swing her body to the rhythm.

This natural dance cell became an important turning point in her future life path.

Although Ma Su's family is not wealthy, her parents know the importance of education, and when they saw Ma Su's love for dance, they gritted their teeth, saved money, and sent her to various dance classes.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

And Ma Su did not live up to her parents' expectations, she practiced hard, and her talent in dance gradually appeared.

The hard work paid off, and Ma Su, who was only 12 years old, was admitted to the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts with his own efforts, however, there were greater challenges.

In order to allow Ma Su to study with peace of mind, her parents made a difficult decision to sell their hometown house and accompany Ma Su to Beijing to rent a house.

In the strange city of Beijing, Ma Su felt unprecedented pressure, the heavy training every day made her physically and mentally exhausted, and the dedication of her parents made her feel a great responsibility.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

Fate always likes to joke with people, and when Ma Su graduated, she failed to stay in the art troupe as she wished, which made her confused and depressed for a while.

Just when Ma Su was feeling confused about the future, by chance, she encountered an opportunity to change the trajectory of her life.

Ma Su happened to see an advertising company recruiting models on the street, with the mentality of trying it out, Ma Su participated in the interview, but she didn't expect that her unique temperament and beautiful face just met the requirements of Party A, and in this way, she stepped into the door of the showbiz.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

From advertising model to actor, Ma Su's transformation road is not smooth, at the beginning, she could only receive some supporting roles or even group roles, but Ma Su was not discouraged, she cherished every opportunity to appear in front of the camera and took every role seriously.

Ma Su's diligence and hard work finally paid off, and she got more acting opportunities, from a small supporting role to the female number two, and then to the female number one, her acting career began to get on the right track.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

Her efforts have been recognized by the industry and the audience, and she has even won many awards such as the Golden Eagle Award and the Feitian Award.

Just when Ma Su's career was booming, her love life ushered in an important turning point.

At a cultural and sports exchange party, she met Kong Linghui, the world champion of table tennis, and the two hit it off at first sight, and soon sparked a spark of love.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

From an obscure young actor to a high-profile "champion girlfriend", Ma Su's identity has changed dramatically.

This relationship not only brought her sweetness, but also brought new opportunities and challenges to her career, and people began to question whether her acting career was related to this relationship, and various scandals and speculations followed.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

11 years of long-distance love

One is a rising star in the entertainment industry, the other is a leader in the sports world, two seemingly unrelated worlds converge at this moment, and when Ma Su's eyes meet Kong Linghui, no one expected that it would be the beginning of an 11-year emotional journey.

When they first met, Kong Linghui was deeply impressed by his approachability, and as a world champion, Kong Linghui did not show any arrogance, on the contrary, his humility and humor made Ma Su feel at ease.

Kong Linghui is considerate to Ma Su, he will send messages every day to care about her diet and daily life, even in the busy training, he will take the time to send warm greetings to Ma Su.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

This delicate love made Ma Su feel happy and envied by the people around him.

However, the good times did not last long, and with the exposure of the relationship between the two, the label of "world champion's girlfriend" began to be firmly attached to Ma Su, and over time, this halo gradually became a double-edged sword.

The 2004 Athens Olympics marked a turning point in their relationship, as Kong Linghui was out of shape in the competition and missed out on a medal.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

Faced with the plight of his lover, Ma Su did not hesitate to turn down multiple job opportunities and accompany Kong Linghui wholeheartedly.

Her dedication and gentleness finally helped Kong Linghui get out of the haze and regain her strength.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

As Ma Su's position in the entertainment industry has become more and more stable, her work has become busier and busier, and the two who were once inseparable often get together less and leave more.

Kong Linghui's closed training and Ma Su's filming schedule made it difficult for the two to find time together, and this situation inevitably put their relationship to the test.

What's worse is that with the increase in Ma Su's popularity, all kinds of scandals and speculations began to spread, and the role was obviously obtained through his own efforts, but it was rumored that he relied on "unspoken rules".

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

These false rumors not only hurt Ma Su, but also brought huge pressure to Kong Linghui.

The contradictions between the two began to emerge gradually, the once sweet relationship began to become bitter, and when the "scandal" between Ma Su and Wu Qilong raged, things finally reached a critical point.

