
The retired aunt has a cup of old yogurt every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, she scolded: How dare you eat like this!

author:Life is a bit of a material

The doctor solemnly handed her the physical examination report: "You have several abnormal indicators, high blood sugar, weight gain, and even signs of unbalanced nutrition, what changes have you had in your diet recently?" ”

Since her retirement, Auntie Li has always paid attention to her health, so she insists on drinking a cup of old yogurt every day, hoping to maintain a healthy intestine and a strong body.

When it came to the annual physical examination, she waited with anticipation for the results of the physical examination, hoping to get a health report. However, when the medical examination report came out, she was stunned.

"Doctor, I drink old yogurt every day, doesn't it say that yogurt is good for the intestines? How so? Aunt Li asked eagerly, with confusion and worry in her tone.

The doctor frowned and explained, "Yogurt is good for gut health, but excessive intake or poorly chosen yogurt products can also be problematic. Do you drink a lot of it every day, or do you choose yogurt that is too processed and high in sugar? ”

The doctor told her that old yogurt does have some nutritional value, but if it is consumed in excess, it can bring unexpected trouble to the body. Therefore, we should know how to consume yogurt scientifically to keep our body healthy.

The retired aunt has a cup of old yogurt every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, she scolded: How dare you eat like this!

01 The nutritional value of old yogurt

Before discussing Aunt Li's predicament, let's take a look at the nutritional value of old yogurt itself. Old yogurt, as a fermented dairy product, not only has a mellow taste, but more importantly, it contains a variety of nutrients that are beneficial to the human body.

Among them, lactic acid bacteria are the signature ingredient of yogurt, these tiny organisms can help regulate the body's intestinal flora, promote digestion, and improve the intestinal environment.

In addition to lactic acid bacteria, aged yogurt is also rich in protein and calcium. Protein is the basic substance that makes up human cells and is essential for maintaining life activities; Calcium is an indispensable element for bone health, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, calcium supplementation is particularly important.

The retired aunt has a cup of old yogurt every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, she scolded: How dare you eat like this!

In addition, old yogurt also contains a variety of vitamins, such as B vitamins and vitamin D, which play an important role in the body's metabolism, helping to improve immunity and protect cells from damage.

It is precisely because of these rich nutrients that aged yogurt has shown a significant positive effect in promoting intestinal health and enhancing immunity.

However, as the experience of Aunt Xiao Li warns us, even nutritious foods need to be consumed scientifically and reasonably, otherwise it may backfire.

The retired aunt has a cup of old yogurt every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, she scolded: How dare you eat like this!

02 Potential health problems with excessive intake of yogurt

Although old yogurt is rich in nutritional value, if you consume it in excess, as Auntie Li did, it can cause a series of health problems. 1. Elevated blood sugar is a risk that cannot be ignored. Many commercially available yogurts add extra sugar to enhance the taste, and long-term intake of large amounts of this type of yogurt can lead to a continuous rise in blood sugar levels, which in turn increases the potential risk of diabetes.

2. Weight gain is also a possible problem with excessive yogurt intake. Yogurt itself contains a certain amount of fat and calories, and moderate intake is beneficial to the body.

However, if you consume more yogurt per day than your body needs without consuming these extra calories in other ways, weight will naturally go up.

3. Long-term excessive intake of yogurt may also lead to nutritional imbalances. While yogurt itself is highly nutritious, it doesn't provide all the nutrients your body needs.

If yogurt is used as a staple food or a large number of substitutes for other foods, it will inevitably lead to a deficiency of other nutrients, which in turn will affect the overall health of the body. The excessive intake of this single food breaks the balance of the diet and buries the hidden health risks for the body.

The retired aunt has a cup of old yogurt every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, she scolded: How dare you eat like this!

03 Drink yogurt scientifically so that Aunt Li can enjoy a healthy life

In the face of yogurt, a nutritious food, how to drink it scientifically to maximize its benefits and avoid potential risks? It's all about the right amount, the choice and the mix.

When it comes to the amount to drink, about 200 ml of yoghurt per day is a good choice. This amount can meet the body's needs for probiotics and other nutrients without overburdening the body.

When choosing yogurt products, it is recommended to choose low-sugar or sugar-free models. Doing so can reduce unnecessary sugar intake, which can reduce the risk of elevated blood sugar, which can be beneficial in preventing chronic diseases such as diabetes.

The retired aunt has a cup of old yogurt every day, and after 1 year of physical examination, she scolded: How dare you eat like this!

When drinking yogurt, you should pay attention to the combination with other foods. Including yogurt as part of your diet, combined with foods rich in different nutrients, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc., can help ensure a balanced overall diet.

This combination not only provides a more complete range of nutrition, but also avoids the health problems caused by excessive intake of a single food. By following these suggestions, we can enjoy the deliciousness and health of yogurt more scientifically.

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