
Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

author:Chronicle of great people in history
Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate


Shu Xiuwen once said: "Qin Yi is so beautiful...... Not to mention that men want to be tempted when they see her, even we women like her when they see her. Zhang Ruifang's evaluation is also to the point: "People are more beautiful", but they didn't expect Qin Yi's life to be so tortuous, and her emotional experience made people cry.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

Qin Yi was forced to marry Chen Tianguo, and the day after the marriage, she was subjected to her husband's alcoholism and domestic violence

In 1922, Qin Yi was born in a feudal family in Shanghai, at the age of 16, she ran away from home alone and started a life of exile, adhering to the idea of liking movies as a child, Qin Yi played a rural woman in the movie "Good Husband" directed by Shi Dongshan, starring Shu Xiuwen and Chen Tianguo, because she was very satisfied with Qin Yi's performance, so, it didn't take long for Qin Yi to enter the crew of "Protecting Hometown" as a guest extra.

During the performance of the film, Qin Yi got acquainted with Chen Tianguo, Chen Tianguo is burly, handsome, and very typical of the image of a Northeast man, who can not be tempted in the face of Qin Yi's beauty. However, after getting to know Chen Tianguo, Qin Yi heard some rumors that were not very good, so even if the two were in the same crew, Qin Yi had an attitude of avoiding it.

However, no matter how Qin Yi dodged, she couldn't get rid of Chen Tianguo, the other party always tried her best to get close to Qin Yi, and from then on, feelings became Qin Yi's calamity, pushing her directly into the abyss of pain.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

17-year-old Qin Yi's mind was full of the Anti-Japanese War, and she didn't have the slightest intention of falling in love, but the crazy suitor Chen Tianguo didn't think about it.

At first, he appeared in front of Qin Yi with the image of a caring big brother, helped her rehearse, corrected her pronunciation, and won Qin Yi's favor, however, Qin Yi always regarded the other party as his brother, and did not have half of the love between men and women. For Qin Yi, who didn't know anything about it, Chen Tianguo changed his way of pursuit.

On the morning of a rest day, Chen Tianguo found Qin Yi and said to her: They have a day off, their colleagues have gone to Nanshan, the big army has left, they will also leave immediately, go after everyone.

As soon as she heard about going to Nanshan, Qin Yi immediately agreed, she had long wanted to climb Nanshan, but she never found a suitable opportunity, but Qin Yi tried her best to climb to the top of the mountain, and all she saw was thorns and cliffs, in such a deserted place, where there was a shadow of a film crew.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

Qin Yi immediately questioned Chen Tianguo.

Chen Tianguo restrained his coquettish look: "Everyone didn't come at all, I lied to you to come up, just to propose to you." ”

"How can you do that?" Qin Yi retorted loudly, Chen Tianguo was too despicable to do this, and he completely deserved his trust in her.

Chen Tianguo expressed his "love" by himself, hoping that Qin Yi would accept him, Qin Yi refused as usual, she was still young, and asked him to forgive.

Chen Tianguo didn't give up, he took two steps forward directly, and held Qin Yi's hand tightly: "Really marry me......

"No...... No, I, I don't want to get married......" Qin Yi has no experience in love, and Chen Tianguo's forcible courtship directly scared her.

Seeing that Qin Yi was unwilling to give in, Chen Tianguo was furious and dragged her to the edge of the cliff, if she didn't agree today, he would jump down directly and die in front of her. Chen Tianguo's hideous face frightened Qin Yi.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

Qin Yi's eyes were full of fear, and he begged the other party to spare him.

"If you refuse to marry me, what's the point of me living", as he spoke, Chen Tianguo dragged Qin Yi a few steps forward, he screamed in despair, and he was ready to jump.

In extreme fright, Qin Yi collapsed on the spot, and later lost consciousness.

When Qin Yi woke up, she didn't know how she went down the mountain, let alone how she got back to the dormitory, after waking up, she kept shedding tears, her expression was in a trance, and the whole person was no longer as smart as before.

