
Wang Xiufu: I was in a demon cave for 100 days

author:Nature and Society


* "Juxian Cultural and Historical Materials" Volume 3 (December 1986), Wang Xiufu, author Wang Xiufu, original title "One Hundred Days in the Demon Cave"


My home is Xingjiazhuang at the foot of Fulai Mountain. At the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, Wang Xiangting, a city man, came to live in our village, and soon after this person came to live, he stayed in prostitutes and gambled, and did all kinds of evil, becoming a scourge in the village, and everyone hated it. After the Japanese devils invaded Jucheng, he openly defected to Japan and became a traitor in 4O, and since then he has no fear and does whatever he wants.

As early as April of the lunar calendar in 1939, an old man came to my village to sell cucumbers, Wang Xiangting bought him a catty (two large copper plates per catty), and after a while he came back and insisted that the cucumbers he bought were not enough to scale, and he was very majestic, and smashed the scale of the old man who sold cucumbers without saying a word, and raised the cucumbers all over the street. Seeing that this villain was so arrogant and deceitful, everyone who saw it gritted their teeth and was resentful, but they didn't dare to come forward to reason with the old man. At that time, I was only 18 years old, and I didn't think much about the social sophistication at that time.

Seeing that this scoundrel was so deceitful, I stepped forward and fought for the old man who sold cucumbers, and under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Wang Xiangting couldn't get off the stage on the spot, and left with hatred. As he walked, he said: "Wang Anjun (my name at the time) You are a good man, let's see!" ”

I didn't expect that I would cause a catastrophe and almost lose my life.

Since then, Wang Xiangting has been obsessed with me, always looking for opportunities to take revenge and vent his personal anger. After he became a traitor, he immediately lied to the devil: "Wang Anjun of Xingjiazhuang is a dark eight roads." "And so a great calamity befell me.

In the middle of the night on the third day of the seventh lunar month in 1941, I was awakened in my sleep by a sharp barking of dogs. I was pondering when I suddenly heard a screeching sound, followed by a "thump" on the door.

I hurriedly got out of bed to go out to see what was going on, and as soon as I opened the door, I saw a flashlight flashing, and several bayonets touched my belly at the same time. A traitor asked, "Are you Wang Anjun?" "What, what's this for?" "Fucking verbose, that's him. Take! ”

I was immediately tied up. was escorted out of the door under the grip of several devils and traitors. A few devil soldiers who remained in the house rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and threw children under the age of one to the ground. My mother watched me being escorted away, grabbed my arm tightly and didn't let go, begged the traitor and devil, was kicked down by the devil, fainted on the spot, and my father was also beaten to death.

It was raining at this time, and I was wearing only a pair of pants, and I was shivering with cold, and I was hugged by the enemy and walked in the muddy water. Walking to East Lake, by the light of the flashlight, I saw Sun Yuegui and Sun Pengyuan, father and son from the same village in front of me, also tied together and walking towards Jiangcheng.

At dawn, we were escorted into the city of Juxian and crowded into a courtyard with two devil soldiers standing guard at the gate (the garrison of the devil gendarmerie station). There are three tiled houses in the outer courtyard, and there are two wooden cages inside. As soon as we entered the house, Sun Pengyuan and I were stuffed into a wooden cage, and Sun Yuegui was stuffed into another wooden cage. The top and bottom of the cage are nailed with thick wooden planks, and the sides are densely lined with thick wooden sticks. Whoever is sent to the wooden cage wants to come out alive again. We are in this cage, not to mention eating, and even the water is difficult to drink. I was locked in a cage for five days, and the enemy did not give me a drop of water to drink, and I only felt my tongue twitching backwards, and my heart was burning with oil, as if it was getting harder and harder every day. I saw a friend who had been caught from Dadiannan, and under the unbearable thirst, he took his own urine with his hand, and finally he couldn't even take the urine (he was later shot and killed by the enemy).

Those who are put in wooden cages are not allowed to move or make noise, and they are tortured if they are not careful. One of the refugees was snoring in his sleep, and the guards lit a candle and poured wax water on his face, which burned his face and festered and suppurated.

