
Where there is difficulty, where there is a "blue sky"! Interview with Blue Sky Rescue Captain Su Qin: After 12 years of rescue and death, her husband is her strongest backing

author:Journal of Marriage and Family
Where there is difficulty, where there is a "blue sky"! Interview with Blue Sky Rescue Captain Su Qin: After 12 years of rescue and death, her husband is her strongest backing

Author: Lin Yu Editor: Anne

Source: Marriage & Family Magazine

A few days ago, a flood surpassed that of 1998, the largest flood that hit the main city of Guilin.

Affected by the continuous heavy rainfall and the successive flood discharge from the reservoirs in the upper reaches of the Li River, the water levels of major rivers in Guilin, Guangxi Province soared rapidly on June 19. Within a day, the first floor of several residential areas in the main urban area of Guilin along the Li River was soaked in floods, the Guilin railway station was flooded, thousands of people in the hospital were besieged, and the famous scenic spot Elephant Trunk Mountain was also flooded "Elephant Trunk".

Guilin's firefighters, police, urban management, civil rescue teams, and enthusiastic citizens stepped forward at a critical juncture to help the affected people get out of danger.

Among them, we once again saw this group of heroes in blue uniforms walking against the water, shuttling through the flood and saving the people from danger. They used their bodies to build an impregnable "flood control dam".

They are the "Blue Sky Rescue Team".

Where there is difficulty, where there is a "blue sky"! Interview with Blue Sky Rescue Captain Su Qin: After 12 years of rescue and death, her husband is her strongest backing

The Guilin Blue Sky Rescue Team carried out rescue work for the trapped residents

Wherever there is a disaster, there is a "blue sky rescue team", even if the flood is monstrous and it is difficult to move an inch, they still choose to risk their lives against the current.

Not long ago, Xiaojiajia interviewed Su Qin, the captain of the Hefei Blue Sky Rescue Team in Anhui Province, who is also one of the few female captains of the national Blue Sky Rescue Team, and was awarded the National 38 Red Flag Bearer in 2023.

Since 2012, she has been actively involved in volunteer service activities such as flood relief, earthquake relief, water rescue, and disaster prevention and mitigation training, and has participated in hundreds of various rescue missions. She has been widely recognized and praised for her outstanding performance and outstanding abilities.

People often ask her: "You are a woman, fighting on the front line of disaster relief, aren't you afraid?" "Everybody is scared, but once you're at the rescue site, all kinds of distractions are left behind," she said. If there is danger, as a captain, I have a duty to step up. In times of peace, you and I can be heroes. ”

Where there is difficulty, where there is a "blue sky"! Interview with Blue Sky Rescue Captain Su Qin: After 12 years of rescue and death, her husband is her strongest backing

At the rescue scene, Su Qin took the lead, showing the true colors of women who do not let their eyebrows go; At home, she and her husband are close to each other, using wisdom to manage their married life.


The female captain under the "blue sky".

When she was young, Su Qin loved to climb mountains. Haba Snow Mountain, Siguniang Mountain...... These snow-capped mountains, which are more than 5,000 meters above sea level, have all been conquered by her. Her rescue career also began with outdoor mountaineering.

In the autumn of 2004, Su Qin and a few friends embarked on a hiking tour of the Huihang Ancient Road. In the meantime, a hiking team from Wuhu asked them for help. It turned out that on the way down the mountain, a team member lost contact with the team due to a mobile phone signal outage. Seeing this, Su Qin and the others did not hesitate to join the team looking for the missing people.

By this time it was getting late, and they decided to let the weaker ones return first, while the better ones continued to search. In the early morning, the missing people contacted the team with the help of their fellow villagers, and there was no danger. This experience left Su Qin with a deep memory, and she strongly felt the importance of rescue work.

