
Guo Mu: The process and setbacks of the transformation of Mobu

author:Nature and Society


*This article is excerpted from the third series of "Juxian Cultural and Historical Materials" (December 1986), written by Guo Mu, and the original title is "The Experience and Setbacks of the Transformation of Mobu"


"One Hundred and Eight Generals" (Original Note: In January 1938, when the Japanese invaders opened up the Jiaoji railway line, the Gaomi landlords' armed Cai Jinkang guerrillas retreated to Zhucheng, including the Fourth Jiaoshan Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Squadron led by the Qingdao Party organization and some students, cadres, and workers, a total of 60 or 70 people, working in the Political Department and other departments of the ministry in the name of the "exile regiment." At the same time, 30 or 40 party members and progressive young students were mobilized to participate in the Cai Division's anti-Japanese resistance, and it was newly organized as the Fourth Squadron, with a total of more than 110 people, known to the outside world as "100 singles and 8 generals." After being forced to go south, the only forces of the Zhucheng Party at that time were Wang Wei and me, as well as Wang Naizheng, Wang Dongnian, Wang Yumin, Wang Jiaxin, Wang Ciyuan and other comrades from the Beixing branch. Around March 1938, Wang Naizheng went to Xiangzhou in Zhucheng to report to Comrade Wang Wei on his work and asked to send people to strengthen their work there. Wang Wei knew that I was still in Zhucheng, so he asked Wang Naizheng to find me and asked me to go to Juxian County to meet the comrades of the Beixing branch to work in Mobu. At that time, it was very difficult for me to pull a team in the Guojiazhuang area. Therefore, he agreed to go to Mobu with Wang Naizheng to work. At this time, Mo Zhengmin already had a team of thousands of people, but the discipline of the troops was very poor, and in the northern part of Ju County, he was attacking the big landlord manor of Yangjia Xiazhuang, which was dominated by the landlord Yang Ganxi. After the Yangjia Xia Village was opened, at the suggestion of the Political Department, a part of the grain stored in the landlord's manor was distributed to the surrounding poor peasants, thus expanding its political influence, and the rest of the grain and money were transported to the area around Shiguhou Village, in the northwest mountainous area of Ju County, to prepare for the army's spring training. As soon as I arrived in Mobu, I and my comrades from the Beixing branch began to study how to transform this unit and how to develop the party's organizational strength. Mo Zhengmin is a native of Ju County, who became a bandit at the age of 14 and can be said to be a "hero of the green forest". Before the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he once served as a special captain in Zhang Buyun's troops incorporated by the Kuomintang, and after Zhang Buyun surrendered to the Japanese invaders, he took some people to break away from Zhang Buyun and pull the team by himself.

