
How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

author:Here's a story

It seems to be picking up money for nothing, but it is actually deadly money!

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

"If you win, yours, if you lose, it's mine!" Would you believe that? If you choose to believe, and you do make money, and you are complacent that you are one of the lucky ones in the world, then it proves that you have stepped into the trap of border gambling and become the unlucky one.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

What awaits you next is not to get rich overnight, but to purgatory on earth, where being beaten and abused is just an appetizer, men are pulled out of their nails, women are stripped naked and pouting are commonplace, and there are even more terrible encounters waiting for you......

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

Under the beautiful scenery of Southeast Asia, after the splendid casino, the most real border gambling, how terrible is it?

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

1. The vortex of desire is getting deeper and deeper

Boten in Laos, a small border town famous for its "Golden City", is home to luxurious hotels, glittering casinos, scantily clad dealers, and gamblers who speak various languages. Countless gamblers, with a thirst for wealth, embarked on this road of no return to the "Golden City", and Sister Xia is one of them.

Sister Xia is an authentic Beijinger, who lost all her savings due to gambling and owed a lot of debts, but she was unwilling and always thought that one day she could turn it over.

By chance, Sister Xia met a "gambling friend", and he told Sister Xia that the "Golden City" is a paradise for gamblers, not only providing free accommodation and food, but also not having to pay the principal themselves, and the casino will provide chips. Sister Xia was carried away by the bright prospects portrayed by the "gambling friend", and she thought that maybe this was her only chance to turn over.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

In this way, Sister Xia followed the "gamblers" and a few gamblers who were as eager to turn over as she did, and embarked on a journey to Laos. In order to avoid border inspection, they chose to smuggle away, and on the way to smuggling, Sister Xia and her party also saw a striking placard: "Chinese citizens are strictly prohibited from entering the casino."

At that moment, a trace of uneasiness flashed in Sister Xia's heart, but thinking of the wealth promised by the "gambler", she still stepped on a foreign land without hesitation.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

The luxurious scene of the "Golden City" did not disappoint Sister Xia, the magnificent hotel, the dazzling casino, and the enthusiastic waiters, all of which made Sister Xia feel extremely excited, as if she had seen the day when she became a rich woman, the "gambler" was very "generous" to lend Sister Xia a sum of money, and told her that she would pay it back in ten days.

Sister Xia won a lot of money on the first day, and she was even more convinced that she was the one who was favored by the goddess of luck, but what she didn't notice was that the "gambler" disappeared after she won the money, and the gamblers around her who spoke the same language gradually became playful when they looked at her.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

In the next few days, Sister Xia was like a demon, soaking in the casino every day, she forgot the time, forgot the original intention, and just wanted to win more money. But good luck didn't always favor her, from the next day, Sister Xia began to lose money, and the more she lost, she was unwilling, and kept increasing the stakes, wanting to win back the lost money, but the situation was getting worse and worse.

Ten days passed quickly, and Sister Xia not only lost all the money she had won, but also owed a large amount of money to the casino, and she realized that the gamblers had carefully woven a scam, and she and the other Chinese gamblers who were attracted were only the prey of this scam.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

But it's too late for Sister Xia to recognize this scam now, and she will witness what the real purgatory on earth is!

2. In purgatory on earth, death is liberation

The casino has a complete "management system" for gamblers who owe gambling debts, and they detain gamblers in three rooms: "urging a single room", "forcing a single room", and "dead a single room", and subjecting them to inhumane torture.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

Gamblers who have just incurred debts will be locked up in the "reminder room", where the main reason is to see if the gamblers and their families still have oil and water to squeeze, and in order to force them to pay back, the thugs will snatch their mobile phones and force them to contact family and friends to raise money.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

But whether family and friends agree to raise money or not, gamblers are severely beaten, and a room is full of people, both men and women, and everyone needs to kneel, not allowed to speak, not allowed to move, and the slightest disobedience will usher in a violent beating, and compared to other forms of punishment such as electric shocks and whipping, beatings are already the least painful way.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