Contrary to Qin Yi, Chen Tianguo often went to Qin Yi since then, making everyone mistakenly think that they were in love, and at the same time, he also spread public opinion everywhere that he was going to marry Qin Yi and dissuade those young men who were courteous in front of Qin Yi.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

Chen Tianguo's every move is to illustrate a fact, he must get Qin Yi, his love is so extreme that it is suffocating, and he doesn't consider whether Qin Yi is willing to accept him at all.

Rumors spread all of a sudden, Qin Yi fell ill under the powerful mental stimulation, and she was sick for four months, lying in bed all day long, and it was her female colleagues who helped her to eat on time.

However, Chen Tianguo was unwilling to wait any longer, in order to get Qin Yi, he took the lead in distributing the wedding invitation, in Chen Tianguo's opinion, he had successfully proposed marriage in Nanshan, Qin Yi already belonged to him, and Qin Yi had never given him a definite answer, he was worried that the night would be long and dreamy, so he decided the wedding date alone and cut off all Qin Yi's retreats.

Chen Tianguo came to Qin Yi's dormitory with a wedding invitation and informed the other party that she would get married the day after tomorrow, and if she had anyone she wanted to invite.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

Qin Yi wants to postpone the wedding, can she wait until next year, at least let her recover first.

Qin Yi thought about Chen Tianguo's persecution again, she was only seventeen years old, she didn't want to get married, let alone be Chen Tianguo's wife, she didn't have half feelings for him, but if she refused again, she was worried that Chen Tianguo would die and kill her, and it would not be good for her reputation if it was spread. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that she had no right to refuse, because she couldn't bear the price of refusal.

In mid-September 1939, Qin Yi was forced to marry Chen Tianguo.

Qin Yi originally thought that at least Chen Tianguo liked him, and if she found someone who loved her, she wouldn't toss, however, Qin Yi wanted to live a good life, but Chen Tianguo made another fuss.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

On the second day of the wedding, Chen Tianguo left Qin Yi at home, and it wasn't until the wedding day that Qin Yi knew that he didn't know anything about Chen Tianguo, he was so addicted to alcohol, he was drunk for two days of marriage, and in the middle of the night, he banged on the door, Qin Yi opened the door and a smell of wine came to her face, Chen Tianguo saw that she opened the door a little slower, and raised the umbrella in her hand and smashed it at Qin Yi, Qin Yi couldn't dodge, her eyes were smashed, and a heart-wrenching pain spread from her head, she let go of her hand holding Chen Tianguo, The other party didn't count beating her, and said some foul language to the new wife, and finally said that she was tired, so she fell directly on the bed and slept like a dead pig.

Qin Yi hugged herself tightly, especially wanting to cry, but she was afraid of becoming a laughing stock in other people's mouths, so she could only sobbed in a low voice.

On the second day of marriage, Qin Yi saw Chen Tianguo's true face, she knew that she had been deceived, she should not marry her, her life was still long, and she couldn't be consumed on such a person.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

As soon as dawn, Qin Yi packed up his things and moved back to the dormitory, Chen Tianguo was flustered when he found out, he recalled everything he did when he was drunk, and hurriedly ran to his wife's dormitory to apologize.

However, in Qin Yi's eyes, this was just his pretense, if she really went back, what was waiting for her was the next violent and insulting language. After that, Chen Tianguo went to the dormitory to beg her a few more times, but Qin Yi was completely sober and must break up with him completely.

One day, Chen Tianguo came to Qin Yi's dormitory again, and Qin Yi immediately asked for divorce. Chen Tianguo refused.

Qin Yi only felt that the other party was unreasonable, there was no love between them at all, Chen Tianguo was an alcoholic, not only that, but the three views of the two of them were not the same at all, and they didn't even have a common language, how could two people who were so different from each other live together.

In order not to get divorced, Chen Tianguo moved to the men's dormitory, and he chose cold treatment.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

At this time, Qin Yi found out that she was pregnant. After learning that Qin Yi was pregnant, Chen Tianguo was overjoyed, in his opinion, his wife would not divorce him after she was pregnant, he rushed to the girls' dormitory, continued to lobby it to give up the idea of divorce, and promised not to drink again in the future. For the sake of her own children, Qin Yi stubbornly agreed.

