
Boxing Economic Development Zone carried out the party spirit education activity of "inheriting the red gene and refining the original mission".

author:Shore thoughtful

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, stimulate the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of the majority of party members and cadres, and further enhance the party spirit cultivation, confidentiality awareness and confidentiality ability of party members and cadres, on July 1, Boxing Economic Development Zone organized internal institutions, party members of state-owned enterprises and party branch secretaries of some non-public enterprises to go to Yang Liuxue's "do not forget the original heart" party spirit education base and the municipal confidentiality training platform training base in Bincheng District to carry out the party spirit education activity of "inheriting the red gene and refining the original mission".

Boxing Economic Development Zone carried out the party spirit education activity of "inheriting the red gene and refining the original mission".

In Yangliuxue's "Don't forget the original intention" party spirit education base, party members and cadres visited Zhou Enlai's "Six Outstanding Models" theme pavilion one by one, Huaizhou Temple, and Yangliuxue Village History Museum and other important places. In the vivid explanation of the narrator, he reviewed the glorious history of the party, relived the glorious deeds of the revolutionary vanguard, and felt the inheritance of the red classics.

Boxing Economic Development Zone carried out the party spirit education activity of "inheriting the red gene and refining the original mission".
Boxing Economic Development Zone carried out the party spirit education activity of "inheriting the red gene and refining the original mission".
Boxing Economic Development Zone carried out the party spirit education activity of "inheriting the red gene and refining the original mission".
Boxing Economic Development Zone carried out the party spirit education activity of "inheriting the red gene and refining the original mission".

Everyone stopped in front of the precious historical relics, yellowed old photos, precious words, and touching revolutionary scenes, and their thoughts were instantly brought into the years of war smoke and passion, igniting everyone's surging passion for fearless hardships, heroic struggle, overcoming difficulties, and moving forward, so that the party members and cadres on the scene underwent a soul baptism and sublimation, and let everyone receive a profound party spirit education.

Boxing Economic Development Zone carried out the party spirit education activity of "inheriting the red gene and refining the original mission".

At the Binzhou Confidentiality Training Base, they visited the National Overall Security Exhibition and the Confidentiality Work Warning Education Exhibition, learned the confidentiality laws and regulations and confidentiality skills, and learned in detail about the high-risk links and confidentiality measures in the current work, so as to further enhance the confidentiality awareness and confidentiality ability.

Through this party spirit education activity, party members and cadres have experienced a profound spiritual baptism and tempering of party spirit, and enhanced their sense of identity, belonging, responsibility and honor. Everyone said that in the future work, they will be based on their own work, down-to-earth, long-term work, write the answer sheet of the times with practical actions, do not forget the original intention, forge ahead, practice the loyalty and responsibility of party members and cadres, and contribute to the high-quality development of various undertakings in the development zone.

Boxing Economic Development Zone carried out the party spirit education activity of "inheriting the red gene and refining the original mission".

Reporter Yao Xingbin and correspondent Li Bingfeng report

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