
At the age of 30, I had an epiphany: Enriching myself, raising children, and caring for the elderly is the most comfortable state

author:Pregnancy Academy

When I was 30 years old, I had an epiphany: to be rich and to raise my children, and to take care of my husband, this is the most comfortable state. After going through countless confusions and reflections, I finally understood that the wisdom of life lies in finding balance, in facing myself and the people around me in the most natural and comfortable way.

At the age of 30, I had an epiphany: Enriching myself, raising children, and caring for the elderly is the most comfortable state

Enriching oneself is not only material satisfaction, but also spiritual abundance. At the age of 30, I began to learn to buy myself my favorite clothes, enjoy exquisite meals, and participate in activities that interest me. I am no longer stingy on investing in myself, because I know that only by living well can I have enough energy to love and take care of my family. Enriching oneself also means constantly improving oneself, reading, traveling, and exercising, so that one's inner world is richer and more fulfilling. This kind of self is the one who is truly worthy of being cherished and loved.

Free-range children are my new understanding of education. Instead of setting strict rules for your child, let them grow up in freedom and explore their interests and talents. Children are independent individuals, and what they need is tolerance and support, not restraint and control. I choose to let my children learn through experience, grow through play, and find solutions to problems through failure. I believe that only children who grow up in freedom and love can truly have the ability to think independently and face challenges.

At the age of 30, I had an epiphany: Enriching myself, raising children, and caring for the elderly is the most comfortable state

Letting go of the elderly is a wise way to manage marriage. Marriage is not a bondage, but a process of two people growing together. Letting go, not indifference, but trust. I give my husband enough space to pursue his dreams and do what he loves, rather than confined him to family chores. We find balance in our independence from each other and progress together in our respective worlds. Instead of trying to change him, I learned to accept and appreciate his strengths and weaknesses. Such a marriage is a truly stable and long-lasting marriage.

At the age of 30, I learned to enrich myself, raise my children, and take care of my husband. This way of life has allowed me to find inner peace and happiness. I am no longer bothered by tedious household matters and disappointed by high expectations. I began to enjoy every moment, enjoying the simplicity and beauty of life. I understand that life doesn't need to be perfect, but it needs to be balanced; Families don't need to be high-pressure, but they do need love and understanding.

At the age of 30, I had an epiphany: Enriching myself, raising children, and caring for the elderly is the most comfortable state

At this age, I learned to value myself and respect others. I understand that only by loving myself first can we love my family better. Enriching myself gives me enough energy to face the challenges of life; free-range children so that they can find their way in freedom; Let go of the elderly, so that the marriage is more stable in trust. This kind of life is the most comfortable and happiest state.

At the age of 30, I have found the wisdom of life and inner peace. I am willing to continue on this road, to manage my life and family with love and wisdom, so that every day is full of warmth and happiness.