Because the family did not give money for ten days, Sister Xia entered the forced single room, the environment here is even worse, more than a dozen people are crammed into a small room, only a double bed, eating, drinking and Lazar are solved in the room.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

In the forced single room, gamblers are forced to accept more cruel and various punishments, they are slapped in the face, burned by cigarette butts, and even forced to eat all kinds of disgusting things, men are subjected to violence, their wounds are blurred, and women are insulted, stripped naked and pouted without dignity.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

The "Dead Single Room" is synonymous with purgatory on earth, and only gamblers who owe huge gambling debts and have no hope of repaying them are imprisoned here, where thugs torture them inhumanely, using all means until they die.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

Some people were locked up in a dead single room just because they owed hundreds of thousands of gambling debts, where they were tortured to unimaginable times, and all their nails were pulled out alive by the thugs, and their palms were nailed through them, and finally they were completely tortured to death.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

Here, gamblers are deprived of their freedom, cut off from all contact with the outside world, and live in fear and despair every day, not knowing when they will be able to escape from this cave.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

What's even more terrifying is that behind the casino is often the protection of the local government and underworld forces, ordinary gamblers can't get help from the outside world at all, Sister Xia finally understands that in this place of political instability, economic backwardness, and chaotic public security, she is just a lamb to be slaughtered.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

Sister Xia doesn't know what her fate will be, will she be tortured to death, or will she be redeemed by her family? She only knew that her life had been completely ruined, and it all started from the moment she stepped into the casino.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

3. Regain the light and have palpitations

In 2009, the Chinese police received a report that a large number of Chinese citizens were trapped in the "Golden City" of Laos. The Chinese police acted quickly and joined forces with the Lao police in a cross-border law enforcement operation, successfully rescuing hundreds of trapped gamblers, including Sister Xia, and bringing the criminals to justice.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

The moment she regained her freedom, Sister Xia cried bitterly and decided that she would never touch gambling again in her life. Sister Xia is just a microcosm of countless cross-border gambling victims, but not everyone is as lucky as Sister Xia to be rescued from the devil's cave.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

In recent years, there have been more and more border casinos, which often provide free travel, accommodation, food and beverage services, and even promise high returns, leading victims into traps step by step.

They thought they would get rich overnight, but they didn't know that this was a road of no return. Wins at the tables are all fake, and no matter how much they win, gamblers end up owing the casino a lot of money, and only then can their scam continue.

When gamblers get to this point, the casino wants not only their money, but also their body, their life. It is not uncommon for men to become cheap labor, women to survive with their bodies, and to end up with no corpses, after all, there are so many valuable things in the human body.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

A police officer who has been involved in the fight against cross-border gambling crimes revealed that these gambling syndicates are very powerful, and they not only have a professional team to solicit gamblers, but also special thugs to watch and collect debts, and even some officials to provide them with protection.

In the face of such rampant cross-border gambling crimes, we must be vigilant, recognize the harm of cross-border gambling, and not believe the lie of "getting rich overnight". There will be no pie in the sky, and the so-called "free travel" and "high returns" are all bait to lure everyone into the bait.

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

Gambling has never been a way to make a fortune, it will only make people bankrupt and ruined, stay away from gambling and cherish life, which is the wise choice that each of us should make.

The author thinks

Some people may say that Sister Xia's experience is just an example, the result of personal choice, but when we see more and more news reports and hear more and more relatives crying, can we still be indifferent?

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined

Border gambling is a cancer of society, seriously endangering the stability and development of individuals, families and society, we must resolutely resist, strengthen legal awareness, adhere to the moral bottom line, and do not let the shadow of gambling erode our lives.


Phoenix TV: March 4, 2010 "Social Visibility" Crazy Casino (Part I)/(Part II)

Xie Tongmen County People's Procuratorate: March 21, 2022 "How miserable are the Chinese gamblers who went to Laos to gamble? Looking at the fate of these people, do you still dare to bet? 》

China News Network: December 8, 2019 "Boten Laos: The Dead "Las Vegas" and the Reborn "Special Zone"

How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined
How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined
How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined
How scary is border gambling? The auction of women's nudity and the pulling of men's nails are far more dangerous than imagined