It's a pity that Qin Yi forgot a sentence: the nature of the country is easy to change, not long after this guarantee, Chen Tianguo drank again, Qin Yi tried to persuade the other party, she only opened her mouth to say a few words, and was smashed by the coarse porcelain bowl picked up by the other party, Qin Yi didn't have time to dodge, the porcelain bowl smashed into her calf, bleeding like an infusion, and Qin Yi's calf left a scar that could not be removed.

At this point, Qin Yi no longer has any illusions about Chen Tianguo, this time she must divorce.

However, even if her daughter was born, Chen Tianguo insisted on not divorcing, and if she insisted on it, he would commit suicide, and the two fell into an impasse again.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

After the eldest sisters around Qin Yi learned about it, they persuaded Qin Yi not to talk about divorce first, if Chen Tianguo was drunk, no one knew what he could do, she had to be careful.

It was not until 1944 that Qin Yi completely broke away from Chen Tianguo and went through divorce procedures with him. In 1967, Chen Tianguo committed suicide in Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, and his life has been fixed at the age of 55 since then.

37-year-old Jin Yan married 25-year-old Qin Yi

Qin Yi's first marriage was undoubtedly a failure, but as early as 1941, she became a well-known "Four Famous Dans" on the stage of Chongqing drama. ”

When Qin Yi was struggling, her second relationship was also on the way.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

This person is called Jin Yan, born in Seoul, North Korea in a family of doctors, he fled with his parents at a young age, in 1916, their family settled in Qiqihar, soon after, Jin Yan's father was killed by Japanese doctors with poison at home, the family struggled on the line of life and death and hunger, until Jin Yan was 15 years old His mother entrusted someone to send him to his aunt's side, in order to fill his stomach, Jin Yan stepped into the film and television industry, and later struggled step by step to become the "film emperor." ”

Jin Yan's first wife was Wang Renmei, and it is a pity that this marriage only lasted 11 years before it ended.

In 1947, under Liu Qiong's introduction, Qin Yi and Jin Yan, who temporarily lived in Liu Qiong's house, confirmed their relationship. In fact, long before this, Qin Yi had heard of Jin Yan, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a loyal fan, after the two established a relationship, Jin Yan played the role of a patron saint in front of Qin Yi.

Qin Yi tried her best to completely get rid of Chen Tianguo's entanglement and devote herself to her work, but she was also dreaming of finding a husband with the same heart in her heart. The same goes for Jin Yan, he wants to have a happy family with Qin Yi as soon as possible.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

So 37-year-old Jin Yan married 25-year-old Qin Yi, and they held a simple and lively wedding, and the witness of their wedding was Guo Moruo, a "literary hero".

In the second year after marriage, Jin Jie, the crystallization of their love, came to this world.

Besides, Wang Renmei's side, after divorcing Jin Yan, she fell into remorse, she shouldn't have said the word marriage so easily, after a period of thinking, Wang Renmei had the idea of continuing the previous edge, however, what was waiting for her was the news of Jin Yan and Qin Yi's marriage, and she only felt that she was in pain.

After another period of time, Wang Renmei came to Jin Yan's house, looking at the loving appearance of their husband and wife, Wang Renmei felt even more bitter, and could only endure the heartache and bless them. After that, Wang Renmei, who was alone, became a frequent visitor to Qin Yi's house, after all, they have lived together for more than ten years, Wang Renmei and Jin Yan have a lot of common topics, Qin Yi looked at the appearance of the two of them, and couldn't help but think in her heart, why did the two who were so well matched separate.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

Qin Yi felt very sorry for Wang Renmei, and after she left, Qin Yi discussed with her husband whether they could continue their relationship. This is completely impossible for Jin Yan, who is a person with a great sense of responsibility for his family: "If you always want me to keep in touch with her, then where is your position?" I should always think about you and my children, don't you? The past has happened, so let it pass forever......"

Although her husband said so, Qin Yi couldn't help but sympathize with Wang Renmei, hoping that she could have a good home, and later, Wang Renmei married the well-known painter Ye Qianyu.

Qin Yi's three major regrets

Qin Yi has not enjoyed a new life for a few years, a bad news struck, in 1962, Jin Yan left a comprehensive dumping sequelae after surgery, and it didn't take long for the whole person to collapse on the hospital bed, and his weight was lost by more than 40 pounds, this disease is more than 20 years.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

Jin Yan's body is obviously unable to continue filming, and since then, the "movie emperor" has bid farewell to the post he loves all his life and has become a waste man lying on the bed.

