
has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

author:Shimmer's Library

At the beginning of January last year, a "Hurricane" was broadcast, which became the first hot hit drama of the year, whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, whether it is a decent or villainous role, there are very distinct character characteristics.

Among them, "Xu Jiang" played by Jia Bing is a living example.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

Jia Bing is a comedian, has acted in sketches, and has starred in many comedy movies, so he has an innate sense of joy, which makes people always find joy from him.

Jia Bing plays "Xu Jiang" in "Hurricane", a nightclub owner who is ruthless, colludes with the underworld, and does all kinds of evil.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

Later, he was threatened by Gao Qiqiang to obey his orders, and was finally treated as an outcast and killed by Gao Qiqiang and Lao Mo.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

The role of Xu Jiang, except for Jia Bing, no one can control it, because every actor is racing acting skills, only he is acting in his true colors, he is bad and funny, and when he goes offline, the audience is reluctant.

Seeing Jia Bing now, you can imagine how naughty he was when he was young.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

A bastard one

Jia Bing was very naughty when he was a child, and he could do everything when he went to the house, but he didn't study well, in one of his words: I like everything except studying!

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

The couple who gave birth to such Jia Bing are both teachers, their father is a physical education teacher, and their mother is a Chinese teacher.

My mother can educate the students in the class very well at school, even if she makes a mistake, she will know the reason, move with emotion, and persuade the education.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

But as soon as I got home, in the face of my naughty and fun-loving son with poor grades, my mother would only use "a stick to produce filial piety", and I had to receive a stick education from my mother at both ends in three days.

What should I do if my grades are not good, there is no way, in order to suppress his character, 17-year-old Jia Bing went to join the army.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

After 8 years of military experience, Jia Bing performed very well, and made 4 third-class merits, after changing jobs, Jia Bing was assigned to Zhejiang Quyi Acrobatic Troupe Co., Ltd., serving in several professions, such as director, actor, host, etc.

Although Jia Bing is a naughty child in the eyes of his parents, his parents have always been proud of him in their hearts.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

Although my mother often chased Jia Bing with a stick, my father never beat Jia Bing, and the relationship between father and son was very good, how good was it?

During Jia Bing's military service, every time he went home to visit relatives, the young man of eighteen or nineteen was pressed by his father and kissed indiscriminately, regardless of the stubble on his face.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

From Jia Bing's birth to his father's death, in his impression, his father never beat Jia Bing.

Although Jia Bing loves to play, his nature is not bad, which his father knows very well, and his mother beat him only because his academic performance is too bad.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

In the face of Jia Bing's live jump, Dad said: Take out the strength of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, you can break if you want, it doesn't matter if you lose, there is still a home.

It is precisely because of the continuous support and encouragement of his family that Jia Bing looks that although he is unreliable, he has made meritorious contributions in the army and retired with honor with his enthusiasm.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

After being discharged from the army, he became an actor

Later, in the Zhejiang Quyi Acrobatic Troupe, Jia Bing had an iron rice bowl and became a sketch actor with numerous awards.

Unfortunately, for Jia Bing, he and his father have not gotten along enough, and his father died at the age of 59.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

He said: Dad left a little early, I will find time to accompany him!

This has also become a regret in Jia Bing's life.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

Jia Bing never thought that he would enter the entertainment industry, but once he saw Shen Teng's "Happy Comedian", as well as "Charlotte's Troubles", etc., and liked Shen Teng's performance very much.

Jia Bing was inspired by Shen Teng, and he felt that he jumped into his comfort zone and did something he wanted to do but never did.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

In 2016, Jia Bing appeared in public for the first time as a comedian and participated in the variety show "Smiling Proud Jianghu".

It turned out that Jia Bing had both ability and talent, and soon became famous in the circle.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

In 2018, Jia Bing appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and co-starred with Cai Ming, Pan Changjiang and others in the sketch "Learning to Drive".

In addition, he also participated in the recording of the fourth and sixth seasons of "Happy Comedian".

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

In 2020~2022, the Spring Festival Gala will be held for 3 consecutive years, bringing you comedy sketches full of laughter.

In recent years, Jia Bing's development direction has shifted to film and television dramas, movies, etc., especially in 2021, which can be described as the peak year of Jia Bing's acting career.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

participated in more than a dozen films such as "Chang'an Fu Demon", "The Eleventh", "Me and My Fathers", although he is not the protagonist, but in each film, he left a deep impression on the audience.

In 2022, Jia Bing starred in the movie "What's in the Zoo?" "Brother, Hello", "Search and Rescue" and so on, in addition to a number of participating movies have been released one after another.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

This year, Jia Bing participated in the Spring Festival Gala in Beijing, Jiangsu, Dragon TV, etc., and many of the movies he starred in were also released, such as "Flying Windfall", "Flying Life", "Spending Money at the End of the Road", etc.

Last year, Jia Bing participated in a variety show "Let's Go Now", during which Jia Bing often emphasized that he would never participate in variety shows in his life, but in this variety show, Jia Bing came

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

Just because there is Shen Teng among the guests of the variety show, because of Shen Teng, this is also the first time to participate in a variety show after so many years of development in the entertainment industry.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

The attitude towards "overnight explosion".

Jia Bing is not a person who floats after becoming popular, in his interview with Phoenix Satellite TV, he recalled that after "Hurricane", he became popular, walking on the street, and listening to others calling him "Xu Jiang" all over the street.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

Jia Bing was wondering, are they shouting me, am I not Jia Bing? I forgot that one of the roles I played was called "Xu Jiang".

During that time, Jia Bing received countless invitations to scripts and advertisements, and all of them came at once.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

may be put on other people, and they may not miss such a good opportunity, but Jia Bing's sentence of "don't answer" resigned from all the work of script business that looked for him.

I even went back to the countryside overnight, didn't participate in any activities, locked myself up, and was quiet!

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

He said: Everything that happens to you must be faced correctly, what everyone has in life may be limited, you have to take your time, all at once, there will be no more.

Life is like this, ups and downs, but we have to control its ups and downs, whether it is up or down, we must slow down, so that it can last for a long time!

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

In life, Jia Bing is still a good husband and father, there are no scandals, and he loves his daughter.

If in the first half of his life, what was Jia Bing's biggest regret, it must be that he didn't accompany his father well, died in middle age, and he didn't even have time to express his love for his father.

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

may be precisely because of such a regret, after the birth of her daughter, Jia Bing never spared her love, and boldly expressed her love when she had it, so Jia Bing has become today's "spoiled female madman", pampered but not doting!

has been a bastard boy since he was a child, and he was kissed wildly in his 20s, and his father's death became Jia Bing's regret

Life is very long, and sometimes I always feel that the future is long, and there will always be a chance to do something.

But there is also a saying that the world is impermanent, and accidents and tomorrow may not necessarily come first.

Information sources:

Phoenix TV: Interview with Jia Bing

Variety show "Let's Go Now": Jia Bing

Editor: Xiao Meng

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