
Israeli barracks exploded violently! Allah's 333-mm heavy rocket was launched, and the earth was powerful

author:Shuofang Arsenal

According to Allah, not long ago, Allah fired two "Volcano" heavy rockets with a caliber of up to 333 mm in succession, which launched a direct attack on the headquarters of the 91st Division of Israel at the Belanit military base in the northern Lebanese-Israeli border area. After the Israeli barracks was attacked, a huge mushroom cloud rose from the scene, although the Israeli side did not officially respond to the incident, but judging from the picture, the Israeli army's losses this time are likely not to be small.

Israeli barracks exploded violently! Allah's 333-mm heavy rocket was launched, and the earth was powerful
Israeli barracks exploded violently! Allah's 333-mm heavy rocket was launched, and the earth was powerful

Many friends may ask, how can Allah have such a powerful weapon? In fact, this kind of rocket launcher called "Burkan" (Arabic means volcano) is not some high-tech equipment, but just a "hand-rubbed" weapon that "gets on the horse", but despite this, the rocket launcher can still impress the outside world with its huge power and shocking hit scenes.

Israeli barracks exploded violently! Allah's 333-mm heavy rocket was launched, and the earth was powerful

To put it bluntly, this "volcano" rocket artillery is actually a kind of large rocket, which is mainly filled with a large amount of ammunition in the body of the projectile to achieve the purpose of increasing its power and caliber. Due to the different standards of "hand rubbing", such rockets are available in calibers ranging from 300 mm to 400 mm, and sometimes even 500 mm! It's really powerful! Moreover, because of the simple technology of this kind of "local method" rocket, in fact, it is to charge explosives in the body of the bomb, so the cost is also very low, and the cost of one rocket only needs to be several hundred to one or two thousand dollars.

Israeli barracks exploded violently! Allah's 333-mm heavy rocket was launched, and the earth was powerful
Israeli barracks exploded violently! Allah's 333-mm heavy rocket was launched, and the earth was powerful

Of course, although this heavy rocket looks very powerful, it is actually not very technical, so the disadvantages are obvious. The most direct disadvantage is that the range is too close, because the rocket power of the rocket itself is average, it will inevitably be very difficult to push hundreds of kilograms of explosives to launch. Therefore, the shortest range of this "volcanic" rocket is only a few hundred meters, and the farther range is one or two kilometers or several kilometers, so it has no ability to strike in depth.

Israeli barracks exploded violently! Allah's 333-mm heavy rocket was launched, and the earth was powerful

The second is that there is almost no guidance capability. This is also very understandable, to put it bluntly, this kind of cannon is just to throw out an explosive package, so it is not easy to launch successfully, and it really doesn't matter where it falls after launching.

Israeli barracks exploded violently! Allah's 333-mm heavy rocket was launched, and the earth was powerful
Israeli barracks exploded violently! Allah's 333-mm heavy rocket was launched, and the earth was powerful

However, despite the obvious shortcomings of this "volcanic" rocket, it is just enough in the Lebanese-Israeli border area. Because on the one hand, the area of Lebanon and Israel is not large, especially Israel, which has a population of more than 9 million people squeezed next to each other on an area of 20,000 square kilometers, so Israel's various facilities and houses are relatively dense, so firing rockets on the Lebanese-Israeli border, even if it is only a few kilometers away, is enough to deter Israel. Second, Allah on the quasi-head side does not care very much, anyway, it can hit the territory of Israel, after all, one of the functions of this rocket is to produce huge fires and deafening sounds, bringing psychological pressure to the Israeli people. However, judging from the footage of the Allah attack on the Israeli barracks, either Allah's intelligence work is very good, or this rocket has a certain degree of guidance capability.

In short, this "Volcano" rocket launcher is a "low-tech, low-cost" weapon, but this weapon can still play a certain role in certain situations, as exemplified by the successful attack on the Israeli military barracks by Allah.

Israeli barracks exploded violently! Allah's 333-mm heavy rocket was launched, and the earth was powerful

End of this issue.

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