
The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

author:Tsing shirt scholar

In the 100-year history of Chinese films, one peerless beauty after another has been born.

They are charming, elegant, or pure, and with their superb acting skills and peerless looks, they have left an indelible impression on the audience.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

To this day, their beauty still transcends time and leaves a deep mark in the hearts of the audience.

Qin Yi, Wang Xiaotang, Xia Meng and other "natural" actresses have been on the list, which has aroused discussion among the masses.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

So, who are these actresses who have amazed the time, and who do you think is qualified to be on the list? Let's move on!

Qin Yi

As a witness and cultivator of China's century-old film history, Qin Yi's life can be said to run through the history of Chinese film.

Although she was born in a feudal family, Qin Yi has had a great interest in literature and art since she was a child.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

When she was studying at Zhonghua Vocational School in Shanghai, Qin Yi participated in the performance of "Put Down Your Whip", and later joined the "Zhongwan" troupe.

In 1939, Qin Yi officially starred in the first movie "Good Husband" in her life, and began her acting career.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

Although Qin Yi has made great achievements in her acting career, she is very bumpy in life.

After experiencing two marriages, not only have he undergone multiple surgeries for rectal cancer, but even his son unfortunately suffered from mild schizophrenia and was unable to take care of himself.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

The tribulations of life not only did not knock Qin Yi down, but made her stronger.

On May 9, 2022, Qin Yi, who is 100 years old, left us forever, but her contribution to the film industry will always remain in our hearts.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

Summer Dream

Xia Meng, who was born in a literary family in Shanghai, has been influenced by his parents since he was a child, whether it is Peking Opera or opera.

In 1951, Xia Meng officially took the first step in his acting career with his debut film "Forbidden Marriage".

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

In his 20s, Xia Meng has become a popular movie star in Hong Kong, and he has fascinated the eyes of countless people with his stunning beauty.

Even Jin Yong regarded Xia Meng as his dream lover, and pursued it hard but couldn't.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

Although she rarely performs, once she performs, she can be competent for any role and vividly express the image of the role.

At that time, Xia Meng's beauty could even be compared to Audrey Hepburn.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

Later, it became the pillar of the company, and was called the "Three Princesses of the Great Wall" together with Shi Hui and Chen Sisi.

Although Xia Meng later disappeared, she did not disappear in front of our eyes, but turned to Chinese politics.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

In 1979, Xia Meng also attended the National Cultural Congress, and then founded Jade Bird Pictures, returning to her film and television industry as a producer after more than ten years of absence.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

Wang Xiaotang

As the goddess in the hearts of the people in the sixties and seventies of the last century, Wang Xiaotang became popular all over the country with her excellent characteristics and soft and heroic appearance.

Wang Xiaotang, who has studied Peking Opera since childhood, not only has a very solid foundation, but also has developed a temperament with a hint of heroism.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

In 1952, at the age of 18, Wang Xiaotang joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army in Shanghai and was admitted to the Peking Opera Troupe of the General Political Art Troupe of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

In 1955, Wang Xiaotang was selected by Changchun Film Studio with his unique temperament and starred in his first movie "Mysterious Companion".

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

In the days that followed, Wang Xiaotang sang all the way on the road of acting.

Whether it is Alan in "Heroes and Tiger Courage", or the dark cloud flower in "Ordos Storm", Wang Xiaotang has used his superb acting skills to create one excellent work after another for everyone.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

However, Wang Xiaotang, who has made great achievements in his career, is full of setbacks in life.

Not only did her son Yanqun die of illness in 1974, but he left her forever at the age of 18.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

Even her husband Yan Xiaopeng died of illness in 1992, leaving Wang Xiaotang to live alone.

After that, Wang Xiaotang could only focus on his career, and he also made great achievements.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

Yang Likun

When Chinese films were just emerging, "Ashima" could be said to be the hottest domestic movie at that time.

Among them, the heroine Yang Likun, with her identity as a minority minority, vividly interprets the characteristics of the role of "Ashima", and it is even more popular all over the country because of this movie.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

In addition to "Ashima", "Five Golden Flowers" starred in 1958 is also one of Yang Likun's classic works.

Throughout Yang Likun's life, strictly speaking, she has only starred in "Five Golden Flowers" and "Ashima".

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

Although these two works let everyone remember this young girl with red lips and white teeth, they also cut off Yang Likun's future.

In that special era, Yang Likun was accused of having a bourgeois style because of these two films, and became the target of criticism.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

Under the double torture of physical and mental, the young Yang Likun eventually went insane and could not even get effective treatment.

Under such circumstances, Yang Likun's condition became more and more serious, which has been affecting her life in the future.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

In 2000, Yang Likun died at home due to illness at the age of 58.

is such an excellent actor, because of the hardships she has encountered, she has changed her originally brilliant life and left us forever.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

Wang Danfeng

As a classic representative of the beauties in the 50s of the last century, Wang Danfeng's beauty is not outdated even today.

Wang Danfeng, who was born in Shanghai, was not called this name at first, and she was still called Wang Yufeng at that time.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

Thanks to his parents' love of watching dramas, Wang Danfeng has been taken by his parents since he was a child and went to various theater gardens to listen to plays.

Watching plays often made the young Wang Danfeng gradually begin to become interested in acting.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

When Wang Danfeng visited the film company once, he was photographed by director Zhu Shilin, and finally successfully signed a contract with the company and changed his name to Wang Danfeng.

With "New Fisherman's Song", Wang Danfeng has successfully made a name for himself in the film and television industry, and is even known as "Contemporary Little Circle".

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

After that, Wang Danfeng can be said to have received a soft hand in the play.

"Long Live the Teacher", "Dream of Red Mansions", "The Spark of the Nation" and so on are all classic works starring Wang Danfeng.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

With the release of one excellent work after another, Wang Danfeng's fame also gradually rose, and soon became popular all over the country.

While making good achievements in his career, Wang Danfeng's life is also very perfect.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

In 1951, Wang Danfeng married Liu Heqing, and in the next five years, she gave birth to four daughters for her husband.

Sadly, one of the four daughters died prematurely.

In the days that followed, Wang Danfeng achieved a bumper harvest for his career and family.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart

After the filming, Wang Danfeng and her husband also opened a "Gongdelin Shanghai Vegetarian Restaurant" in Hong Kong.

This life lasted until 2018, when 94-year-old Wang Danfeng died in Shanghai.

The 5 major female movie stars who amazed time: Qin Yi and Wang Xiaotang have been selected, who is the first in your heart


Although some of these abstinent family members have left us forever, their stunning looks and classic works have always remained in our hearts.

Their legendary lives have made China's century-old film history more colorful.

Their beauty has always passed through time and remained deeply in our hearts.


Baidu Encyclopedia: Qin Yi, Xia Meng, Wang Xiaotang, Yang Likun, Wang Danfeng

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