
In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

author:Here's a story

In the northwest of the mainland, there is such a mysterious military base, where no less than 100,000 special people were stationed, and not only can they find no trace on the map, but they can't even find the exact location of navigation.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

But in 1992, the smash hit Mao Amin unexpectedly received a special task to sing a song at the "August 1st" party, and it was the appearance of this song that exposed the mainland's top-secret military bases.

So which one is this song exactly? What kind of place is this mysterious base?

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

1. The ballad of Maran

"Malan blossoms twenty-one, two eight two five six, two eight two five seven".

At the August 1st party in 92, Mao Amin sang a song "The Ballad of Ma Lan" affectionately, although the Internet was not developed at that time, but with her high-quality voice, this song quickly spread to the people, almost to the point that everyone sang it.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

Even later, this song unexpectedly became a mantra for girls to jump rubber bands, but in the past, we only knew that this song was very good, but we didn't know what it was trying to express, let alone that it was related to military bases on the mainland.

This "Ballad of Ma Lan" gives us a very clear signal, it is Ma Lan, a flower name and a place name, located in Lop Nur, Xinjiang, since 1958, it has become the only important base on the mainland to develop and test nuclear bombs.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

At that time, the scene of the United States dropping the atomic bomb on Japan made all mankind experience the deterrent power brought about by nuclear weapons, and since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the United States and the West have relied on this to blockade and stifle the development of the mainland many times.

This made Chairman Mao realize that if we didn't want to be bullied, we had to develop the atomic bomb, and if it was too late, then soon, our scientific researchers would soon be involved in the team that would determine China's future.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

In order to achieve this goal, more than 100,000 researchers and soldiers have been stationed there to contribute to the future development of the motherland day and night, and to develop nuclear weapons with extremely lethal power.

In 1964, with the efforts of everyone, a loud noise came from Lop Nur in Xinjiang, and a huge mushroom cloud bloomed in the sky, marking the successful test explosion of the mainland's first self-developed atomic bomb.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

This loud bang is also a reminder to those who have ridiculed us that we will not be able to build an atomic bomb in another 20 years, that we have mastered this technology on our own, and that the nuclear monopoly of other major powers will be broken in the future.

It is also with the precedent of China that countries around the world have begun to march towards nuclear weapons, but what they don't know is what kind of hardship our scientific researchers have paid.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

2. There is a place called Malan

The atomic bomb is not something that any country wants to build, it requires not only a lot of expertise, but also a large enough experimental site, which many countries alone cannot do.

Considering that the test site of the atomic bomb must be unmanned, unsurvivable, unsheltered, and most importantly, it must be a hidden place, and the first choice for scientific researchers is the desert.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

Although there are not many deserts on the mainland, there are not many that are completely suitable for the experimental site, and you must know that once the atomic bomb is detonated, the surrounding area will be fatally affected.

Fortunately, we had a very good relationship with the Soviet Union at that time, and with their technical support, we originally chose the location in Dunhuang, because they thought that the atomic bomb we developed should be small, and the site of Dunhuang was large enough.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

But this decision was soon refuted by our military commander Zhang Yiyu, who believed that if the atomic bomb was detonated in Dunhuang, it would not only destroy the surrounding civilization sites, but also cause nuclear wastewater to pollute the downstream and affect the lives of residents.

Moreover, his goal was not only to develop an atomic bomb, but also to see that the United States had developed a hydrogen bomb, and the mainland's subsequent development naturally could not be left behind, so he immediately conveyed his opinion to the central authorities.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

In order to find a suitable site for testing, he personally led a team to carefully investigate, and finally selected the site in Lop Nur after many screenings, and it was also in 1959 that he led 50,000 troops to garrison Lop Nur and began the journey of research and development experiments.

When they first arrived, they found that only Ma Lanhua could survive in a huge place, so he named the base "Ma Lan", which is why in Mao Amin's song, the military base will appear as Ma Lan.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

However, our technology was not as advanced as it is now, and in the face of the news of the withdrawal of Soviet experts, the mainland's research and development path became more difficult, and at that time it was ridiculed by foreign media that we would not be able to build nuclear weapons in another 20 years.

However, the "infrastructure" maniac also has a origin, even if our researchers, including Deng Jiaxian, are declining due to insufficient food and time to eat, but they still devote themselves to their work without complaint.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

In order to provide health protection for everyone and facilitate the test, Zhang Yiyu led the team to build the infrastructure required for 21 tests, which is also the origin of "Malan Blossom 21".

The "Little Leather Ball" of the song is to say "Miss Qiu", which is the name of the mainland's first atomic bomb, and "Kick" is to talk about the way the atomic bomb was detonated, and it was under such difficult conditions that the mainland's first nuclear weapon was successfully tested.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

But what makes people curious is why the military base that has been hidden for many years was suddenly made public to the world, and why did Mao Amin choose to sing this song?

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

3. The spirit of Malan

The state has released this top-secret military base in the form of a ballad to tell the world that there was once such a land, and countless scientists and soldiers were willing to sacrifice their happiness, health, and even their lives for nuclear manufacturing.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

This is not only the birthplace of the two bombs and one satellite, but also the breeding ground of the Malan spirit, where there are too many people who silently dedicate their lives to the development of the motherland, and their spirit is worth learning from.

For example, General Lin Junde, at the last moment of his life, was still smearing his liver and brain for the motherland, and even before he died, his wish was still to "bury me in Malan", which was the best place for him to stay and the place where his dream began.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

For those who have worked hard in Malan, they have been asked if they regretted putting their lives into it at the end of their lives, and their answer is that they have never regretted it, and they are proud of this job.

And the reason why Mao Amin was chosen for this song was not because of how famous she was at that time, but because she was not only a singer, but also a person who was born in Shanghai Chemical Industry and entered the song and dance troupe of the military region.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

She joined the General Political Song and Dance Troupe at the age of 26, and became a singer of "The Ballad of Ma Lan" three years later when her fame was shocking, mostly because she was well-rooted and experienced, and had more social influence.

When she stood at the August 1st party and sang this ballad affectionately for the world with the pride of being a countryman and the memory of countless martyrs, the audience was full of tears, they were not moved, not compassionate, but the highest reverence for heroes.

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

The author thinks

Mao Amin's song is worth listening to repeatedly, we don't listen to songs, it is the experience of the martyrs, it is the spirit of Malan that makes people pay tribute, and it is the birth of the great moment of the motherland.


1. Beijing Daily: "Malan Thunder - Revealing China's Nuclear Test Base", 2017-8-22

2. "This well-known nursery rhyme is the secret language of the mainland's first atomic bomb!" 》,2023-10-16

3. China Youth Daily: "Malan Base: Hard Work to Do Earth-shattering Things, Selfless Dedication to Be Incognito", 2023-2-16

4. China Military Network: "There is a place called Malan", 2022-9-15

5. CCTV, May 31, 2019 - The old man who has cast a nuclear shield for the country all his life has left us for 7 years

In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world
In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world
In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world
In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world
In 1992, Mao Amin used a nursery rhyme to open China's top-secret military base to the world

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