In a fierce quarrel, Kong Linghui said the word "roll" to Ma Su, which was like a sharp sword, piercing Ma Su's most fragile heart.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

In this way, Ma Su left the home where he had lived for 11 years with his luggage.

A few months later, Kong Linghui, who calmed down, tried to save the relationship, and he took the initiative to contact Ma Su, expressing his willingness to take on her mortgage, hoping to start over.

However, after careful consideration, Ma Suwan rejected the proposal, and in this way, this 11-year relationship finally came to an end.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

Although the relationship ended, Ma Su and Kong Linghui did not become enemies, on the contrary, they maintained a good friendship relationship.

After experiencing this unforgettable relationship, Ma Su's views on love and marriage seem to have changed.

From a "silly big sister" to an independent woman

After breaking up with Kong Linghui, Ma Su faced unprecedented challenges, not only to deal with emotional loss, but also to face difficulties in her career and life.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

It was these difficulties that made Ma Su start to re-examine his life and make up his mind to live a new self.

She made a bold decision to "buy a house on her own". This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for a woman who has just experienced a relationship failure.

The pressure of the high monthly mortgage was like a mountain, which overwhelmed her, but Ma Su did not back down, she took on more works and worked hard to pay off the mortgage.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

This "home" of her own not only gave her a sense of security, but also became the starting point of her independent life.

However, just as Ma Su gradually found a new direction in life, a sudden crisis once again pushed her to the forefront of public opinion.

In 2018, a video of Ma Su "doing her hair" at the hotel went viral, causing a huge controversy, and many people maliciously speculated and criticized her behavior, and for a while, Ma Su once again became the focus of public discussion.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

In the face of this crisis, Ma Su did not choose to escape or justify, on the contrary, she chose to remain silent and use time and action to prove her innocence.

Although this incident had a certain impact on her career and image, Ma Su was not defeated.

At the low point of her career, Ma Su began to try a new direction of development, she set her sights on the catering industry and decided to open her own hot pot restaurant.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

This decision came as a surprise to many, after all, in the eyes of the public, Ma Su has always been the glamorous actor in front of the camera, however, Ma Su has shown amazing business acumen and management ability.

She personally participated in the site selection, decoration and menu design of the hot pot restaurant, carefully checked every detail, and at the beginning of the opening, she personally stood at the door of the restaurant to greet customers and listen to their opinions and suggestions.

This conscientious and responsible attitude has not only won praise from customers, but also made her hot pot restaurant stand out in the fierce competition.

Gradually, Ma Su's hot pot restaurant began to have a reputation, and the business was getting better and better, and this success not only brought Ma Su economic benefits, but more importantly, gave her great confidence.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

In this process, Ma Su also gradually got rid of the label of "silly big sister". She began to show her life on social media, sharing her thoughts and insights.

People are surprised to find that this actress, who was once considered "silly", actually has her own unique thinking and opinions, her love for life, her dedication to her career, and her strength in the face of difficulties are impressive.

Today's Ma Su has completely transformed into an independent and assertive woman.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

Being single is not alone

After breaking up with Kong Linghui, Ma Su was not in a hurry to invest in a new relationship. She wanted to give herself some time to think, to grow, to get to know herself again.

Ma Su began to devote more energy to self-improvement, she signed up for various interest classes, from cooking to flower arrangement, yoga to photography, and she tried many things that she had previously been too busy to take care of.

These new experiences not only enriched her life, but also allowed her to discover her potential.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

Ma Su has also redefined his social circle. She is no longer limited to friends in the entertainment industry, but has met interesting souls from all walks of life, and these diversified social activities have not only enriched her life, but also brought her new perspectives and thinking.

At the same time, Ma Su did not give up her yearning for love, but her attitude became more calm and rational, she was no longer in a hurry to find the other half, but believed that fate would come.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

In an interview, Ma Su said frankly: "Being single does not mean being lonely, on the contrary, it gives me more space to know myself and improve myself. ”

However, Ma Su's single life has not been smooth sailing, and she has also faced social pressure and inner confusion, and the label of "leftover girl" often makes her feel uncomfortable.

Ma Su, who was hunched on the shoulders of a black man and lived with Kong Linghui for 11 years, is now completely hopeless?

Especially at some family gatherings, the concern of relatives often turns into invisible pressure, but Ma Su chooses to deal with these pressures in her own way, and she proves through her actions that single women can also live wonderful and fulfilling lives.

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