Why did the comrades of the Beixing branch enter this unit to carry out their work? This was decided after many studies and analyses. The branch believes: first, although Ying Zhengmin was born as a bandit, he is not politically reactionary, and he resolutely broke away from Zhang Buyun and was not a puppet army, which is the actual performance; Second, Mo had nothing to do with the Kuomintang, although there were two cousins by his side at that time who were members of the Kuomintang, one was the chief of staff and the other was the secretary general, but it was actually an arrangement, and Mo Zhengmin did not listen to them; Third, although he started his team from pulling the mountain and planting flags for his personal purpose, he also had the enthusiasm and determination to resist Japan and save the country. At that time, when most local guerrillas were controlled by the Kuomintang, it was still more advantageous for our party to penetrate into Mobu and carry out its work. Of course, the branch also analyzed and took into account that the composition of this unit is relatively complex. Although most of the soldiers were peasants, there were also many ruffians, and some of the backbone of the troops (captains, squadron leaders, etc.) were bandit leaders in the past. Therefore, it is very difficult to fully realize that it is a difficult task to transform such a force. After I arrived, after several discussions and studies at the branch, it was decided to take the following measures and steps. First, it is necessary to do a good job in winning over Mo Zhengmin, which is the key to our party's ability to gain a foothold in this unit and to carry out its work smoothly. At that time, he analyzed that it was possible to win over Mo Zhengmin, and he expressed his willingness to cooperate with the Communist Party, and he also sensed that there was a Communist Party organization in the political department. Therefore, the branch decided to recruit him first to join the "Minxian" organization (he was also a young man in his twenties at the time). By using this organizational connection, it is possible to carry out the party's intentions and facilitate the realization of the plan to transform this army. Second, the Political Department (later renamed the Political Department) was strengthened, organized by the Health Department, and trained political workers in a planned manner to create conditions for strengthening the political work of the troops. Third, with the support of Mo Zhengmin, we should start to reorganize and train the troops, establish a teaching team, and transfer cadres from the troops for rotational training; on this basis, we should also step by step to rectify the military style and discipline and improve the relationship between the troops and the common people. According to the decision of the branch, everyone went to work separately, and Wang Dongnian, Wang Naizheng and I came forward to do the work of winning Mo Zhengmin. He talked to Mo Zhengmin about preparing to develop his participation in the "People First" organization, and he agreed without hesitation, and made it clear that he would not rely on the Kuomintang and was willing to follow the Communist Party. From then on, he used the evening to hold meetings at the residence of "Commander Mo". He told the guards to stand guard at the gate, and no one was allowed to enter. Start a phase and live an organizational life on schedule. With regard to measures such as strengthening the strength of the Political Department, training political workers, organizing training teams to train military cadres in rotation, and rectifying the discipline of the troops, Mo Zhengmin took the initiative to announce and implement them at the cadre meeting. Therefore, on the whole, the work at this stage is going relatively smoothly. Wang Dongnian was appointed director of the Political Department, I was appointed head of the Organization Section, Zang Junyu (he was introduced by my connections in the spring of 1938 to join the work of the Political Department of the Mocan Ministry, and soon after he arrived in the Mozambican Ministry) was appointed as the head of the Propaganda Section, Wang Yumin was appointed as the chief of the Democracy Movement Section, and Wang Ciyuan was appointed as the chief of the General Affairs Section. However, during this period, the branch has lost contact with its superiors. Later, when I heard that there was an Eighth Route Army in Yishui, the branch decided to send Wang Yumin to contact, on the one hand, to report to them on the situation of Mo Zhengmin's troops, on the other hand, to report on our work in the department, and at the same time put forward requirements: first, I hope that they will help connect with the organizational relationship; Second, I hope to pull Mo Bu to the Eighth Route Army to accept the adaptation. According to Comrade Wang Yumin's report, the Eighth Route Army was in charge of receiving it by a comrade surnamed Lu. As a result, neither of our requirements was met. In particular, he thought it was inappropriate to pull Mo Zheng over, because the personnel of Mo Bu were complicated, and it would not have a good impact on pulling Mo to the Eighth Route Army, so his opinion asked us to mobilize Mo Zhengmin to pull Mo Zhengmin into Gao Shuxun's troops, and he said that the Political Department of the High Ministry had our party's organization, and we could contact them. At this time, Gao Shuxun was the commander of the newly formed Sixth Division of the Tenth Army of the Kuomintang, and his troops had already moved from Henan to Ju County, and the division headquarters was located in Zhangjiaweizi, Ju County. According to the results of the contact with the Eighth Route Army, the branch research believes that we can contact the Political Department of Gao Shuxun's Department again, that is, Wang Dongnian and I went to Zhangjiaweizi, went to the Political Department