
Excessive sobriety will make people feel cold and indifferent, and excessive intoxication will make people feel superficial

author:Pregnancy Academy

Life is like a glass of wine, excessive sobriety will make people feel cold and indifferent, excessive intoxication, and will make people feel superficial and confused. Therefore, a perfect life should be half sober and half drunk, so as to find true happiness in the balance between reason and sensibility.

Excessive sobriety will make people feel cold and indifferent, and excessive intoxication will make people feel superficial

Soberness is a symbol of sanity. It allows us to see reality clearly, distinguish between right and wrong, and control the direction of life. However, excessive sobriety often makes people seem cold and unforgiving. In the face of a complex society, we need the guidance of reason, but if we blindly pursue reason, life will lose its color. We become cautious, afraid to take risks, afraid to pursue our dreams, and end up in a quagmire of loneliness and boredom.

Drunkenness is the embodiment of sensibility. It allows us to feel the beauty of life and experience the freedom of the mind. In drunkenness, we can forget our troubles for a while and enjoy the beauty of the moment to the fullest. However, excessive intoxication can make us lose our way and prevent us from facing reality. Indulging in fantasy and being unable to extricate ourselves will only end up disconnecting us from reality and falling into superficiality and confusion.

Excessive sobriety will make people feel cold and indifferent, and excessive intoxication will make people feel superficial

We need to find a balance between sobriety and drunkenness. The beauty of life lies in being able to face reality soberly and indulge in beautiful moments. When we are awake, we work hard, pursue our dreams, and plan for the future; When drunk, we enjoy life, relax and feel the moment. Only in this way can we truly experience the richness of life and find inner peace and contentment.

There are always moments in life when we need to stay awake. In the face of difficulties and challenges, we need reason and courage to overcome obstacles and move towards success. However, there are moments when we need to indulge ourselves a little. Let go of stress, enjoy a quality time, gather with family and friends, and feel the warmth of life. This balance is the wisdom of life.

Leave half sober and half drunk, so that we can not only face the challenges of life rationally, but also enjoy the beauty of life emotionally. When we are awake, we are not fooled by glitz; When drunk, we are not bound by reality. This kind of life is truly colorful and the perfect life we are pursuing.

Excessive sobriety will make people feel cold and indifferent, and excessive intoxication will make people feel superficial

In short, excessive sobriety will make people feel cold and indifferent, and excessive intoxication will make people feel superficial and confused. True happiness can only be experienced by finding a balance between sobriety and drunkenness. Let us stay half sober and half drunk, find the wisdom of life in reason and sensibility, feel every moment with our hearts, experience every touch with our hearts, and live a perfect and fulfilling life.

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