
That year, I finished my four-year undergraduate program, and after graduation, I was ready to do a big job, but I was overwhelmed by reality

author:Sister October next door

Material/Li Duowen Text/Sister October next door

Statement: Original debut, rights protection on the whole network, plagiarism must be investigated.

In June 2022, I finally graduated from my bachelor's degree.

I studied at a very good university for 4 years, and I got a scholarship every year. At the time of graduation, I scored more than 80 points in each course, and my graduation thesis was also passed in one go.

I am full of self-confidence and ready to find a professional job in Shenzhen after graduation, so that I can apply what I have learned. I believe that with my ability, I will definitely make a difference and break out of my own world.

But I never expected that when I came to Shenzhen, reality gave me a slap in the face, from head to toe, from top to bottom, pouring a cold on my heart......

That year, I finished my four-year undergraduate program, and after graduation, I was ready to do a big job, but I was overwhelmed by reality

Four years ago, I scored 578 points in the college entrance examination, which is an extraordinary performance, an increase of more than 50 points compared to usual.

The whole family was so happy. My parents directly rewarded me with a mobile phone of more than 6,000 yuan and a laptop of more than 9,000 yuan. My grandparents rewarded me with a big red envelope of 5,000 yuan.

At that time, my father wanted me to fill in the "Computer Science and Applications" major, saying that this was a popular major, and now everything is inseparable from computers, and all companies need talents in this area.

I followed my father's advice and felt that he had a point.

I filled in a school that I thought was very good, and I filled in a few other alternative schools, but they all filled in this major.

At that time, there was also an option next to it, "Do you want to obey the transfer?"

I asked my father for his opinion: "Do you want to tick this?" ”

My father thought for a while and said, "You must tick the box, and the acceptance rate of the tick will be much higher." If you don't tick the box, this major is full, and other majors that are not full will not be able to admit you, and you will have no chance to enter this school. ”

In order to go to the school of my dreams, I asked "Do I obey the adjustment?" 's options are ticked.

Due to the popularity of the "Computer Science and Applications" major, there are too many applicants, far exceeding the number of admissions. As a result, I was transferred to a particularly unpopular specialty "veterinary medicine".

That year, I finished my four-year undergraduate program, and after graduation, I was ready to do a big job, but I was overwhelmed by reality

When I was accepted into the "Veterinary Medicine" program, I was overwhelmed and didn't know what this major was for.

My father looked it up on the Internet and said: "This profession is not bad, it is for animals to diagnose and prevent diseases, and you can become a veterinarian and a pet doctor in the future." "

As soon as I heard it, it wasn't bad. When our dogs, rhubarb and kittens, get sick in the future, I can help them see a doctor myself.

My father analyzed: "In the future, if you want to start your own business and engage in breeding, the key technology is animal disease prevention. As long as the pigs, cows, chickens, ducks, fish, shrimp, etc., do not get sick, they will not worry about making money. "

"And you can also open a pet hospital, and now many big cities have pets as children, and there are several in a family. When you go out, you are reluctant to let it walk, and people hold it or push it with a car. The last time I went to the hospital, I bought rations once, which was half a month's salary. "

Hearing my father say this, I felt that this major was more promising than the computer science major.

No matter how well you learn computer science, you can only help others work. And after learning the major of veterinary medicine, I can start my own business and be my own boss, what a good thing.

My father set up more than 10 tables of banquets in the best restaurant in the city, and his friends came to congratulate him.

During that time, my father walked with his nose facing the sky and his waist straight, and I was their pride.

In their eyes, I was already a future boss.

That year, I finished my four-year undergraduate program, and after graduation, I was ready to do a big job, but I was overwhelmed by reality

When I went to university, I actively participated in various activities organized by the student council and the school, and worked hard to learn about various subjects.

When the school used white mice for experimental classes, although I was scared, I thought of the rhubarb and kittens at home, and I tried to overcome the psychological barrier and successfully complete various experiments.

The teacher often praised me in front of the whole class, saying that I was bold and careful, and that I was a material for scientific research.

Soon I was in my third year, and like many of my classmates, I began to prepare for the graduate school entrance examination.

I bought a lot of books on the Internet, took online classes every day, studied books on my own day and night, did test papers, and stayed up until two or three o'clock in the morning.

There are many companies that come to the school for autumn recruitment, I glanced at it, there are no famous companies, thinking that there will be spring recruitment in the future, so I ignored it and continued to focus on the postgraduate entrance examination.

In my senior year, I began to prepare my graduation thesis and look for an internship. Later, because the mask became more and more serious, many places were closed for management, and the internship did not continue.

Later, I passed the written examination for graduate school, but the interview was 0.5 points and I failed to go ashore.

That year, I finished my four-year undergraduate program, and after graduation, I was ready to do a big job, but I was overwhelmed by reality

When I told my father the news that I had failed the graduate school entrance examination, he comforted me like this.

He said to me, "Son, you are already wonderful. Think about it, how many people have been stuck in the written test and brushed off, and you have successfully passed it. "

"There are many factors that affect the interview, and it has a lot to do with the eyes of the interviewing teacher and personal preferences, not to mention that you are only 0.5 points different from the previous one."

The father continued: "Next, do you choose to get a job first and then go to graduate school? Or continue to go to graduate school? I agree with all of them, it's up to you to decide. "

I decided to get a job first, and then decide whether to continue with the postgraduate entrance examination later, depending on the situation? My father supported my decision.

Originally, there was another school recruitment in the spring, but due to the impact of masks, the school was closed for management, and all the school recruitment was canceled.

I had to write my resume in advance and prepare to start submitting it online as soon as I graduated.