of the High Army, found a section chief named Jiao Zipei, and introduced the situation of the Ministry of Mo to him, he said that he could pull the Ministry of Mo to the Ministry of Gao, and asked us to talk directly to Gao Shuxun, and heard him say that it seemed that the Eighth Route Army had been in contact with them. So through the introduction of the Political Department, Wang Dongnian and I went to meet Gao Shuxun. Gao Shuxun is a high-ranking general of the Kuomintang and a veteran officer from the army. But he was the old department of the Northwest Army, not a descendant of Chiang Kai-shek. After he arrived in Juxian, the Kuomintang gave him the task of recruiting the nearby guerrillas, and he took this opportunity to expand his power. In this case, he was naturally happy to incorporate Mo Zhengmin's team. Therefore, he promised to give Mo Zhengmin the number of the first detachment of the Fourth Guerrilla Zone, and said that he knew what Mo Zhengmin was like, and asked Mo Zhengmin himself to meet him at the division headquarters. Wang Dongnian and I came back and told the comrades of the branch and Mo Zhengmin about the contact situation, and Mo Zhengmin himself basically accepted it, but some of the backbone cadres of the army talked a lot and had many concerns. Some are worried that this team will be broken up once they accept the incorporation, and some are worried about what will happen to the troops if Mo Zhengmin is detained by Gao Shuxun and so on. Mo Zhengmin himself had his own ideological struggles, but with the mobilization and support of the branch, he still eliminated his worries and decided to meet with Gao Shuxun for a meeting, accompanied by Wang Dongnian and me. When Mo Zhengmin arrived at the residence of Gao Shuxun with more than a dozen entourage, Gao Shuxun actually went to the village to greet him in person. When he arrived at the division headquarters, he held a banquet and entertained him, and awarded a letter of appointment in person, appointing Mo Zhengmin as the commander of the first detachment of the Fourth Guerrilla Zone. And said something with a bit of righteousness, you come here, what treatment do my troops have, and what treatment do you have, the family does not distinguish between each other. Wang Dongnian and I also took the opportunity to propose to Gao Shuxun that the Political Department of the division headquarters send cadres to Mobu to strengthen its strength. Soon after, the Political Department sent Liu Mingping to Mobu as a special commissioner, Liu Mingping had studied at the Northern Shaanxi Public School, and his thinking was progressive, but he was not a member of the Communist Party when he came to work in Mobu, and he joined the party only after being introduced by Wang Dongnian and me in Mobu. After Mo was absorbed by Gao Shuxun, Mo Zhengmin was the commander, who would be the deputy commander? It is difficult to determine for a while, because there is no suitable candidate among the middle-level military cadres, and after the study of the branch, our party should take the opportunity to win this post in order to directly control the armed forces. Therefore, I came forward and obtained Mo Zhengmin's consent, and he recommended to Gao Shuxun the appointment of Wang Dongnian as deputy commander, I took over as director of the Political Department, Zang Junyu as the head of the Organization Section, and Liu Jianwu as the head of the Propaganda Section. At this time, it was necessary to further expand the strength of the Political Department and set up a teaching team to train military cadres as soon as possible, so the branch decided that I would go to Zhucheng to recruit some young students to enrich the strength of the Political Department, and the Japanese invaders who happened to occupy Zhucheng went south, and Zhucheng was garrisoned by Zhang Ruiting's troops to which Gao Shuxun belonged, and I recruited dozens of young people when I went back, and now I remember that: Ding Zhi'an, Li Qian (female), Li Keyu (female), Xu Chang (female), Zang Renkan (female), Zang Luanpo (female), Wang Zhizhang (now known as Wang Hanxi), Zang Pengyun, Ding Maocheng, Ding Chengshen, Zang Guangyun. Zang Shengwang, Kan Jiren, etc., and later from Zhucheng to Mobu also Zhang Yong, Zhu Xincun (now known as Zhu Jianfeng), Wang Weizeng, etc. At that time, the number of personnel recruited from the Political Department in Ba County had reached 40 to 50. Training courses for political workers have been set up, mainly teaching philosophy, political economy, and political work in the military. Taught by Zang Junyu, Liu Jianwu and me, the training time was about three months. At the same time, a training team was set up to train military cadres in rotation, mainly under the responsibility of Liu Mingping, who had received military training. In particular, in the autumn harvest season of 1938, the Political Department initiated and organized a large-scale autumn harvest campaign to help the poor and laborless peasants (hereinafter referred to as the Autumn Harvest Campaign). After the autumn harvest was completed, a celebration meeting was held in the compound of the Political Department (at this time, the headquarters of the Mo Ministry and the Political Department were stationed in Jingqiu) to perform theatrical programs, and these activities can be said to be the initial gains made by our party in the transformation of Mo Zhengmin's troops. At this time, Comrade Zhao Zhigang, former secretary of the Zhucheng Provisional County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, returned to Zhucheng from Fei County and also went to Mobu, where he contacted Comrade Zhang Gang and transferred our organizational relationship to the Second Detachment of the Eighth Route Army, which had already recovered Zhucheng, Juxian, and Rizhao, and the main responsible comrades of the Second Branch were Liu Yong (commander), Li Zhonglin, and Cui Jie.

