
Shao Lijun: Han Fuyu Lord Lu has seen and heard

author:Nature and Society


*This article is excerpted from the third volume of "Juxian Cultural and Historical Materials" (December 1986), written by Shao Lijun, and the original title is "Han Fuyu Zhulu Sees and Hears"


Han Fuyu was a person who was my first supervisor for nearly two years after I changed from the education sector to the administrative sector. From September 1930 to January 1938, he held the military and political power in Shandong for nearly eight years. What I have seen and heard about Han is described below.

In the autumn of 1931, after I was admitted to the first higher civil service examination of the Nanjing Nationalist Government at that time, I was assigned the rank of recommended officials by the Shandong Provincial Government to study, and I was initially appointed to the Civil Affairs Department of which Li Shuchun was the director, and three months later I was transferred to the provincial government secretariat. At that time, the Han clan had just been in charge of Lu for a year, and his status was very prominent. He was a powerful feudal historian and the emperor of Shandong Province. It was at this time that I met Han Fuyu and learned about Han Fuyu's life experience among my colleagues who worked with him.

Han Fuyu is a native of Baxian County, Hebei Province, and his father was a private school teacher in the village, and he studied in a private school with his father for several years before he was 20 years old. He began to join the army at the age of 20 and served as a "secretary student" in General Feng Yuxiang's army, and later went through a series of official ranks to the top of the military. In 1928, when the four group armies of Chiang, Feng, Yan, and Li jointly completed the great cause of the Northern Expedition, he was ordered to lead his troops north along the Jinghan Line and first arrived at Nanyuan. The Hebei Provincial Government was established, and he was appointed as a member of the Hebei Provincial Government. Later, Feng Yuxiang's Second Army was downsized, and Feng recommended him to be the chairman of the Henan Provincial Government and known as the Yulu Supervisor: after the outbreak of the Central Plains War in 1930, he asked Chiang to transfer his headquarters to Shandong to resist the Jin army, and was appointed by Chiang as the commander-in-chief of the First Army. After the fall of Feng Yan, he was appointed chairman of the Shandong provincial government by Chiang. In 1931 he was elected a member of the Nationalist Government, in January 1932 he was appointed a member of the Standing Committee of the Beiping Political Affairs Committee, and in August he was appointed a member of the Beiping Branch of the Military Commission. This series of positions was only available to a few people in the country at that time. As far as his talents are concerned, he has his own characteristics and practices in both civil and military aspects. After dropping out of school at the age of 20 and joining the army, he participated in the Luanzhou Uprising with Feng. There was a slight clutch after that. He was brave and good at fighting, and was known as one of Feng Yuxiang's thirteen Taibao.

Shao Lijun: Han Fuyu Lord Lu has seen and heard

Legend has it that on one occasion, because of the extremely arduous combat task he had accepted, he did not have the certainty of completing it, so he lay down and rolled in front of his soldiers, crying and saying: "This time the battle will be lost, the commander-in-chief is going to shoot me, I am dead!" He stirred up some of the soldiers and swore to help him win the battle, thus completing the battle mission. Feng Yuxiang's genius in managing the army is half out of his upright nature and sympathy and loyalty to the working people, and half out of his painstaking study, and he must be recognized as an outstanding among the military personnel of the Republic of China. Under the influence of Feng Yuxiang, Han was very serious in military training, and his discipline was also good. He strictly forbade his subordinates to wear silk clothes, and forbade his soldiers to roam the streets. It can be called an army that does not disturb the people. In the second half of 1932, he asked me to go to Boxing County to serve as a county magistrate for half a year, and at that time there was a battalion of troops living in the county.

His political measures seem to have been inspired by stories such as "The Case of Shi Gong" and "The Case of Peng Gong". He calls himself "Han Qingtian", and prefers others to call him "Han Qingtian". He is good at walking the streets and imitating the ancients for private interviews. He also likes to ride his bike when he goes out, and takes only a few guards with him. Because people know that he likes to ask about civil and criminal deaths, as soon as he leaves the gate of the provincial capital, he will often meet people all the way around him and shout unjust complaints. He also likes to get out of the car to receive the pleadings himself, sometimes a dozen at a time. The permanent position I studied in the provincial government secretariat was the second section, and the section chief, Liu Zhaogang, was from Qinyang County, Henan. Some of the complaints received by Han personally were made on regular pleadings, on ordinary letterhead, and on various coarse papers, and sometimes they were all assigned to our section by the secretary general at one time. The department is divided into three units: civil, judicial, and foreign affairs, and I can divide the affairs of the three units alone, and the content is full of surprises.

