
Literature and History Hook and Sink: Historical Sinner Yu Jingwu

author:Nature and Society


*This article is excerpted from the third series of "Juxian Literary and Historical Materials" (December 1986), the author's public history, the original title is "Historical Sinner Yu Jingwu"


Before the liberation, the people of Juxian County mentioned Yu Jingwu, which was infamous and no one knew it.

Yu Jingwu, the name Xingkui, the word Jingwu, Ju County Dongtinggou Village (now belongs to Wulian County Yuli Township) people. Born into a large landowner family.

Throughout his life, he was not only a bully landlord who ran rampant in the countryside and fished the people, but also engaged in speculative business and profiteering businessmen. In his early years, he joined the Kuomintang, entered the political circles, and became a representative figure of local feudal forces. Jucheng fell, and he recognized the thief as his father, and took refuge in the Japanese and became a traitor; During the Anti-Japanese War, he did his best to destruct himself, organized a reactionary society, the Ten Thousand Immortals Society, colluded with the enemy, was hypocritical, anti-communist and anti-people, and owed a lot of blood debts.

Yu Jingwu, a combination of various evils, can be called a national scum with all five poisons.

Check the genealogy of the Yu family, Yu Jingwu's grandfather occupied 20 hectares of fertile land (4,000 acres), which was one of the "six or six families" of the Yu family in Tinggou Village at that time. When it was passed on to his father, he had more than ten hectares of land, and his family had a big business. Yu Jingwu is the only son of his father, who has been influenced by the feudal family since he was a child, and has been idle, living a parasitic life of a young master who stretches out his hands in clothes and opens his mouth when he eats.

After he inherited the ancestral property of the land, he rented all the more than 10 hectares of land to 19 tenant farmers for farming, collected half of the land rent, and ate for himself without work and enjoyed the results. In this village, he also runs an oil mill, called "Guangchengfang", employing dozens of workers to pull and crush grits with four or five mules all year round. At that time, the equipment and scale of the oil mill were first-class in the county. In the "Guangchengfang", it is also engaged in liquor, which can produce more than 500 catties of sorghum liquor per day. In Baxian County, he opened two oil and rice villages, "Tongchenggong" and "Tongchengfu", each with 30 or 40 houses, and purchased peanuts and peanut oil locally and sold them to Qingdao, Lianyungang and other places, and then bought back tea and other tea and sold them back to the local market. In order to make huge profits every year, he also used business as a cover to smuggle guns and ammunition for a long time, and sold opium, heroin, and other drugs.

Yu was treacherous and sleek, and very good at speculation, in order to enter the political circles, he joined the Kuomintang organization at an early age. In the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), the Juxian Local Finance Committee was reorganized, and Yu was elected as the chairman. In 1930, the county finance committee was reorganized into the Finance Bureau, and Yu was directly appointed as the director of the Shandong Provincial Finance Department of the Kuomintang. During this period, he took the opportunity of taking charge of the county's financial power to establish an automobile company (limited liability company) with a government-funded commercial nature and a statutory capital of 10,000 yuan, which was actually a "Yu Ji" company. In its heyday, the company owned 14 cars and operated long-distance trafficking and passenger transport between Gao(Mi) Ju.

After the September 18 Incident in 1931, Yu Jingwu organized the Juxian Swastika Branch with several bureaucrats and gentry in his county in order to buy the hearts of the people, raise his value, and gain political capital. The association was originally an international charitable organization, with the main purpose of relieving the suffering. In the first few years of its establishment, the Juxian Swastika Association also had some good deeds. For example, after the Japanese invaded the Bacheng Massacre in 1938, the residents of the county town suffered heavy casualties, and the "Zihui" organized personnel to cover up the bodies of the victims, treat the wounded, and shelter some homeless refugees to provide food and lodging. But later, the association was gradually manipulated and controlled by Yu Jingwu and abandoned its original purpose. Yu took the "swastika club" as a signboard for his own fame and reputation, profit and personal gain. Every time the grain harvest season came, under the banner of the "Swastika Society" and in the name of providing relief to the disaster victims, he bought the peasants' grain at a low price, accumulated most of the country's grain, and sold it to the peasants at a high price when the harvest was scarce in the second year, so as to make a fortune from it, but very little was really used for the disaster victims. He once colluded with other landlords and wealthy households, and forcibly donated money to buy guns among the masses in the name of protecting their families and preventing bandits, stipulating that one gun should be sold for every four acres of land, and each gun would be pulled out for 50 yuan, but in fact each gun would only use 30 yuan, so that the balance of the donated guns went into Yu Jingwu's private pocket. Yu Jingwu ran out of brains in looting people's wealth, and he did everything he could, and the people dared to be angry but did not dare to speak. Because of his power and insatiable greed, his family property swelled day by day, and in just a few years, his land and property jumped to the top of the "six families" of the Yu family in the village.

