
Ms. Hu Youping's sacrifice has brought the blue sky of Sino-Japanese relations, and countless netizens feel the same way!

author:Look at the world with a fine glow
Ms. Hu Youping's sacrifice has brought the blue sky of Sino-Japanese relations, and countless netizens feel the same way!

"" made a combing of the Hu Youping incident and released the article "Hu Youping We Know", which mentioned some details and let everyone know some phenomena.

During the farewell ceremony, a cleaning staff in the museum told "" that there were more people who came to mourn that day than in the ordinary field, and there were more wreaths, and the ceremony ended at about 9 o'clock.

Another staff member told that "the cremation was done after the farewell ceremony", and the ashes were taken away by the family.

The little sister Wanting attended the memorial service. She mentioned that she did not see Hu Youping's mother at the ceremony, "her mother is not in good health."

On the same day, the Japanese School organized a memorial ceremony in the school, which was attended by all the families of the students. "We, the principal, the Japanese, cried so much that all the Japanese mothers present cried." The aforementioned parent said on social networks.

At the same time, former Japanese Prime Minister Tomio Hatoyama, who is visiting Beijing, sent a message posted on Facebook to mourn Ms. Hu Youping, who is "a model of righteousness and courage in Suzhou".

"In Suzhou City, a Japanese mother and son were stabbed while waiting for a school bus, and Ms. Hu Youping, who bravely stood up to prevent criminals from getting on the bus and killed Japanese children, was also stabbed several times and died," said Mr. Hatoyama. I express my heartfelt gratitude to this Chinese woman who sacrificed her life to protect the children of Japan and pray for her to rest in peace. ”

Ms. Hu Youping's sacrifice has brought the blue sky of Sino-Japanese relations, and countless netizens feel the same way!

There is no doubt that the news of Ms. Hu Youping's sacrifice has caused an uproar on the Internet in China and Japan, and at the same time, it has also eliminated the reaction brought about by the possibility of further changes in Sino-Japanese relations.

At the same time, some media also revealed some details, Hu Youping's salary is 3,500 yuan per month.

After the incident, a local Japanese company in Suzhou made a donation.

There is no doubt that Hu Youping's deeds have aroused the empathy of many netizens, and now he has been awarded the title of "Suzhou City Righteous and Courageous Model".

On the Internet, many people expressed their condolences for the unfortunate death of Ms. Hu Youping, and at the same time, everyone kept emphasizing that it was Hu Youping who used his weak body to stop the murderer from continuing to commit murder at a critical moment, which was a cry for violent extremism, but at the cost of his own life.

In any case, the fact that an assailant has targeted women and children is something that no one can tolerate, and some extreme statements on the Internet have also made most netizens with a conscience tired and resentful.

On the Japanese Internet, many Japanese netizens also expressed their condolences, and through Chinese Internet searches, it can be clearly seen that a considerable number of Japanese working in Suzhou have children, holding flowers and running to the station where Ms. Hu Youping was killed to mourn, standing with many local Suzhou citizens to thank this Chinese woman for saving the lives of children.

It is also clear to everyone that some time ago, China, Japan, and the ROK were still signing documents and emphasizing economic cooperation, but against such a background, extreme incidents have occurred, and if it were not for the timely appearance of Hu Youpingshi, it is difficult to imagine what kind of public opinion environment would have been created.

Ms. Hu Youping's sacrifice has brought the blue sky of Sino-Japanese relations, and countless netizens feel the same way!

Within 24 hours of the incident, a Japanese reporter based in Suzhou went to the local area overnight to conduct on-the-spot interviews, and the next day major Japanese television stations made detailed reports, whether it was paper media, the Internet, or television stations made long reports.

At the same time, the Japanese correspondent based in Suzhou also interviewed some Japanese who worked and lived in Suzhou.

According to the interview of the journalist. "Now everyone is afraid to go out, and my wife is very worried and scared", you can see the nervousness and anxiety from the interview.

At the same time, the local Japanese school has also gone on strike, which shows its attitude, although there is a bit of a rumor.

But it is not difficult to perceive the change in the atmosphere from it, if this matter is not handled well, it will affect the relationship, but with the further development of the matter, everyone pays attention to the follow-up things, it can be said that Ms. Hu Youping used her own sacrifice to bring about a change in opposing emotions, which is very important.

It eliminated the antagonism, and also made the Japanese, the Japanese media, and many people believe that this is an occasional situation, and in such extreme behavior, there will still be warriors who stand up to stop the murderer.

As an ordinary person who is inconspicuous in the crowd, he has used his life to stop evil deeds, protect the lives of compatriots and foreign friends, and set a benchmark for social righteousness.

More importantly, the light of humanity flashed in all spirits and morals, and we witnessed this moment, which also allowed domestic and foreign media and netizens to clearly see the shining light of human nature, and timely eliminated some extreme remarks and emotional atmosphere on the Internet, which is also quite important.

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