In order to create this status of "Han Qingtian", his actions are to personally hear cases in court twice every Tuesday and Friday, and he is generally on time. The court session must be promoted to the lobby, that is, the main hall of the governor's yamen in the past. I like to stand in front of the public case for trial, there are guards on both sides, and there are execution warriors under the hall, and beating sticks is a regular punishment. There are four sources of cases that he personally interrogated: first, they were arraigned by the counties, and all of them were under the responsibility of the competent sections, and second, they were brought in by the special sections. The second is the various cases and military law cases accepted by the Third Route General Headquarters. The third is the cases under the jurisdiction and acceptance of the provincial capital public security bureau. The fourth is the case sent by Licheng County. The cases of the provincial government and the headquarters were within his own competence, and the provincial capital public security bureau and Licheng County, because of their zealous interference in such crimes, attracted some litigants in these two units to be slightly dissatisfied with the punishment, so that they also appealed to him out of cunning and luck. His temper is also very fond of turning over people's old cases in order to show his talents, and this will cause these two units to rely on him to try on his behalf in order to avoid their own troubles in order to avoid trouble and avoid their own troubles in some cases that are not difficult to conclude by themselves. Every Tuesday and Friday, these four units prepare on time as usual, first prepare the cause of action for trial, the culprits are all transmitted, and the judicial section chief of their respective units will bring the bailiff to the front of the provincial government hall to separate sides, and when the crimes of the four organs have arrived, they will report to him that they know about it, and immediately appear in court and stand in front of the court for trial. In cases that come to a certain unit, as a rule, the judicial section chiefs of each division of labor units will call them to stand in front of the court according to their names and according to the circumstances of the case, and then report the cause of the case, sometimes with a few re-interrogations, and sometimes without a re-interrogation before making a decision. The verdict was only one or two sentences.

He does not need the law as a basis in his case, he has the law in his chest. He hated drug abuse, drug trafficking, and robbery and robbery the most. Let's take the case of the provincial capital public security bureau as an example, the director of the public security bureau at that time was called Wang Chengru, and the provincial capital had the most cases of drug trafficking and drug use, and they were all asked first. When he appeared in court, the chief of the judicial section of the Public Security Bureau immediately opened the case book and called all the seized drugs with the same amount together, regardless of the number of them, only reported that these were all from Lao Hai for a dime, which means that the white noodles found on each person for a dime, that is, heroin, are naturally drug addicts, even if they buy them on behalf of others. He only had one sentence: ten sticks. The samurai who were in charge of the execution were ordered to finish the beating in turn and were released. The second batch of people named was a part of the people who found two dimes, named Qi, who also reported that it was two cents Lao Hai, and he also said one sentence: Twenty sticks. After the release is completed, the rules remain unchanged, but when it is increased to one yuan, the sentencing standard changes. He wanted to say, "Kill him", this is the death penalty, and needless to say, the executing samurai immediately tied up and pulled the execution cart. Execution car No. 8 outside the wall of the shadow wall, he waits there every time he goes to court. Drug offenders and robbers have not recorded the number of times the execution car has been left empty, and many people believe that it is one in ten. He was equally resolute in the killing of robber cases. As long as they are caught on charges of robbership, few escape with their lives. Sometimes when he hears the reason for the robber's case, he shoots him, and the person concerned shouts loudly, he will say, look at you like a bandit, and he will say, I, "Han Qingtian", can't wronged you. This is a real situation in court. The death sentence was pronounced with just three words: "kill him" is enough.

But sometimes because the person in question speaks nicely and flatters him, he can also say, "This is not like a bandit, let him go." "This kind of luck in escaping death, many people say there is, but I have never seen it.