The bad luck is not over yet, in the turmoil, Qin Yi is overwhelmed and in trouble, Jin Yan is seriously ill, facing the threat of death anytime and anywhere, and what breaks his heart even more is that their 16-year-old son Jin Jie, because he has suffered from the signs of "autism" since he was a child, has not been treated in time, and has suffered from severe schizophrenia.

In 1969, Qin Yi and Jin Yan were driven together to participate in the labor of the cadre school farm in Fengxian County, Shanghai, because Jin Yan's physique was too poor to work in the field, so he was assigned the job of repairing farm tools, Qin Yi braved the cold wind to carry out labor reform, no one could connect the working peasant woman with Qin Yi on the screen, and it was not until a year later that Jin Yan left this desolate place.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

For Qin Yi, she has three lifelong regrets:

First, she has no way to play a love scene with no foundation in life, because she has not really had a happy and complete love of her own. She was unwilling to have the first relationship from the beginning, and then it ended miserably, and the second marriage was indeed happy at first, but later, due to various complex reasons in the outside world, the emotions of the two were shifted, and the feelings of the husband and wife gradually displaced, and then these contradictions became increasingly aggravated, and the two got together less and left more, however, Qin Yi is a person who has a beginning and an end, and she has been taking care of each other for 19 years when her husband was sick.

Second, Qin Yi's own family is unfortunate, her son is sick, but she shoots outside all the year round because of work, lacking care and maternal love for her son.

Third, dozens of films have been made, but there is no one that allows her to give full play to her acting skills.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

Qin Yi has always wanted her son Jin Jie to live a normal life, but when her son became ill, no one could do anything.

In 1979, Qin Yi received the book of "Overseas Child", and before leaving, she kept thinking that Jin Jie had no one to take care of her at home, and her husband Jin Yan was not in good health.

This is all something that has happened before, Jin Jie's illness attacked, he picked up the teacup on the table and smashed it at his father Jin Yan, fortunately Jin Yan dodged quickly, however, Qin Yi couldn't dodge, this time Qin Yi said that he had to take his son with him.

That night, Qin Yi finished filming and dragged her tired body back to the hotel, but she didn't think about it, Jin Jie beat her directly when she saw her mother, Qin Yi patiently calmed her son's emotions, it was useless, she simply gave up, the child always has a time to be tired.

Eventually, Jin Jie got tired and stopped.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

After her son fell asleep, Qin Yi looked at the scars all over her body, and tears kept flowing, but crying couldn't solve any problems.

After that, the film crew shifted the filming point, and Qin Yi took her son with her as usual.

After a long time, Qin Yi also felt the knock on the door to deal with her son's illness, once, when Qin Yi and Jin Jie were talking, she looked at her son, and suddenly thought that her son was almost 40 years old, but his IQ was like that of a child, and he was sick, and she herself was almost 60 years old, she was full of emotion, hugged her son's head and said: "Little brother, my mother is so old, she is dead, what should you do?"

Hearing what his mother said, Jin Jie hugged her tightly, "Mom won't die!" I won't die, my mother is dead, and I will die too. At this moment, Qin Yi felt that everything she had paid was worth it.

Qin Yi was forced to marry a domestic violence man, her husband cheated on her remarried husband, and she lost her husband in middle age and her son in her later years: I never accept my fate

In 1983, when Qin Yi was filming "Thunderstorm", Jin Yan's old illness relapsed, Qin Yi rushed to the hospital immediately after learning the news, at this time Jin Yan was dying, Qin Yi knew that she could not save her husband's life, Jin Yan himself seemed to have a premonition, he opened his eyes with great effort, did not leave his wife for half a minute, and then, he seemed to close his eyes permanently after completing his wish. On December 27, Jin Yan left this world forever.

In 2007, Jin Jie died in Shanghai, and in 2022, Qin Yi died in East China Hospital at the age of 100.

Widowed in middle age, lost a child in old age, coupled with various experiences when she was young, Qin Yi is undoubtedly unlucky, in this regard, she herself said: "People ...... after all But I never resigned myself to my fate......"

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