That year, I finished my four-year undergraduate program, and after graduation, I was ready to do a big job, but I was overwhelmed by reality

In June, as soon as I got my graduation certificate, I bought a ticket to Shenzhen. The moment I walked out of the Shenzhen Railway Station, I felt that the air was fragrant.

I shouted loudly in my heart: "Shenzhen, I'm coming." "

I spent 2,700 yuan to rent a single room near Futian CBD in Shenzhen and settled down, and started to submit my resume online.

As a result, I submitted more than 20 resumes, but I didn't receive any response, and I didn't even make a splash.

I stared at my phone a little confused, I thought that relying on the reputation of the school and the results I made, there should be pet hospitals and pet stores to throw olive branches to me, but I didn't expect it to be a pool of still water.

I waited for another week, and I couldn't bear it anymore, so I decided to take the initiative, bring my graduation certificate, the score sheet of each subject, and get a scholarship certificate at school, and go straight to the pet hospital and pet store.

I took the initiative to ask them, "Do you need to recruit people?" "

Their reply to me was, "No. "

In a city as developed as Shenzhen, there are many people who have pets, and it is impossible not to need talents like me.

That year, I finished my four-year undergraduate program, and after graduation, I was ready to do a big job, but I was overwhelmed by reality

I continued to submit my resume online while looking for a job offline. A month later there is still no result.

This month, I not only have to pay rent, water and electricity, but also eat, ride, buy water and drink, and pay monthly rent for phone data.

After another two months, I panicked and couldn't go on like this.

So I changed my career direction and chose to study in other majors. Because I have passed level 4 in English and can operate a computer, it should not be difficult for me to find an ordinary job.

Sure enough, a company informed me that I had taken a retest.

I was so ecstatic that I went to the barbershop to get my hair cut and put on what I thought was the most handsome outfit.

I took the bus for more than an hour to get to the company, only to find that there were only two people in it except for the owner.

The boss interviewed me directly, my job is sales, the basic salary is 2360 yuan, and the rest depends on sales.

If the performance is good, the monthly salary will be 20,000 or 30,000 yuan. The probationary period is half a year. If you do well in the future, you can be promoted to sales manager.

Looking at the rudimentary offices and equipment, I felt like the company was going to go out of business. So I said think about it, and it came out.

Naturally, I didn't go to that company, but I really couldn't afford the daily expenses such as rent, water, electricity, food and housing.

That year, I finished my four-year undergraduate program, and after graduation, I was ready to do a big job, but I was overwhelmed by reality

I went to work as a temporary worker for another week, but the temporary worker only had more than 100 yuan a day, working 10 hours a day, regardless of food or accommodation. Aside from eating and drinking, there isn't much money left.

Later, I heard that the salary of running a takeaway is relatively high, and I can run five or six thousand, or even tens of thousands of yuan a month, and I was moved.

Running a takeaway is about speed. A faster, better electric car costs three or four thousand dollars.

I didn't dare to ask my parents for money, so I borrowed 5,000 yuan from my cousin and told him not to tell my parents and pay him back when I earned the money.

My cousin understood my current situation very well, and he also knew that I was a person who loved face, so he agreed.

He told me not to get too tired in order to make money, and to pay special attention to traffic safety, because Shenzhen is full of cars.

In this way, I applied for an account as a delivery rider online, and since then I have joined the army of delivery boys.

At the beginning, I was not familiar with the route in Shenzhen, and every time I placed an order, I only dared to grab those orders that had more time.

Only after it was delivered did I dare to grab another order. Unlike others, those who dare to grab together in the same direction will earn a lot more in this way.

In a month, I earned more than 2,000 yuan. It's not much, but it gives me hope.

I believe that as I become more familiar with the route of Shenzhen, I will definitely earn more.

Every time I call my parents, I always report good news and not bad news.

I told them, "Mom and Dad, I work as a doctor in a pet hospital in Shenzhen, and my monthly salary is more than 10,000 yuan, and it will increase in the future." The dean thinks very highly of me. "

My parents knew that I was doing well in Shenzhen, and they always showed off to their neighbors: "My son is a doctor in Shenzhen, and his salary is more than 10,000 yuan a month." "

That year, I finished my four-year undergraduate program, and after graduation, I was ready to do a big job, but I was overwhelmed by reality

In the past, when I swiped an article or video saying that undergraduates couldn't find a job to run takeaways, I thought to myself that these people dare to make up anything in order to attract attention, how can there be college students who go to deliver takeaways?

But when it really came to the moment when I, a college student, was reduced to delivering food, I finally understood, for the sake of life, what else is there that men are unwilling to do and dare not do?

Now the economy is sluggish, there are many people and few jobs, so we should find employment first and then choose a job. Survive first, establish a foothold in the city, settle down, and then slowly find a way to find the right job.

I studied for 4 years as an undergraduate, and I originally hoped to do a big job after graduation, but I didn't expect that the society gave me a blow to the head, from head to toe, from top to bottom, pouring me a cold heart.

I ran takeaway for more than a year, but I still haven't found the right job.

During the Spring Festival last year, I made an excuse and said: "The pet hospital fostered a puppy, and it couldn't do without people, so I couldn't go home for the New Year." "My parents asked me to go home for reunion during the Mid-Autumn Festival this year.

What worries me most now is that the lie will be exposed one day.

If the parents find out one day, will they be particularly sad?

Their son has been reading a book for 4 years, but he is a takeaway boy in Shenzhen. When this news reaches their hometown, will it lose their face? So that they can't hold their heads up?

What am I going to do? Do you have any good advice? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss. Thank you!

That year, I finished my four-year undergraduate program, and after graduation, I was ready to do a big job, but I was overwhelmed by reality