Moreover, because of his stubbornness, he is also the most susceptible to deception. In his personal trial cases, people often cite several cases in a row because they were deceived and wronged, and of course there will be more that people do not realize.

The crime of killing progressives is even more of a great crime. He had a stubborn nature: basically anti-communist. During the six months I was working in the provincial government, the people's education hall was searched several times. I have the impression that the hunt for the Communists seems to be frequent. Under his slogan of eliminating violence and peace, he practiced a kind of tyranny of the utmost.

He is the biggest killer demon king, although there is a record of hundreds of thousands of people in Chinese history, but in addition to the case of killing, it seems that there has never been a continuous killing of more than him, and it is really an astonishing number. He demanded that the county magistrates follow his rules. The size of the province is different, more than 100 counties are added together, how many have been killed for such a long time? No way to know. At that time, a county magistrate in Weixian County was called Li Wenli. It is said that when he intercepted Liu Guitang, a giant bandit who was scurrying around in the Yimeng Mountains, he intercepted 2 or 300 of Liu's troops, and only reported how many of the bandits had been intercepted by the provincial government.

He also once promoted the so-called "clean politics, enlightened politics, and promising politics". When he appointed the county magistrate, he first asked that he was not afraid of death and that he did not love money, which I personally experienced. On the day he asked me to go to Boxing County to become the county magistrate, in addition to a few waiters in his office, Zhang Shaotang, secretary general, and Wang Xiangrong, director of the Department of Finance, were all present, and he called a total of four people to go, and the other was Shi Yusong from Boshan County, and both of us were sent to Shandong by passing the first higher civil service examination of the Nanjing Nationalist Government. The probationary period was only seven or eight months, and the other two were students who had just graduated from his own Shandong county magistrate training class, whose names he had forgotten, and they were both admitted to his training class after graduating from Peking University. He first called my name and asked, "Are you afraid of death?" "Since you know his temper beforehand, this kind of question means that he is going to ask you to become a county magistrate or hold some important position. The answer, of course, is not afraid of death. The second question is, "You love money, don't you?" The answer, of course, is not to love money. The next sentence is that you go to Boxing County to be the county magistrate, and then you pick up the pen to write the appointment note, appoint someone as the county magistrate of such and such a county, and hand it over to the secretary general to put away. The second was Shi Yusong, and he was appointed to go to Zou County. The other two also wrote their own notes of appointment. He writes very slowly, and he writes neatly with one stroke at a time. This also represents his level of education. He asked people to be clean officials, asked people to straighten their waists to do things, and he also said that he also liked to take Yu Qian's two sentences of "Yong Lime Poem" "I am not afraid of burning my body and bones, and I am only left in the world" into couplets, and presented them to many people who went out to be county magistrates, in order to show that the provincial chairman cares about and encourages his personal work, and if he asks for it, he will definitely write it to you.

He is also very serious about pursuing the county magistrate who has been accused by the people for doing something wrong. After his interrogation, some of the dismissed county magistrates were beaten and some were fined with hard labor. During the six months I was studying administrative business at the provincial government secretariat, I saw a dismissed county magistrate who had been fined for repairing the city. Logically speaking, the politics of this province should be a clean politics, a promising politics, and an enlightened politics. But this is not the case. This is due to the kind of people-loving politics and enlightened politics that he advocated, because of his lack of sincerity, he failed to take the lead in carrying it out himself, and sabotaged this strategy, so that he achieved very little and finally failed.

Everyone knows that there was a not very tall building called the East Building on the southeast piece of land outside the Pearl Spring Wall today, which was the residence of Han's aunt Ji Ganqing. The air here is different from anywhere else within the provincial headquarters. In most of the other rooms, the staff were generally conscientious, trying to do their job too well: lest they annoy the murderous demon king and invite disaster. But once here, things are different. If you don't talk about honesty in other places, you can't get through it for fear of being responsible. But as soon as it gets here, it seems that honesty can be ignored, and the weight of responsibility is much lighter. There is also a person and a premises, and that is his secretary-general and his office. This site is not far behind the offices of several of our sections. He, the secretary general, is the honest manager who undermined the provincial capital. The hostess of the East Building is the recipient of this transaction, and the manager's income is the kickback of this transaction.

