
On the eve of the Lebanese-Israeli war, the attitude of the Arab alliance changed, and Israel's situation was not good

author:Captain Long Yan

Despite Israel's "June 24 deadline" declaration of war, so much time has passed and Israel is still preparing. This time, Israel's northern expedition to Allah in Lebanon has encountered many difficulties, and unlike Israel's fight against Hamas, the Israeli army can do whatever it wants. This time, even the United States has warned Israel that if Israel expands its war against Allah forces, it will affect the entire Middle East situation.

In fact, since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict last year, Israel has launched an extraordinary military operation in the Gaza Strip in order to eradicate Hamas, and the serious humanitarian crisis it has created has dissatisfied the entire international community. Especially in the Middle East, many Arab countries have taken action, and although there is no direct conflict with Israel on the surface, their attitudes towards Hamas and Allah have changed significantly.

The Arabs have not only begun to sympathize broadly with the plight of the Palestinians, but have also come to support anti-Israel forces.

On the eve of the Lebanese-Israeli war, the attitude of the Arab alliance changed, and Israel's situation was not good

On the other hand, Israel, despite the opposition of the entire international community, has created a humanitarian crisis, and even Western countries cannot stand it, and the United States has directly announced that it has suspended military aid to Israel. However, Israel, already red-eyed, did not listen to persuasion, and Netanyahu said that even if he did not get the support of allies, he would launch a devastating blow against Allah forces on the northern border.

After the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, you can vaguely see that there are high-level people behind it. Step by step, Israel passively fell into the chess game. Compared with the previous round of the current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the biggest change is that the attitude of the entire international community towards Palestine has changed from a cold eye to sympathy, and now it has begun to support the Palestinians to establish a state.

Israel is a small country and lacks strategic depth. In the first five Middle East wars, Israel relied on US military assistance to win the war quickly.

And this time, it is clear that Israel can no longer be at its fingertips. In the conflict between Hamas and the Israeli army, we have also seen many classic tactics, guerrilla warfare, tunnel warfare abound. The Hamas forces have directly resisted the Israeli army's attack for nearly nine months, and now the Middle East Resistance Front has been mobilized, and it seems that they are trying to consume Israel with a wheel war.

On the eve of the Lebanese-Israeli war, the attitude of the Arab alliance changed, and Israel's situation was not good

This time, not only has the attitude of the United States changed, but even some of the things that the United States was worried about have also happened.

The first thing is that there is once again a great unity across the Arab countries, and the Arabs are targeting Israel. This is what the United States does not want to see, and the United States relies on sowing discord and making breakthroughs in the Middle East. I never thought that such a fuss from Israel would make the entire Arab world begin to move towards unity again.

The second thing is that Syria has already begun to act, and once Syria intervenes in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, in view of Syria's special geographical location, it can directly connect Iran and Iraq in tandem and directly form a large strategic rear, which can provide continuous support for the anti-Israel fight.

Let's start with the first thing that the Arab countries have done to achieve great unity is something that Israel cannot accept. It has been learned that Hussem Zaki, deputy secretary general of the League of Arab States, announced that all members of the League have decided by consensus to remove the Lebanese "Allah" party from the list of terrorist organizations.

Some military experts believe that once the Lebanese-Israeli war breaks out, there will no longer be an obstacle for the Arab League to provide military assistance to Allah.

On the eve of the Lebanese-Israeli war, the attitude of the Arab alliance changed, and Israel's situation was not good

The renewed unity of the Arab countries is also manifested in the restoration of Syria's status as a member of the Arab League, and not only that, but even Turkey has chosen to reconcile with Syria.

As the chaos in the Middle East is about to begin, Erdogan issued a statement on the normalization of relations between Turkey and Syria, saying that there is no reason for Turkey and Syria not to establish normal diplomatic relations. Some analysts pointed out that Syria and Turkey have reached a rapprochement, the situation on Syria's northern border will gradually stabilize, and Syria will be able to deploy troops in the Golan Heights.

It is very difficult for Israel to fight Allah forces with all its might, not only in Gaza, but now in the Golan Heights to prevent Syrian turmoil. While the Houthis and the Afghan Taliban are on their way, Iranian militias and Iraqi militias are also on the move.

It has to be said that Israel has stabbed a hornet's nest this time.

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