
The bitter child has reached out to the rural canteen and dinner table, and countless netizens have scolded!

author:Look at the world with a fine glow
The bitter child has reached out to the rural canteen and dinner table, and countless netizens have scolded!

There is really no bottom line, and now the hands are stretched out to make up for the nutritious meals of rural students, according to such news, it is really better to cancel the subsidy for foreign students to save money.

The media reported the news of the misappropriation of nutritious meal subsidies for rural students to repay government debts in many places, and the one-sided criticism of netizens can be clearly seen from the relevant comment areas.

Sometimes when I see some news, I am still quite shocked and painful, no matter how hard I can't be bitter about my children, now it has become a pain for my own children first.

Involving 66 counties, nearly 2 billion yuan, these people misappropriated the nutrition package of rural students, and it was a blatant misappropriation, and this happened in more than one county.

People's hearts are terrible, if there is no moral bottom line, it can really be said that it will do whatever it takes for the sake of interests, and it is shocking to see some news.

The most outrageous thing is that some of the details in it also mention that some places actually embezzle benefits after misappropriation, which makes people wonder why.

To put it bluntly, isn't this just taking advantage of the mouths of rural students?

And my personal judgment is that there must be such phenomena in other places, and what the media has disclosed is only the tip of the iceberg, looking at it from another angle.

These people blatantly misappropriated the nutritional meal allowance of the students, and trampled the law under their feet so openly, who supported them and stood on the platform?

The bottom line is gone, what is there to talk about repaying debts?

If the repayment of the debt needs to be paid from the nutrition of rural students, perhaps I think it would be better not to pay such a debt.

The bitter child has reached out to the rural canteen and dinner table, and countless netizens have scolded!

The current situation is obviously that the east wall is demolished to make up the west wall, and the fundamental problem cannot be solved, so such holes will still occur, and the phenomenon of misappropriation will occur in the future, which is very bad in nature and has a considerable impact.

The nutrition improvement program for rural compulsory education students should be an important livelihood project, which is of vital significance for improving the health of students in poor areas or rural areas.

The current situation has become embezzlement, appropriation, and arbitrage of special funds, which not only affects the health of students, but also affects the credibility of the public, and also chills the hearts of the masses.

Many netizens sighed that when the nutritious meal for students was proposed, many netizens felt that it was a fortunate thing, but now they look back.

Some people always have different ideas about key things, so blatantly appropriated by the education department.

Whether it is to distribute benefits, shoddy, or falsifying information to obtain special funds, these illegal and dehumanized practices really make people feel quite scared and worried, and a report makes many netizens feel cold.

Sometimes, I don't know what these people think, they treat students as cash cows, and they make a lot of money and eat a lot of oil under the pretext of giving students subsidies.

Deduction and misappropriation, for their own selfish interests, take advantage of the children's mouths, and turn these special funds into money in their own pockets.

This is not only a waste of resources, but also a serious damage to social credibility, which is quite ugly.

In fact, I think there are really a lot of phenomena like this, especially when it comes to special funds, and some media have also disclosed before that rural water conservancy facilities have been exposed to fraud, and water conservancy facilities placed in the fields have become decorations.

Now the media has broken out again that the nutritious meal allowance for rural students has been misappropriated to repay government debts.

It also involves some situations of enriching our own pockets, and we often hear that no matter how poor we are, no matter how hard we can not be poor, no matter how hard we can not suffer children, but looking at these things reported by the media, it is really angry and helpless.

The bitter child has reached out to the rural canteen and dinner table, and countless netizens have scolded!

For the misappropriation incident, many netizens are calling for severe punishment.

Of course, there are also some netizens who did not know that there is a certain subsidy for the nutrition of rural students until this news was exposed, and there are special funds.

This also breeds another phenomenon, in the case that the broad masses of the people are not clear about the special funds, some of the situation of enriching their own pockets will be even more unscrupulous.

Sometimes, it's still quite emotional.