Han's advocacy of rural construction began from the very beginning when he took over the provincial government of Henan. When Feng Yuxiang Wuyuan swore to Shaanxi and Gansu to enter the whole province of Henan, in order to expand the army, he built a barracks in Baiquan, Hui County, Henan, and after the collapse of Feng Yuxiang's Central Plains War, this barracks was taken over by the Han family and used to establish the Henan Village Governance College. After he continued to take over Shandong, he soon did not set up a rural construction research institute in Zouping, Shandong, and set up the Zouping Experimental Zone, which continued for several years, and its influence was not until after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Among the three measures taken by Han Shilu, this is a force that can achieve great results in fighting Japan and can also achieve cooperation with the revolutionary cause, and among the three, this is a major project, but there is a basic contradiction in each of them, which makes it impossible to achieve this comprehensive cooperation.

Mr. Liang Shuming, a native of Guilin, Guangxi, who presided over the Zouping Rural Construction Research Institute, was invited by Mr. Wang Hong, then president of Shandong Education, to give a lecture on summer education in Jinan after the completion of the Northern Expedition by the National Revolutionary Army. After the meeting, he returned to Beijing and edited the "Village Governance Semi-Monthly" which was reorganized from the "Village Governance Monthly" by the rural construction faction who stayed in Beijing at that time. At this time, I was studying at the University of Peking Minguo University, and I had some contacts with the rural builders who stayed in Beiping, and my own belief was the utopian socialism of Owen Fourier and Saint-Simon, and I was particularly enthusiastic about the cooperative movement, which was a way of organizing the people, and I was also a follower of the rural builders. Soon after the second issue of the newly reorganized "Semi-monthly Magazine of Village Governance," I published an essay entitled "The Prerequisite Issues of the Cooperative Movement," a paper entitled "Discussion on Solving the Financial Problems of the Common People," and a "Social Survey of Sanquan Township" in my hometown of Sanquantou Village. So he became friends with Mr. Liang. When I came to Shandong to work in the early autumn of 1931, I first went to Zouping to see Mr. Liang. The visit was from Qingdao to Jinan, and through the two county towns of Changshan and Zouping, where he visited some of the businesses of drilling wells, attending classes, and running cooperatives.

Speaking of what Han Fuyu saw and heard, it is also necessary to recount what happened when I left the post of Boxing county magistrate.

The process of my transfer from Boxing to the Shandong Provincial Secretariat for another appointment went through the following procedures. In August of this year, the local tax of Boxing County was compiled and examined (the compilation and examination is a fixed procedure for the regular conduct of the local tax quota separately, and the examination and approval method of the new quota is not the same as that of each county. Some do not need to be redetermined, some are increased, and some adopt the bidding method, because the competitive tax amount is very high, this joint is probably the opportunity for the handling personnel to find some additional income layer by layer, and the general disadvantages are all there), the new tax amount is not increased or decreased, and the original contractor voluntarily increases the amount or freely increases the contract. Under such circumstances, according to the usual style of Zhang Shaotang, secretary general of the provincial government, and the hostess of the East Building, they will never let go. Sure enough, Zhang Shaotang had sent me a letter before the term, and said in a tone that seemed to be caring: "You have been in Boxingye for several months, and you should take the time to come to Jinan to give a presentation on your work, and invite the chairman to appreciate it." "Although I read the Chinese chapter of the book, I did not take it into account because I was from the right path and did not give bribes, and only replied by ordinary letters, stating that because I had just learned politics and was unfamiliar with things, I did not leave my post lightly, and I planned to serve for a longer time and achieve a little more, and then seek an opportunity to come, so I prevaricated in the past. The fact is that the reply letter was issued only a few days after the dispatch order, and he only said that he would comply with the order and give an explanation, and he would first return to the Secretariat for another appointment. I waited for the successor to come, handed over to the post of Huiji to report, and ended the initial trial of the county magistrate.

As for what the Han clan saw and heard, due to the short time I have experienced, I can't go into details.


Juxian Cultural and Historical Materials, Volume 3 (December 1986)