
National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

author:Doudou on the past and the present
National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life
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National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

In the history of Chinese cinema, Qin Yi is a bright star. She has created nearly 100 memorable screen images, and each role is a classic. However, beneath this glamorous exterior lies a heartbreaking life course.

Two marriages, two deep injuries. For the first time, she suffered domestic violence; The second time, she endured betrayal. What is even more distressing is that her only son suffers from schizophrenia and has even been subjected to violence against her on several occasions.

In the face of such a cruel fate, how did Qin Yi support her life, and how did she stick to her beloved acting career in the long years? Let's step into the inner world of this legendary actress and feel her extraordinary perseverance and tenacity.

Sixteen-year-old Qin Yi has a love for literature and art, but she never thought that she would embark on the road of acting. The gears of fate quietly turned during a play, and the famous director Ying Yunping had a discerning eye and invited this girl full of aura to join the film studio.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

The young Qin Yi, with curiosity about the unknown and enthusiasm for art, resolutely embarked on this unexpected path.

However, the harsh reality soon hit her in the face. Seventeen-year-old Qin Yi met the famous actor Chen Tianguo. At first, Chen Tianguo's diligence and thoughtfulness made the young and innocent Qin Yi mistakenly think that he had met a close friend.

Little did she know that the relationship would turn into a nightmare for her life.

On a seemingly ordinary day, Chen Tianguo tricked Qin Yi to a remote cliff on the pretext of a gathering of friends. There, he suddenly confessed to Qin Yi and proposed.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

In the face of Qin Yi's hesitation, Chen Tianguo actually jumped off the cliff to force her to agree to this ridiculous marriage proposal. Qin Yi, who was ignorant and ignorant, reluctantly agreed in panic and helplessness.

However, this is only the beginning of the nightmare. The day after the wedding, Chen Tianguo, who returned from drinking, beat Qin Yi. Young Qin Yi spent the first night of her marriage in pain and despair, her tears soaking the pillow.

Despite this, Qin Yi still had a glimmer of hope that Chen Tianguo would change. However, reality hit her hard again. Chen Tianguo's violence has not stopped, but has intensified.

Finally, Qin Yi couldn't bear it anymore and resolutely moved out of the house, ready to seek a divorce. However, fate played a joke on her again - she found out she was pregnant. For the sake of the child in her womb, Qin Yi chose to compromise and temporarily gave up the idea of divorce.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

However, the marriage eventually broke down. As time passed, Chen Tianguo had a new love outside, and their marriage came to an end. With disappointment in marriage and confusion about the future, Qin Yi began her life as a single mother.

This painful experience has become a deep scar in Qin Yi's life. Not only did it affect her views on love and marriage, but it also shaped her strong, independent character to a large extent.

Despite suffering such a big blow, Qin Yi was not struck down by fate. Instead, she chose to turn this pain into motivation and put more effort into her acting career, using her talent and hard work to shine brightly on the screen.

After coming out of her failed first marriage, Qin Yi devoted all her energy to her acting career. Her talent and hard work soon paid off, and she brought classic roles to life and made a name for herself in the film industry.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

However, fate always seems to hit her love life hard when her career is brilliant.

On Chinese New Year's Eve in 1946, Qin Yi, who had been away from her hometown for a long time, welcomed two special guests at her home - her friend Liu Qiong, and Jin Yan, China's leading actor at the time.

This seemingly accidental encounter was actually carefully arranged by Liu Qiong. She hopes to find someone for Qin Yi who is worthy of being entrusted for life and heal her past pain.

Jin Yan is 12 years older than Qin Yi, mature and steady. His considerate care of Qin Yi quickly melted Qin Yi's heart frozen due to his previous marriage. The two began a sweet cohabitation life.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

However, Qin Yi is still skeptical about marriage and has been postponing the date of marriage. She is so immersed in the success of her career that she seems to have lost faith in her marriage.