On the ninth day after I was captured by the enemy, Sun Yuegui and his son had already been tried by the criminal family. The enemy began to torture me. On the thirteenth day of the seventh lunar month, I was dragged out of the wooden cage and carried to a gloomy black room, which was a special house for execution, which was both fishy and smelly. There were patches of blood everywhere on the wall and door, and a large rope hung from the beam, half of which had been stained purple and black with blood. The enemy tied my hands behind my back and slid them onto the beam. At this time, I heard a guy shouting, "Set sail!" He slid me up on a beam and hung me high. They forced me to admit that it was the Eighth Route Army, and I gritted my teeth and hung me for a day without saying a word.

The next day, the enemy took me to the house and continued to slide on the beam, and asked as he slipped it, "Do you have any dirt?" "I still didn't say anything. So, these beasts that exterminated humanity became angry, and the translator Wang Guorui (from the Northeast) shouted: "Damn, if you don't speak, Lao Tzu has the rule of law for you, see if it's your teeth tight, or my criminal law is hard." Then he commanded: "Load the bomb!" "When I was still hanging from the beam, I tied my two ankles together with a rope and stuffed bricks into the gaps between my legs (these bricks were all big blue bricks from the ancient city wall, and each weighing about 30 pounds). I don't know how many victims have been killed by the enemy with this kind of punishment. Every time the enemy shoved a brick into my leg, he forced him to ask, "Is it the Eighth Road, can you recruit it?" "I added four pieces in succession, and I couldn't fit in the gap between my legs, and at this time even my own weight was two hundred and fifty pounds, and my shoulders could no longer bear this weight, and my shoulder bones were broken, and I passed out, and the enemy did not stop there, and tied a brick with a straw rope to my neck, and added more than thirty pounds.

The flesh of the wrist had been broken by the rope, and a section four or five fingers long had no flesh left. Gendarmerie Captain Xincun, the executioner who was famous for massacring the Chinese, instructed several devil soldiers to take turns beating me with chopping wood, beating me all over my body, and then brought in wolf dogs to gnaw my toes to pieces.

The enemy did not subdue me with these tortures. On the third day, he used a more vicious method to tie my hands and feet together, stretched out a stick and picked it up to the stinky water tank, drowned my head down and my viscera up, and when my anus was filled with stinky water, he lifted it out so that the pole could be pressed out again. ”

The enemy, believing that I would not survive, threw me under a wall while I was unconscious. After more than two days under the wall, I woke up again. At this time, the mouth was still stinking water, the wounds all over the body were ulcerated, and maggots had grown on the ears, nose, eyes, and wounds. My limbs have been tied for a long time, my shoulder bones have been broken, the blood on my two arms has been lost, and my hands are black. When the enemy saw that I was alive again, they rinsed me with water and threw me into a wooden cage again.

At that time, the devil saw that my two arms were useless, so he took out a foreign knife and cut my arm, there was a two-inch long wound, deep to the bone, and the white miserable muscles turned over to both sides, without bleeding or feeling pain, this tragic situation even the traitor in charge of guarding could not bear to witness.

Just when I was tortured to the point of dying, a new friend came to the same cage, named Tian Xihe. Seeing that I had been mutilated like this, this kind-hearted compatriot was very sympathetic and took good care of me with the acquiescence of the guards. Before he was tortured, he begged me every day to get water and food, and helped me urinate and urinate, which relieved me a lot of pain, and my body gradually improved, and I picked up a life from the line of death.

After that, the enemy did not torture me severely, nor did he force me to say what he wanted me to say, and I could not be sentenced, but he refused to release me, so he sentenced me to hard labor.

There were more than a dozen fellow refugees who were punished with hard labor, and I shared the garbage. At this time, my hands and arms were still unable to move, and the victim put the head of the bar on my shoulder and walked along, and the weight was all borne by the victim.