Su Qin said that there are also family reasons for wanting to help others. Her grandfather is a veteran party member, and her parents and uncle both work in party and government organs. Every year on Chinese New Year's Eve, Su Qin's family will hold a "Party Style and Clean Government Education Meeting." My grandfather always taught his children, and as a party member and civil servant, he had to set an example and serve the people.

Since childhood, a seed of serving the people quietly sprouted in Su Qin......

When the Wenchuan earthquake occurred in 2008, Su Qin saw on the news that PLA soldiers and volunteers were fighting on the front line of disaster relief. At that time, she had no direction. Until one day in 2012, she accidentally learned that the Blue Sky Rescue Team was recruiting members, and she was suddenly excited......

Her husband Haitao is very supportive: "Do what you want to do." That year, Su Qin applied to join the Hefei Blue Sky Rescue Team and became one of the earliest team members. After joining the rescue team, Su Qin shouldered the heavy responsibility of public welfare rescue. She worked hard to learn various skills such as swimming, boating, diving, land search, and first aid. In 2015, the original captain had to bid farewell to the team due to family and work reasons, and Su Qin, who had excellent professional skills, became the captain in a secret ballot of everyone.

It is very rare for a woman to be the leader of a rescue team. Over the years, the "Oriental Star" shipwreck rescue, the "Lekima" typhoon flood rescue, the fight against the new crown epidemic, Anhui Lujiang flood control, Xinxiang flood, Turkey earthquake ...... Su Qin is always dressed in "rescue blue" and charges on the front line.

She is often asked about the difference between women and men in rescues. In Su Qin's view, there is no distinction between men and women in rescue, and sometimes women have more advantages in rescue operations. She said that although there are differences in strength between men and women, women are better at emotional stability and empathy. At the rescue site, the person being rescued usually needs comfort, and the woman can naturally hug or pat the person on the shoulder. Even if there are no superfluous words, their gentleness can bring comfort to those who are being rescued.

Where there is difficulty, where there is a "blue sky"! Interview with Blue Sky Rescue Captain Su Qin: After 12 years of rescue and death, her husband is her strongest backing

The search site of the flooded waters of the Lujiang River in 2020

The delicate and keen observation of women also made Su Qin discover that emotional stability is crucial to the impact of the team. Rescue efforts need to be meticulously detailed, she said, and any impatience can affect the team's collaboration and rescue effectiveness. A person's impatience will make him impulsive, let his self-control ability decline, and then develop brute and reckless behavior, which will have a greater impact on the safety of rescue.

At the same time, the psychological state is contagious, and one person's impatience may trigger the impulsive behavior of others, which in turn leads to the risk of casualties at the rescue scene. As such, she is committed to creating a calm, focused team atmosphere to ensure the safe and smooth running of rescue efforts. When she notices that other team members are impatient, she will use a calm tone and repeat the other person's words to help them realize their problems and calm down.

As the old saying goes: "Those who have thunder in their chests and faces like a peaceful lake can worship the general." No matter how critical the situation at the rescue site was, Su Qin always maintained a stable mood, calmed down and responded calmly. It was under her leadership that the Hefei Blue Sky Rescue Team gradually grew and began to actively participate in rescue activities around the world.

Since becoming the captain, Su Qin's mobile phone has been turned on 24 hours a day, and she has developed the habit of setting off at any time. Whether it is unbearable heat or freezing weather, Su Qin, who stepped out of the house, knows that people in need of help from the outside world are waiting for them, and there are people at home who are silently supporting. All she has to do is give it her all and move forward......

Where there is difficulty, where there is a "blue sky"! Interview with Blue Sky Rescue Captain Su Qin: After 12 years of rescue and death, her husband is her strongest backing


The man standing behind the captain

In 2021, Su Qin's family was selected as the "most beautiful family" in the country, and she and her husband Haitao have been loving and harmonious for 20 years.