In addition to the original New Sixth Division, two more brigades were added, Mo Zhengmin's troops were organized into the First Brigade, and Zhang Ruiting's troops were organized into the Third Brigade, and the troops were changed from guerrillas to regular troops. According to the work practice in the previous paragraph, the comrades of the party branch have profoundly realized that the party cannot fundamentally transform this unit by grasping political work, and that if there is a change, the gun will not be in their own hands, and they will be in a passive position. Therefore, it was decided to take advantage of the reorganization of the troops to send some comrades to regiments, battalions, and companies as military cadres to directly control the armed forces, and to establish a political work system in the troops accordingly, strengthen the political work of the company, and overcome the situation in which political work floats above; with the consent of Mo Zhengmin, Wang Dongnian was appointed as the battalion commander of the next battalion, Liu Mingping was appointed as a regimental cadre and regiment deputy, and a few comrades were sent to the regiment, battalion, and company to serve as directors of the regiment's political department, battalion instructors, and company instructors. It is envisaged that through these organizational measures, a situation will be opened up for the further transformation of this unit and the real learning of the armed forces in the hands of our Party. In retrospect, these measures were measured

The plan was realized, but the working time was not long, the foundation of the work was not consolidated, and later the situation changed, and the transformation of this unit finally suffered setbacks and failures.

In the winter of 1938, Gao Shuxun's troops were ordered to play the banner of "going north to resist Japan", and they wanted to go to Chahar, and the first step was to go to northern Lu. For this reason, the branch asked the higher-level party committee, and the party instructed to follow the high-level department to the north, and the branch conveyed the party's decision to Mo Zhengmin and obtained his consent. Therefore, the team of more than 1,000 people of the Mo Brigade was smoothly pulled away under the guarantee of the party. After arriving in northern Shandong, the organizational relationship was transferred to the leadership of the party committee of the Hebei-Shandong border region, and the leadership core was reorganized in the high-level department, which was composed of Li Hengquan (chief of the military political department), Hao Hengshu, Yan Lingxiao (the above two people are directors of the political department of the high-level regiment), and other comrades. However, as soon as the troops arrived in northern Lubei, great changes took place in the political and military situation. When he was in Lunan, Mobe basically did not fight with the enemy, and as soon as he arrived in Lubei, he immediately began to deal with the Japanese puppet army. Northern Shandong is a plain area, and the geographical conditions for the operation are not as good as those in the mountainous areas of southern Lunan, but the morale of the troops at that time was still strong. At the beginning of 1939, the Japanese puppet army in Yanshan County went out to sweep up, and Mobe made an ambush, which repelled the Japanese puppet army, and captured a wounded prisoner named Kanji Sato, who was born in Hokkaido, Japan. In the spirit of revolutionary humanism, he was treated and educated, and his thinking was quickly transformed. From a soldier of the invading army who was driven and used by the Japanese militarists, he has become a foreign friend who opposes the war of aggression, advocates peace between China and Japan, and has developed a friendship with us. Later, at his request, he was sent back to the Japanese invading army in Yanshan County (by the way, I visited Japan in May 1983 and talked about this with a Japanese friend who was in charge of reception, but unexpectedly, Japan went to seriously check whether this prisoner of war was still there, and I posted a notice in the Hokkaido Shimbun looking for him, and unexpectedly received a letter from Kanji Sato in mid-October. The letter recounted what happened after his return. He was cured of a broken leg and enlisted in the army. But he became a well-known "little bad soldier" in the Japanese invading army until Japan surrendered and returned home. He also expressed his deep gratitude to the Chinese for their generosity and life-saving grace. This incident is also a historical testimony to the results of our Party's revolutionary humanism during the war years).

