
1. Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: The missile still needs to be repaired? Colleges and universities responded

author:The fisherman chats

"Leader: The missile didn't blow up to fix it, you: Okay, leader: it deserves to be professional, it just went and blew it up"

"This missile was thrown out and didn't blow up, more than 600 points were scattered, more than 500 points of alert, and 300 points of maintenance were carried out."

"Is the kind of missile maintenance that sent out to take a look at the people who were sent out to take a look after the artillery fire was ignited?"

Recently, the missile maintenance profession has aroused heated discussions among netizens.

1. Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: The missile still needs to be repaired? Colleges and universities responded

The cause of the matter

The cause of the matter is this: Recently, a candidate Zhang Xuefeng consulted in the live broadcast room, he said that he wanted to apply for the "missile maintenance major" of a certain university in Changsha, and he asked Zhang Xuefeng how about this major and whether it was worth applying.

1. Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: The missile still needs to be repaired? Colleges and universities responded

This question touched Zhang Xuefeng's knowledge blind spot, and Zhang Xuefeng randomly sent out a soul torture question: Missile maintenance? Missiles still need to be repaired?


Zhang Xuefeng's answer was very interesting to everyone and spread quickly. Everyone was surprised: there was finally a major that Mr. Zhang was not familiar with.

For a time, the missile maintenance profession rushed to the hot search and was ridiculed by many netizens.

1. Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: The missile still needs to be repaired? Colleges and universities responded
1. Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: The missile still needs to be repaired? Colleges and universities responded
1. Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: The missile still needs to be repaired? Colleges and universities responded
1. Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: The missile still needs to be repaired? Colleges and universities responded
1. Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: The missile still needs to be repaired? Colleges and universities responded

In other words, if a college major can be on the hot search, you can also see its uniqueness. From the ridicule of netizens, most netizens don't know much about this major, and everyone is like Zhang Xuefeng, who thinks "does the missile still need to be repaired"? Everyone seems to interpret this profession from a literal and subjective meaning.

In addition to ridiculing, everyone is very curious, is this major really opened? What exactly is this major for? Is it really as ridiculed by netizens?

In response to the doubts of netizens, Changsha Aviation Vocational and Technical College replied.

Colleges and universities responded

This university replied to everyone that the major of "missile maintenance technology" really exists.

The main specialized content is the production and inspection of missiles.

1. Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: The missile still needs to be repaired? Colleges and universities responded

The training is to have the necessary theories and professional knowledge for missile maintenance, and to be familiar with the principles of missile control, guidance and signaling. High-level personnel who have mastered the technology of missile construction and maintenance.

After hearing this explanation, everyone finally understood.

Missile maintenance professional, in fact, an iron rice bowl

It is not difficult to see that the major of missile maintenance technology is a major with excellent and very strong professional barriers. As long as you have completed your studies, you can basically enter the military industry through school recruitment, so which schools have this major? At present, there are no undergraduate colleges, and there are only two junior colleges in the country, the first of which is Changsha Aviation Vocational and Technical College. This school is affiliated with the Air Force Equipment Department and has a strong military background.

1. Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: The missile still needs to be repaired? Colleges and universities responded

The second is Jiangxi Aviation Vocational and Technical College. It belongs to AVIC Hong Aviation Group, and it is also a relatively strong school.

1. Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: The missile still needs to be repaired? Colleges and universities responded

Ladies and gentlemen, if you are interested in this major, you can pay attention to it.

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