Until one time, the two went to Hong Kong to film together. Under the mediation of his friend Wu Zuguang, Qin Yi finally nodded and agreed to get married. However, the beginning of the marriage is a bit absurd - Jin Yan gets drunk on the wedding day, and spends the next three days of the wedding vacation in a deep sleep.

This little episode seems to indicate that this marriage is not as good as it seems.

In the early days of marriage, the life of the two was quite sweet. Jin Yan has superb cooking skills and often cooks for Qin Yi, and the two enjoy a calm and warm life together. However, the good times were short-lived.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

As Qin Yi's career is booming, frequently running between studios around the world, Jin Yan's acting career has fallen into a trough, and he stays at home all day. The two got together less and left more, and their relationship gradually faded.

Just as Qin Yi was devoting himself to work, a thunderbolt of news came - Jin Yan had cheated, and the object turned out to be Qin Yi's own sister. This news was like a heavy hammer, hitting Qin Yi's heart fiercely.

Facing Qin Yi's questioning, Jin Yan admitted all this calmly without the slightest remorse.

Qin Yi's heart was like a knife, and she immediately filed for divorce. However, Jin Yan was adamantly opposed, citing the deep affection and family ties between them. For the sake of the child, Qin Yi once again chose to compromise.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

Since then, the two have begun a separate life like strangers.

Qin Yi buried herself at work again, trying to numb her injured heart with busyness. She has created one deep-rooted role after another on the screen, but in real life, she can't play the role of a happy wife.

The failure of this marriage brought deep pain to Qin Yi. She has to face not only the betrayal of her husband, but also the betrayal of her own sister, which is undoubtedly a huge blow.

However, Qin Yi was not knocked down by these setbacks. She chose to turn this pain into motivation and devote herself more to her acting career.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

In her career, Qin Yi has achieved great success and has become the "goddess of eternal youth" in the Chinese film industry. However, beneath her glamorous exterior lies a heart that has been battered.

This experience made Qin Yi stronger and made her deeply aware of the cruelty of life. But instead of becoming indifferent because of this, she incorporated this feeling into her performance, making her role more fleshed out and profound.

Qin Yi and Jin Yan's son, Jin Jie, has shown distinctive characteristics since he was a child. He is an introvert, does not like to play with his peers, and often sits alone in the corner and paints.

This difference did not bring him good luck, but instead made him the target of bullying by his classmates. When Jin Jie was bullied, he never resisted, let alone told his parents.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

Qin Yi, who was busy with her career, didn't know anything about what happened to her son. She devotes most of her time to acting, thinking that her son is just an introvert. It wasn't until Jin Jie was diagnosed with severe schizophrenia that Qin Yi woke up from a dream and realized that she had neglected her son for too long.

Knowing this nightmare, Qin Yi was busy with the crew. She immediately put down her work and rushed to the hospital. When it was confirmed that her son's condition was already quite serious, Qin Yi almost collapsed.

However, she soon realizes that she can't fall down at this moment, she must be strong to face reality.

From that moment on, Qin Yi's life changed completely. She went through the withdrawal procedures for Jin Jie and began to take care of her around the clock. Jin Jie's three meals a day, taking medicine, and sleeping all need Qin Yi to do it himself.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

In order to take care of her son, Qin Yi could only arrange all her work to be carried out at night. This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for an actor, but Qin Yi did not back down.

However, caring for a person with schizophrenia is not an easy task. Jin Jie's emotions often got out of control, and he even used violence against Qin Yi. Once, he slammed Qin Yi's face with his shoe.

Qin Yi could only cover her head with her hands and advised softly: "Dear brother, please don't hurt my mother's face, my mother still needs to continue to devote herself to her acting career."

With that, she covered her head with both hands and let Jin Jie punch and kick her in the back.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

Such acts of violence occur almost daily. Qin Yi always chose to suffer silently, because she knew that after the violent attack, Jin Jie would have a brief moment of sobriety.

She cherishes these precious moments and hopes to communicate more with her son. In these moments, Qin Yi could see the once gentle and intelligent son, which gave her the strength to continue to persevere.