After the beginning of the summer of 1939, the Japanese invading army further invested more troops to attack Gaobu, and the "Ningzhai Campaign" and the "Dafenzhuang Battle" took place one after another.

The above are the changes in the military aspect. The impact of changes in politics is even greater. After Gao Shuxun's troops arrived in northern Lubei, the troops were stationed in Yanshan County. Yanshan County was Gao Shuxun's hometown, and a group of landlords and gentry and Kuomintang politicians tried their best to win him over, and Gao Shuzhu's political attitude began to change. When the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, Gao Shuxun was the commander of the security team in Hebei Province, and he pulled the team to retreat to Shanxi and began to contact our party and the Eighth Route Army. At the same time, in accordance with a set of methods of the Eighth Route Army, the army's political work system was established, and the troops were effectively reorganized. Therefore, when I was in Lunan, Gao Shuxun often said that when my troops were in Shanxi, they went to the homes of ordinary people and turned over the cabinets, and it was the Eighth Route Army that sent cadres to help us carry out the rectification. But when he arrived in Lubei, the Kuomintang sent a commissioner named Ma Gaoru to the high ministry as a lobbyist and promised to give Gao Shuxun money and weapons, and Gao Shuxun began to change his attitude and move closer to the Kuomintang. Soon after, the Political Department was reorganized, Ma Gaoru was appointed as the director, and the main leading cadres under the original Political Department were successively transferred to the Military Judge Advocate General's Office, the Secretariat, and other departments, and the method of "transferring the tiger from the mountain" was carried out to clear the way for Ma Gaoru to rule the Political Department. After that, a collective training was held for all political workers, during which they were forced to join the Kuomintang and so on. At that time, there were more than 700 political workers in the senior department, and although the communist party members were a minority, all the cadres had been influenced and educated by our party for a long time, and they deeply hated Gao Shuxun's perverse behavior, and generally expressed their opposition, and some of them voluntarily left the senior department. While implementing these measures, Gao Shuxun also deliberately spread the word: "I asked the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army to help reorganize the troops, and now they don't need it, and they should be politely sent away." "And through his senior secretary Xie Fang (also known as Xie Ziyi, a democrat with an ideological and progressive orientation to our party), he negotiated with us to send Yu from the whole corps-level political department director and above. On the one hand, he hypocritically confessed that he was speaking of "faithfulness," and on the other hand, it also set the stage for the persecution and brutalization of the remaining Communist Party members. Because he knows that our party will never fail to develop its strength in this unit. As the situation was getting worse and worse, the party's leading core twice sent me and Zhang to the Hebei-Shandong border party committee to ask for instructions, and both times we were received by Comrade Xiao Hua, commander of the border region. After the study of the district party committee, it was decided that all the leading cadres at and above the regimental level who had openly or semi-openly exposed their faces could take the initiative to withdraw from the high departments, and the remaining party members who had not been exposed should organize a separate leadership core and continue to stay and persist in the struggle. In this way, in July and August 1939, more than 10 comrades, including Li Hengquan, Hao Hengshu, Yan Lingxiao, and myself, withdrew from the high-level department, and most of the comrades went to the Hebei border area, and I returned to Lunan. A new leadership core consisting of three comrades was established in the High Division. Now I only remember that one of them is Comrade Zang Junyu. But not long after, Gao Shuxun began to hunt down the remaining Communist Party members and ideological progressive youths. Zang Junyu was also arrested, but fortunately Mo Zhengmin came forward to bail and was detained in Mobu, and then he took the opportunity to escape during the night march, and then went to Yan'an. In the course of this great change, the party and the progressive forces united by the party have suffered considerable setbacks and losses. Therefore, some comrades working in the army pulled their ranks one after another to break away from the high headquarters and surrender to the Eighth Route Army. The Mo Zhengmin Brigade was also noticed by Gao Shuxun as early as the summer of 1939, fearing that the Mo Brigade would change, so he sent a man surnamed Xu to be the deputy brigade commander, nominally to help the Mo Brigade strengthen its leadership, but in fact to monitor Mo Zhengmin. After the change of Gao Shuxun's department, some political workers (mainly female comrades) of the Mo Brigade were sent back to Lunan one after another, and the situation further deteriorated, and some units of the Mo Brigade suffered some losses in the battle, the command system was disordered, and the party organizations could not maintain contact with each other. Some comrades, such as Wang Dongnian and Wang Naizheng, returned to Lunan one after another. Therefore, the strength of the party in Mobu was not much, and only a few comrades such as Ding Zhi'an persisted in the struggle. In view of the deteriorating situation, Ding Zhi'an discussed with Mo Zhengmin and decided to break away from the high army and pull the troops to the Eighth Route Army! Go. So Mo Zhengmin made a surprise attack on the deputy brigade commander and his guards, confiscated their guns, and drove them out of the Mo Brigade, and then announced that he would leave Gao Shuxun's army and join the Eighth Route Army. However, due to the very complex and changeable situation at that time, the relationship between the underground party organizations was disrupted, Ding Zhi'an went to the Eighth Route Army to contact, because he could not put forward the organizational proof, failed to gain the trust of the organization and did not succeed in contacting, but was suspected and attacked by the Eighth Route Army, Mo Zhengmin pulled the team back to Lunan again, passing near Liangshanbo in Luxi, unfortunately surrounded by the Japanese invaders, Mo Zhengmin and Ding Zhi'an were captured, so far, Mo Zhengmin's troops have completely collapsed.

