
Laughing! Xia Sining watched Wu Yanni make her signature movements, and her expression rushed to the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area

author:Plain sailing


Every moment on the sports field carries dreams and sweat, and the hard work and persistence of the athletes bring endless strength and emotion to people. At the 2024 National Track and Field Championships, a fierce 100-meter hurdles competition has become the focus of heated discussions, and Wu Yanni stood out with her outstanding performance, and her signature move "Fairy Pointing to the Sky" won the championship has also become a unique scenery on the field and is loved by the audience. In this game, the scene between Wu Yanni and the track and field beauty Xia Sining has also become a hot topic, and the innocent friendship between them has been perfectly interpreted in the arena, and it has also brought a lot of touching and inspiration to people.

1. Wu Yanni won the championship of the 100-meter hurdles, setting the best result in Asia

In the women's 100-meter hurdles competition of the National Track and Field Championships, Wu Yanni successfully won the championship with her outstanding performance, and her speed and technique were not only impressive, but also set a new Asian record, with a score of 12.74 seconds, which is also the best result in Asia so far.

Laughing! Xia Sining watched Wu Yanni make her signature movements, and her expression rushed to the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area

As an excellent sprinter, Wu Yanni has always been very passionate about track and field, and to achieve such excellent results is inseparable from her usual hard training and serious attitude towards the competition.

In addition, Wu Yanni's state and belief in the competition is also very important, she has always been able to maintain a good attitude and stable performance, burst out of strong potential at critical moments, such a performance is inseparable from her self-confidence and determination, but also set a good example for others, so that more people can see the perfect interpretation of sportsmanship in her.

Laughing! Xia Sining watched Wu Yanni make her signature movements, and her expression rushed to the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area

2. "Fairy Pointing to the Sky" has become a unique scenery that has attracted much attention and love

In the competition, the audience was not only shocked by Wu Yanni's outstanding results, but also discovered her unique signature move "Fairy Pointing to the Sky", which is not only beautiful and atmospheric, but also very consistent with her appearance and temperament, which left a deep impression after watching it, and also added many highlights and fun to the whole competition.

The inspiration for the action of "Fairy Pointing to the Sky" comes from Wu Yanni's love for life and dedication to dreams, she hopes that she can be as free as a fairy, and also hopes to touch her own sky with her own efforts and sweat, so in the competition, she chose such a unique way to show herself, and also passed on positive energy and beautiful dreams to the audience, which was unanimously loved and recognized by everyone.

Laughing! Xia Sining watched Wu Yanni make her signature movements, and her expression rushed to the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area

Interestingly, at the scene of the game, Xia Sining also saw Wu Yanni's game and actions, her expression was very rich, there were laughter and tears, and she was misunderstood as laughing at Wu Yanni, but in fact, she just felt that Wu Yanni's actions were very interesting, and she was also happy and relieved by her performance, such a scene has also become a hot topic, making people see the innocence and friendship between athletes.

3. Wu Yanni showed the spirit of not admitting defeat and always maintained a firm belief

It is precisely because of Wu Yanni's hard work and hard work that she was able to stand out in the fierce 100-meter hurdles competition and win the championship, and behind such excellent results, the hardships and sweat she paid must not be underestimated, whether in training or competition, she has encountered various difficulties and challenges, but in the face of all this, she has never chosen to give up, but bravely faced and moved forward.

Laughing! Xia Sining watched Wu Yanni make her signature movements, and her expression rushed to the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area

Wu Yanni showed the spirit of not admitting defeat and tenacious will undoubtedly brought great encouragement and inspiration to people, she told everyone, as long as you have a dream, you must be brave to chase, no matter what difficulties and challenges will be encountered ahead, you must firmly believe in yourself, bravely move forward, because only in this way, can you finally touch your own light and success, such a spirit is also what we need, let us learn from Wu Yanni together, bravely pursue dreams, never say die.

Fourth, the friendship between Wu Yanni and Xia Sining has attracted much attention

In this 100-meter hurdles competition, the scene between Wu Yanni and Xia Sining has become a hot topic, and it has also made people see the unique charm of friendship in the sports arena. The scene at that time showed that after Xia Sining saw Wu Yanni's game and actions, her expression was very rich, with laughter and tears, and her action was also recorded by the audience at the scene, and then misunderstood as laughing at Wu Yanni, such a misunderstanding made her very helpless, and also made the outside world have some misunderstandings about her.

Laughing! Xia Sining watched Wu Yanni make her signature movements, and her expression rushed to the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area

However, Xia Sining did not get angry or complain because of this, she chose to prove herself with actions and explain clearly to the outside world, it turned out that she was not laughing at Wu Yanni, but felt that her actions were very interesting, and she was also happy and relieved by her performance, and Wu Yanni could also feel her sincerity and blessings from Xia Sining's eyes and actions, and the friendship between the two became more innocent and deep, and also let the outside world see the special significance of friendship in competitive sports.

In the fierce competition, the athletes need to put in a lot of hard work and sweat, and the competition between them is also very fierce, but Xia Sining and Wu Yanni's every move tells us that friendship and competition are not mutually exclusive, on the contrary, friendship can become the driving force for each other's growth, so that they can encourage each other in the competition, make progress together, and also let people see the warmth and positive energy on the sports field.

Laughing! Xia Sining watched Wu Yanni make her signature movements, and her expression rushed to the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area

Fifth, the sports world needs more of this positive energy

Through the stories of Wu Yanni and Xia Sining, we not only saw the demeanor of outstanding athletes, but also felt the unique charm of the sports arena, they interpreted the connotation of sportsmanship with their own actions, whether it was in the competition or in the interaction with others, they were always able to show respect, friendship and perseverance, and also brought a lot of positive energy and inspiration to others.

Every story on the sports field is worthy of our attention and conjecture, and the stories of Wu Yanni and Xia Sining also give us some profound inspiration, their friendship and support can not only inspire others, but also have a positive impact on the entire sports world, so that more people can see the warmth and touching on the sports field, and will also inspire more people to participate in sports and bravely pursue their dreams.

Laughing! Xia Sining watched Wu Yanni make her signature movements, and her expression rushed to the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area

We hope to see more athletes like Wu Yanni and Xia Sining full of positive energy in the future sports arena, no matter what kind of results they achieve in the competition, or in the communication with others, they can become a banner of the society, bring inspiration and moving to others, and let more people realize the importance of sportsmanship, practice sportsmanship with practical actions, let positive energy continue to pass on in the sports world, and inject infinite strength into the development of society.


Every moment on the sports field carries endless power and emotion, and excellent athletes interpret the connotation of sportsmanship with their own actions, and their stories are not only moving, but also bring a lot of inspiration and positive energy to people.

Laughing! Xia Sining watched Wu Yanni make her signature movements, and her expression rushed to the hot search, and I died laughing in the comment area

Wu Yanni and Xia Sining's friendship story is one of the epitomes, they met on the stage of competitive sports, became each other's best friends, and grew together, whether it was success or setbacks, they were always able to support each other and move forward together, such friendship made people feel very warm and touched, and also left a deep impression on people.

I hope that in the future competitions, no matter which event, we can see more such outstanding athletes, who not only have outstanding performances on the field, but also influence others with their words and deeds, become a banner of the society, and let more people realize the importance of sportsmanship, bravely pursue their dreams, and never give up.

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