After joining the Blue Sky Rescue Team, Su Qin has been very busy and often has no time to take care of her family. In her words, "It's really hard to pick up two ends with a flat shoulder." More often than not, she can only give up her small family for everyone. And her ability to participate in the rescue operation without hesitation is inseparable from the silent support and dedication of her mother-in-law and husband.

The Blue Sky Rescue Team is a non-governmental public welfare rescue organization, and its travel expenses and equipment costs are borne by the team members. Especially when it comes to going abroad for rescue, this cost is undoubtedly a lot of money for the family. But Haitao has always fully supported, even if Su Qin bought rescue equipment worth more than 20,000 yuan at one time, he also agreed: "The equipment must be bought the best, nothing is more important than your personal safety, and the more than 20,000 yuan is worth it." ”

Where there is difficulty, where there is a "blue sky"! Interview with Blue Sky Rescue Captain Su Qin: After 12 years of rescue and death, her husband is her strongest backing

On February 6, 2023, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Turkey, causing buildings to collapse and displacing countless people. After Su Qin saw the news on the news, she was very anxious and wanted to fly to Turkey immediately to participate in the rescue.

After Haitao saw it, he said to Su Qin: "Captain Su, are you ready to leave tomorrow?" ”

"No, I'm not going." Su Qin responded quickly.

"Then why are you packing?" Haitao asked curiously.

"It's been sitting on this equipment for too long, I'm just taking it out and tidying it up." Su Qin explained.

In fact, Su Qin has already made detailed plans for her trip to Turkey, but she has been hesitant to tell her husband her decision. She knew that the rescue trip would take ten days and half a month, during which all the affairs of the family would fall on her husband's shoulders, which made her feel deeply guilty.

In addition, going abroad for rescue is not an easy task, and the expenses involved are considerable. Considering that her son is entering high school this year and needs to be sent early and picked up late every day, she really can't bear to put her husband under more pressure. However, what she didn't know was that her husband had already understood her thoughts, but he didn't say it explicitly.

The next morning, after gathering her teammates, Su Qin called her husband and said: "I will fly to Wuhan in the afternoon, and fly directly from there to Turkey in the evening." In the next few days, the family will work hard for you. After hearing this, her husband didn't say much, but expressed his willingness to give her a ride.

On the way to the airport, Haitao called Su Qin: "Are you very busy now?" Have you eaten? Su Qin was busy sorting out the equipment, and responded briefly: "We are very busy, we haven't eaten yet, we'll talk about it later." After a few words, he hung up the phone.

Soon, Haitao arrived by car, not only brought Su Qin a few translation machines from his own company, but also prepared snacks for everyone. He had long expected that Su Qin would participate in this rescue operation in Turkey, and considering that she might encounter language communication problems, he specially borrowed these translators. Su Qin was deeply moved by his carefulness, and the other team members also gave him a thumbs up and praised him as a "national brother-in-law".

On February 9, 2023, after a long flight, the rescue team finally arrived safely in Turkey. At that time, the situation was still severe, with frequent aftershocks. As soon as the rescue team arrived, they quickly plunged into an intense rescue operation.

Where there is difficulty, where there is a "blue sky"! Interview with Blue Sky Rescue Captain Su Qin: After 12 years of rescue and death, her husband is her strongest backing

The scene of the 2023 earthquake rescue in Turkey

As the on-site commander of the Hefei Blue Sky Rescue Team, Su Qin was extremely busy. She is fully committed to the relief work. During the rare break, she would take time to report to her family that she was safe. She knew that thousands of miles away, her family was also worried about her.

At 5 p.m. on February 20, 2023, 14 members of the Hefei Blue Sky Rescue Team returned safely. Haitao came to the airport early and eagerly awaited his hero. When Su Qin appeared in his sight, he immediately stepped forward, hugged her tightly in his arms, and kissed her affectionately on the cheek. "This earthquake rescue in Turkey is the farthest you've ever run in all your rescue operations, and I'm a little worried. I'm glad to see you back safely. ”

Countless farewells and greetings have become the epitome of Su Qin and Haitao's 20-year married life.