The course of historical development is sometimes tortuous and complicated, and the same is true of the development of a unit and a person. Mo Zhengmin's troops collapsed, and after Mo Zhengmin was captured, he actually accepted the Japanese puppet army and was once the captain of the puppet army in Ju County, politically speaking, he made the serious mistake of losing his national position and bowing to the enemy, thus causing a lot of harm to the people. However, later facts proved that after he arrived in Ba County, he deliberately made a comeback, waited for the opportunity to eliminate the Japanese invaders, and then returned to the side of the motherland and the people. When Mo Zhengmin became a puppet army, Ding Zhi'an did not participate and returned to Zhucheng, lived in Zhucheng for a while, and then with my consent, he went to Mo Zhengmin to continue the work of winning over Mo, prompting him to contact the party and revolt as soon as possible. After a period of time, Mo Zhengmin pulled up a large team, and with the education and help of our party, he launched an uprising on November 14, 1944, and cooperated with the Eighth Route Army to eliminate a part of the Japanese invaders and liberate Juxian County (at that time, the Yan'an Liberation Daily had published the news of Mo Zhengmin's uprising), and finally corrected his mistakes with practical actions and returned to the embrace of the motherland and the people. He joined the Communist Party in 1946 and became an honorable Communist Party member and leading cadre of the Party.

Original Note: (1) Some excerpts are included in this article.

(2) Guo Mu: also known as Guo Mengjia, a native of Zhucheng County, is currently the director of the Shanghai Second Commercial Bureau.

(3) One hundred and eight generals: In January 1938, when the Japanese invaders opened up the Jiaoji railway line, the high-density landlords' armed Cai Jinkang guerrillas retreated to Zhucheng, including the Fourth Squadron of the Jiaoshan Anti-Japanese Guerrillas led by the Qingdao Party organization and some students, cadres, and workers, totaling 60 or 70 people, working in the Political Department of the Ministry in the name of the "exile group." At the same time, 30 or 40 party members and progressive young students were mobilized to participate in the Cai Division's anti-Japanese resistance, and it was newly organized as the Fourth Squadron, with a total of more than 110 people, known to the outside world as "100 singles and 8 generals."


Juxian Cultural and Historical Materials, Volume 3 (December 1986)