He knew that he had done many unrighteous acts in his daily life, and he was deeply afraid of being plotted. In order to protect his life and property, in addition to raising more than 20 guards with the other "five big families" in the village, and standing guard and patrolling for them day and night, he also hired eight private bodyguards alone, who were inseparable, and were heavily guarded in every move, and took precautions against the unexpected.

Before the Anti-Japanese War, in order to expand his private power and consolidate the rule of one side, he tried his best to develop his armed forces. Mechanics were hired from Luoyang and other places, more than 30 workers were recruited, and an arsenal was set up in the village, manufacturing portable flower guns (i.e., submachine guns) and box guns, as well as other weapons and ammunition. In the area of Jubei, he is good at Weifu and dominates one side, and Yan Yan is a soil emperor. Because he is the fourth among his cousins, people have to call him "Fourth Master Yu" regardless of their age. At that time, the masses in this area said: "Yu Siye stomped his feet, and the ground was shaken", which shows its might.

On February 23, 1938, after the Japanese invaders occupied Ju County, Yu Jingwu, as a member of the Kuomintang, was the first to unfurl the sun flag, sold himself to the Japanese invaders, and became a national scum. From then on, this important representative of the Kuomintang in Juxian County began his career as a traitor. Because of his dedication to serving Japan, his iron heart and the people's enemy, won the appreciation and reuse of the Japanese, and was successively appointed as the chairman of the Ju County Finance Committee, the co-chairman of the cooperative, the chairman of the Peace Salvation Association and other more than a dozen important positions, becoming one of the dignitaries and hardcore traitors of the Japanese in Ju.

In the winter of 1939, he catered to the strategic needs of the Japanese invaders and the first anti-communist upsurge of the Kuomintang reactionaries during the anti-Japanese period, and colluded with the enemy and the local Tushuo. Later, a standing team was established based on the "Wansenkai". The reactionary feudal superstitious organization of the "Wanxianhui" has become an anti-communist and anti-people reactionary armed force. The Japanese invaders brought a large number of swords and spears and distributed them to the congregation of the Ten Thousand Immortals Society, so that they could take the lead in attacking the Eighth Route Army and destroying the anti-Japanese base areas. Yu Jingwu also took this as his old foundation, and even more frantically engaged in anti-communist and anti-people criminal activities to sabotage the War of Resistance. He successively drove the congregation to cooperate with the Japanese puppets to sweep and burn our anti-Japanese base areas, causing heavy losses to the soldiers and civilians in our base areas. Under the several burnings and doping of the Japanese puppets and the "Ten Thousand Immortals Society", many anti-Japanese villages such as Lujiaguxi in our base area were completely wiped out, and almost no tiles remained. For this alone, Yu Jingwu owed countless blood debts to the people. Because of his resolute anti-communist efforts and meritorious service in massacring our anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians, in the summer of 194O, he was appointed by the Japanese as the captain of the Juxian Garrison Brigade.

In 194O, the Japanese invaders carried out a "May Day" sweep in the Yimeng Mountains. Yu Jingwu also seized this opportunity to carry out activities in various ways to persuade and instigate more than 5,000 Kuomintang local armed forces stationed in the Juxian area to surrender to the Japanese army, thus strengthening the enemy's puppet forces, further deteriorating the situation of the struggle in our coastal base areas, and making the situation of the anti-Japanese army and people even more difficult.

Yu Jingwu was politically reactionary, and his life was extremely poor and luxurious, calling slaves and maids all day long, eating, drinking, and squandering. There is a special chef in charge of the diet, eating and drinking a lot, eating and drinking, and dozens of pieces of ocean every day. Go out in a special minivan and a well-equipped carriage for your own enjoyment. According to those who used to serve him, even his dog, whose paws were stained with mud, had to be wiped clean with a towel on weekdays, which showed the extent of its corruption. For pleasure, Yu Jingwu supported the opera troupe at home. After running the "Yong" and "Shun" Peking Opera classes at home, he set up a "Cheng" class, which received more than 30 apprentices, seven musicians, four teachers, and two guards, totaling more than 50 people. For newly recruited apprentices, it is stipulated that from the date of entering the class, they will only be fed and clothed for nine years, and no wages will be paid. Most of these apprentices only need to study for half a year before they can perform together, and when the troupe goes out to perform, they can earn about 80 yuan per play, and these incomes are all for all except for a small number of salaries paid to musicians, which is also a lot of income for him. For this reason, Yu Jingwu often went out to give plays and looted people's wealth. He himself is addicted to drama, not only loves to listen, but also often takes the stage in disguise and plays the roles of old students and flower faces when he is full of food and has nothing to do all day long.

Yu Jingwu's private life is extremely erosive, although he is marrying his original partner and raising a foreign house, he is still not satisfied, and he often hunts "pheasants" outside, and he even lets go of his sister-in-law in this regard. His son played with women in the upper and lower walks of Jianguo, and followed his father closely, and when he saw whose daughters and daughters-in-law were handsome, he used both soft and hard, and did everything possible to get it. Of the maids and maids who were summoned by his family, few were spared. The girls Qian ×× and Wang ×× committed suicide because they were angry after being raped.