For those who have been sentenced to hard labor, in addition to the heavy physical labor every day, the devils also change all kinds of methods to torture and destroy us arbitrarily, and they do not treat us as human beings at all. In the case of "naming" alone, the devil has come up with a lot of bad ideas, and his cruelty is used to the extreme. To illustrate this, a few examples can be illustrated. On the ninth day of the lunar calendar, the weather is already very cold. At this time, I was still wearing the same pair of trousers that I was arrested, and I was released from the cage in the morning to go to work, and the devil had to be named first. At this time, we were all shivering with cold, and when the devil saw that we were cold, he ordered the traitors to pour a basin of cold water on each of their heads. The refugees lined up to walk in front of the devil on duty, and each person was beaten with a stick in front of the root. At this time, the serial number must be reported, and whoever is loud or small has to be re-attacked. Sometimes a roll call has to be followed by more than a dozen beatings. On one occasion of the "roll call", the devil did not beat or scold, but asked the fellow refugees to take turns shaving their heads and shaving their faces. It doesn't matter if it's your turn or not, you have to scrape in front of the devil. The razor used is blunt. The devil has to shave as he asks. Some should keep core hairs; Some should be left with declination. There is an old Chinese medicine doctor surnamed Sun (Zhaoxianren), whose beard and hair are all white, and his beard, hair, and eyebrows are all shaved, and he is only called to keep a small handful on his lower lip. Most of the victims do not shave their heads, and they get blood all over their heads or faces. The refugees were stunned when they got off work in the morning and evening.

As for the usual labor, beating, scolding, punishing kneeling, nailing, and burning fires, needless to say, as long as the devil and the translator look at someone who is not pleasing to the eye, a catastrophe will immediately come, and the light one will sit on the tiger chair and pour chili pepper water; The heavier ones were shot and buried alive. The devil's means of killing fellow victims are all the best. For example, when burying a victim alive, first ask the victim to dig a pit by himself, and then force the victim to line up, the second person buries the first person, the third person buries the second person, and so on, and the last one, the devil buries him again. During my detention, I knew that the devils had buried as many as twenty-five people alive in this way. Among them is the palace of the post-lime kiln village. Sun Yuegui and Sun Pengyuan, father and son, who were arrested with me, Wang Xiangting personally pressed them down on the wooden hand and chopped off their heads with a knife. This time it was in the Temple of Horses, killing five people and burying them all in a pit.

Ever since I was captured by the enemy, my father has been running around the house, begging relatives and friends to try to save me. He sold more than a dozen big elm trees in his family, sold all the family property that could be sold, and added financial support from relatives and friends, and finally released him from the Central People's Daily. When I got home, I saw that my mother was blind: she touched me and wept silently: "Child, since you asked the devil to arrest me, who knows how many tears I have shed, I can't eat at home, I can't sleep, I pick up the bowl when I eat, I think about the child, cry for a while, and then put down the bowl." ”

I came home a wreck, my hands still couldn't hold anything, and my fingernails were all off. Eating, sleeping, urinating and defecating have to be waited on by others. It took more than a year to gradually recover. Until now, the rainy weather still feels like it.

From the time I was arrested on the third day of the seventh lunar month to the time I was released on October 12, I spent 100 days in the murderous cave of the gendarmerie set up by the Japanese devils in Juxian County, where I personally experienced and witnessed the crimes of the Japanese invaders in the cruelty of my compatriots. Forty-five years later, I still feel creepy when I think about the scene.

When Jucheng was liberated in 1944, Wang Xiangting, a national sinner who once pushed me into the murderous cave of the Japanese invaders, fled to Zichuan with the devils stationed in the city, and continued to be a traitor and an enemy of the people. When Zichuan was liberated in 1945, this devastating beast was finally captured alive by our army and civilians and escorted to Juxian. On the day before the Qingming Festival in 1946, our county held a mass meeting of 10,000 people in Fudong District, at which Wang Xiangting was sentenced to death for the crime of defecting to the Japanese invaders and bringing disaster to the country and the people, and was immediately executed.


Juxian Cultural and Historical Materials, Volume 3 (December 1986)