Female Captain's Marriage Wisdom

After 20 years of marriage, the relationship between Su Qin and Haitao is still as sweet and enviable as a newlywed. Su Qin is calm and commanding when rescuing, but at home, she will remove her tough shell, occasionally reveal her soft side, and play a little tricky.

When asked why she has a dual personality, Su Qin said that this is her little wisdom for many years of managing marriage: strong outside, soft at home. She said: "A good relationship must not hurt each other. ”

When the two were in love, once when they came home, Haitao suddenly found that he had forgotten to bring his keys. They stood at the door and looked at each other, helpless, so they had to ask the locksmith company to help. After entering the house, Su Qin's little temper immediately broke out and asked Haitao why he didn't bring the key. Faced with Su Qin's anger, Haitao explained that he was too busy to forget. But this explanation did not discourage Su Qin.

Subsequently, the quarrel between the two escalated, and Su Qin drove Haitao out of the house in a fit of anger. After Haitao left, Su Qin suddenly calmed down, realized that she might be too excited, and began to reflect on her behavior: she would not break up with Haitao because of this trivial matter, and her life would go on. But if you want to live a good life, then you shouldn't hurt each other's feelings.

Haitao wandered outside for more than an hour, and also reflected on himself, feeling that he should apologize to Su Qin immediately. So, he returned to the door and knocked on the door with trepidation. When the door opened, Su Qin had a smile on his face and welcomed him in as if nothing had happened, as if the previous quarrel had never happened.

Many years later, when Su Qin recalled this incident, Haitao said: "When I stood at the door and knocked on the door, I was worried that you would not open the door for me. Su Qin smiled and said, "How could I not open the door for you, I love you!" ”

After getting married, Su Qin and his wife respect each other on weekdays, have a close relationship, and are harmonious. However, when it comes to their son's education, they occasionally quarrel because of their different views.

Whenever Su Qin was stimulated by other people's children, used the excuse of "playing tricks", and even played a girl's temper, Haitao always comforted her with a smile and sweet words; And when Haitao is really angry, Su Qin will immediately restrain her little temper, become gentle, and take the initiative to coax her husband.

She knows that when emotions are high, arguments often escalate into violent conflicts, and even lead to hurtful words. These words are like sharp blades, which can penetrate people's hearts and leave indelible scars. After the argument subsides, while the wound heals, the scar may remain permanent.

She believes that it is very important to stop the quarrel and calm down first to avoid the escalation of the conflict, so she developed a tacit understanding between the husband and wife to "coax" each other.

When the mood gradually calms down, Su Qin will carefully prepare a hearty meal, and then take two bottles of cold beer, and the two will chat while eating. It's like a relaxed date, it's not about identity and role, it's just about each other's existence. Sit down, they are like two good friends, sharing with each other, understanding each other, and solving problems.

Towards the end of the interview, Su Qin's mobile phone vibrated a little, and it was Haitao who sent a video invitation. They don't have many intimate words, just small talk and jokes, but they are simple and genuine, allowing onlookers to feel the uncontrollable love that swells like a tide between them......

Over the years since joining "Blue Sky", the rescue cause has become Suqin's main business. Her husband always unconditionally supports her every decision and every choice. He understands that deep in Su Qin's heart, the love and dedication to public welfare cannot be expressed in words.

Where there is difficulty, where there is a "blue sky"! Interview with Blue Sky Rescue Captain Su Qin: After 12 years of rescue and death, her husband is her strongest backing

When asked about her future career development, Su Qin's eyes flashed with determination and persistence. She smiled and said: "In the future, I will still firmly walk on this road of public welfare rescue." No matter the wind or rain, it will accompany those in need and contribute its own strength to the society and the people. ”

This article was excerpted from the May 2024 issue of Marriage & Family magazine

Original title "Su Qin: Mortals will be afraid, but you and I can be heroes"

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