Over time, however, Jin Jie's violence intensified. At one point, he even hit the babysitter in the head to the point of blood. This incident made Qin Yi realize that she could no longer control the situation by her own strength.

After careful consideration, Qin Yi made the difficult decision to send Jin Jie to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

This decision was undoubtedly painful for Qin Yi. She once vowed to take care of her son herself, but the cruelty of reality forced her to compromise. However, even though Jin Jie was admitted to the hospital, Qin Yi still did not give up taking care of him.

She often visits the hospital, brings Jin Jie's favorite food, and chats with him.

Under Qin Yi's persistence and the hospital's professional treatment, Jin Jie's condition has improved to a certain extent. He eventually lived to be 59 years old, creating a miracle of life for people with schizophrenia.

However, the pain of losing her son once again pushed Qin Yi to a desperate situation.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

This experience was a long and arduous test for Qin Yi. It not only tested her love as a mother, but also her professionalism as an actress.

In this process, Qin Yi showed extraordinary strength and patience. She interprets the greatness of mother's love with her actions, and also shows us a real, flesh-and-blood actor image.

Fate always seemed unwilling to give Qin Yi a chance to breathe. While she was taking care of her sick son wholeheartedly, her husband, Jin Yan, also fell ill due to stomach bleeding caused by long-term alcoholism.

Although their marriage has long existed in name only, Qin Yi still chose to fulfill his wife's responsibilities. Every day after a busy schedule of work and taking care of her son, she would find time to visit Jin Yan in the hospital.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

However, an even bigger blow followed. Just when Jin Yan was sick in bed, Qin Yi was diagnosed with rectal cancer. This bad news was undoubtedly worse for Qin Yi, who was already exhausted.

From the diagnosis to the operation, except for her sister on the day of the operation, Qin Yi was alone the rest of the time. She didn't tell anyone about her illness, and silently endured both physical and psychological torture.

But even in such a difficult situation, Qin Yi still did not give up her work. She insisted on rehearsing "Thunderstorm" and numbing her pain with her performance. Until one day, she suddenly received a notice that Jin Yan was critically ill.

It turned out that the hospital had wanted to inform Qin Yi for a long time, but Jin Yan was unwilling to affect her work and delayed it until the last moment of her life.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

Qin Yi immediately put down the work in his hand and rushed to the hospital. She insisted on guarding Jin Yan's side for 31 hours, warming Jin Yan's already cold body with a hot water bottle and her hands.

At the last moment of his life, Jin Yan squeezed out a smile and waved goodbye gently.

Facing the departure of her husband, Qin Yi's heart was full of complicated emotions. Although their marriage has long existed in name only, the relationship between husband and wife for many years still makes Qin Yi unable to accept this fact.

She stubbornly believed that Jin Yan would be able to defeat death with that last smile. However, when the morning sun poured into the windowsill, Jin Yan still left her forever.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

This experience once again tested Qin Yi's will. Not only does she have to face her own health problems, but she also has to take care of her seriously ill husband while juggling work. Qin Yi used her actions to explain what responsibility is and what is strong.

Even in the most difficult moments, she did not give up on her duties and dreams, and this spirit is admirable.

has experienced many hardships in life, but Qin Yi has never given up her beloved acting career. She put all her passion and energy into creating classic characters one by one, and conquered countless audiences with her tenacity and talent.

Even at the age of 100, Qin Yi still sticks to the screen, showing amazing vitality and professionalism.

National first-class actor Qin Yi was subjected to domestic violence in her first marriage, and her remarried husband cheated on her sister-in-law, and she was more bitter than Coptis for the rest of her life

In 2022, the legendary actress passed away due to illness at the age of 100. In the final stages of her life, when asked about her bumpy marital experience, Qin Yi showed rare insight and tolerance.

Instead of complaining, she honestly admitted that if she had thought more carefully and devoted more time and energy to her family, many tragedies might have been avoided.

Qin Yi's life has not only created many screen images that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but also interpreted what it means to be tenacious, brave and unyielding with her own life. She spent a century composing a touching hymn to life, leaving endless inspiration and emotion for future generations.

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