Skynet is magnificent, negligent but not leaky. On November 14, 1944, our Eighth Route Army attacked Ju County, Mo Zhengmin led his troops to rebel, Ju County was liberated, and Yu Jingwu was captured. This prominent figure in Ju County, who had done many evils, could not escape the punishment of history after a full ugly performance on the stage of history, and was sentenced to death and executed at a public trial meeting of 10,000 people on 19 March 1945.

Thousands of meritorious crimes, posterity will judge. Yu Jingwu and his people, died innocently, and left a stench for 10,000 years.

Attached to the "Popular Daily" news:

The big traitor is extremely evil in Jingwu

The 10,000-person public trial was executed

Under my leniency policy, Jing repented in public

Binhai News: The Juzhong County Government held a public trial meeting of 10,000 people on the 19th to try Yu Jingwu, a traitor who was captured by us in the Battle of Bacheng. The venue passed the formation of a temporary court with warm applause, presiding over the county magistrate, jury Commissar Bian, Speaker Tang, Vice Speaker Zhang, Chairman Zhao of the Rescue Association, secretary of the county government, Director Zhang of the Armed Forces Committee, and Director Li of the Public Security Bureau as plaintiffs, and denounced Yu Rebellion as plaintiffs: 1. Yu Rebellion was a feudal landlord in Jubei, and in 1939 Jucheng fell, Yu Rebellion immediately defected to the enemy and served as chairman of the puppet finance committee and member of the puppet county cooperative. 2. In 1940, under the instructions of the Japanese and the National, he organized the "Ten Thousand Immortals Society" to fool the people into opposing communism, opposing the War of Resistance against Japan, and provoking the people to kill each other. 3. Over the past few years, Yu has actively expanded the strength of the puppet army for the Japanese invaders, colluding with the local Kuomintang army and the security team to defect to the enemy with no less than 5,000 people. Fourth, to help the enemy enslave and enslave the masses, to set up a "self-word association", to extract more than one million yuan of people's wealth, and to set up a "grain rationing committee". 5. Collusion with the rebel Sun Huancai to attack the Eighth Route Army and massacre the people. More than 1,000 people were slaughtered by the people of Ju County. When the audience heard this, they immediately boiled and shouted through gritted teeth: "Yu Jingwu is a traitor!" It's a blood drinker! Kill him: ......" Yu Wei cowered at the bottom of the stage, bowing his head in front of the angry crowd of more than 10,000 people, trembling in shock. Then, Jing ××, who was a traitor in Bacheng with Yu Yi and was captured by me, said: "I became a traitor, fortunately the Eighth Route Army pulled me out, it stands to reason that I should be sentenced to death, the democratic government is lenient, does not hurt, and gives me newspapers to read and educate me, I am really grateful, I am sixty-three years old this year, from now on, as long as I have a breath, I will do my best for the country......." At this point, he exposed some of Yu Wei's crimes. The audience shouted: "Turn back to the shore!" Welcome to a new leaf! Cui ××, a crowd from Jubei who was hundreds of miles away, also rushed to speak at the meeting, accusing Yu of forcing several lives in his family to die because of the "swastika meeting". He shouted with the audience: "The swastika meeting" is the meeting of ten thousand thieves! Yu Jingwu is a big thief! The chairman of the agricultural rescue committee in Lujiayaxi complained: "There were many people who came out to fight the war in my village, and Yu Jingwu helped the "Ten Thousand Immortals Society" to burn more than 300 houses in my village to the ground, and killed several people. I'm going to kill this bitch today! Jubei Wang ×× said: "This traitor slaughtered anti-Japanese comrades, and killed five or six people in Mezhuang alone. A villager in Zhangjiazhuangzi, Wulou District, even exposed his vicious methods of organizing the "Wanxian Society", saying: "Yu Jingwu organized the 'Wanxian Society', pressing from north to south, the village did not do it, he sent people to eat, 100 people could not finish eating, so he sent 200 people, I Zhuang asked him to send 5 or 600 people to eat, just eat big steamed buns, pork, how can I hold on, there is really no such race in China!" "One after another, everyone is afraid that it will be late, and there have always been a few people. After the speeches of Political Commissar Bian and Speaker Tang, the presiding judge of the meeting, County Magistrate Wang, said: "The great traitor Yu Jingwu has committed a monstrous crime, and today's public trial is that the democratic government wants the people to be the masters." You can give your opinions! As soon as the meeting ended, a series of shouts broke out in the venue, "Shoot!" Shot! Kill him! ......". County Magistrate Wang finally announced the verdict: "Our temporary court will follow the democratic opinion and shoot the big traitor Yu Jingwu!" The room was tense. The gunshots rang out, and the thief was recognized as his father, and Yu Jingwu, a big traitor who was desperate, was punished severely.

——From the fourth edition of the "Popular Daily", March 25, 34th year of the Republic of China.

Source: Juxian Cultural and Historical Materials, Volume 3 (December 1986)

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