
Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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Recently, someone may experience abdominal discomfort or even a constant churning in the stomach as if something is stirring up inside. Especially when the weather is hot, your appetite is even worse, and you may want to eat something light, simple and easy to digest, such as potatoes. Potatoes, this little thing that every family loves, is really everywhere.

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

Whether it's stewed beef, stewed with chicken, or simply shredded and sautéed, potatoes always find their place on our table. It is a super ingredient that can be enjoyed by all ages and is always available in all seasons! But, you know what? While potatoes are delicious and affordable, it may not be a good thing for some people, especially the elderly, to consume too many potatoes.

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

Regarding the effects of potatoes on the elderly, many people may only know that it is a common vegetable, rich in starch, which often appears on our tables.

Here, we're going to delve into the possible negative effects that certain ingredients in potatoes can have on the health of the elderly, which most people may not have previously looked into.

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

Potatoes, which we eat regularly, are actually a high glycemic index (GI) food, which means that if we eat them, they can be quickly converted into glucose, causing blood sugar levels to spike.

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

Especially for older people, especially those with diabetes or who are struggling to control their blood sugar, eating these high GI foods can make it more difficult to control blood sugar. Unstable blood sugar not only affects the daily energy state, but also may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is very bad for health.

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

Potatoes contain a naturally occurring toxin called lysozyme. Normally, heating up when we are cooking can reduce the content of this toxin. However, if the potatoes are not stored properly, such as in the sun, or if they are left out for too long, the lysozyme content will rise.

For older people, their liver and kidney function may not be as good as they were when they were younger, and their ability to process these toxins is weaker. Therefore, eating these potatoes with high lysozyme may bring a lot of risks to their health.

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

The potassium content in potatoes is actually quite high. We all know that potassium is particularly important for maintaining heart health and the body's water balance, but for those elderly people who are not very good at kidney function, eating too many high-potassium foods, such as potatoes, may make the potassium level in the blood exceed the standard, which can easily lead to abnormal heart rhythm, and in severe cases, the heart may be affected.

Therefore, for this part of the elderly friends, it is really necessary to control the amount of potatoes to eat. This is not only for health reasons, but also to avoid causing more serious health problems.

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

When it comes to potato cooking, especially the deep-fried kind, there's a small issue to be aware of. When potatoes are fried, for example, when they are made into French fries, a chemical called acrylamide is produced, which is not simple, it is a known neurotoxin, and it may also cause cancer.

For the elderly, because their body functions are not as good as before, and their ability to detoxify is also reduced, so the possibility of this harmful substance accumulating in the body is greater.

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

Eating this fried potato for a long time may increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases and certain types of cancer. Therefore, elderly friends try to eat less fried potatoes, and pay more attention to their eating habits for health reasons.

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

Although potatoes are a nutritious food, for the elderly, moderation is key. Especially for the elderly with specific health diseases, it is even more important to pay attention to their own consumption of potatoes in order to avoid the health conditions mentioned above.

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

After discussing the possible adverse effects of potatoes on the elderly, let's talk about some vegetables that seniors can boldly increase their intake of, which are not only nutritious, but can also help improve the health of the elderly. These vegetables may be common, but the health benefits behind them may be something that most people don't know much about.

Let's look at bitter melon. Many people may shy away from the taste of bitter gourd, but bitter gourd is a good choice for the elderly. Bitter melon is rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, antioxidants that can help slow down the aging process and boost immunity.

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

In addition, bitter melon also contains a unique bioactive substance, Charing, which has been shown to help lower blood sugar levels, which is very helpful for the elderly to control diabetes.

Spinach is highly nutritious, rich in iron and vitamins, and is especially important for maintaining bone health. One of the common problems in the elderly is osteoporosis, and the nutrients in spinach can effectively help increase bone density and reduce the risk of fractures.

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

In addition, the chlorophyll and potassium in spinach also help with blood pressure control, which has certain benefits for cardiovascular health. Also, we need to know that the antioxidants in spinach, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, protect the eyes from UV rays and age-related macular degeneration.

Let's talk about carrots. Carrots are a frequent guest on the dinner table of the elderly, and they are rich in β-carotene, a substance that is converted into vitamin A in the body, which helps maintain the health of the skin, vision, and immune system.

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

The fiber in carrots can help improve digestive function and prevent constipation, which is very important for older adults. At the same time, the antioxidants in carrots can also help reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Broccoli is known as the "superstar of nutrition", and its high content of vitamin C and vitamin K, as well as its rich fiber and antioxidants, are very much needed by the elderly. The sulfur in broccoli is a powerful anti-inflammatory substance that helps fight chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and heart disease.

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

By increasing the intake of these vegetables, the elderly can not only improve their daily nutritional intake, but also effectively prevent and control chronic diseases and improve their quality of life.

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

Each vegetable has its own unique nutritional value and health benefits, and older people should try to maintain physical and mental vitality by diversifying and balancing their daily diet.

(The above names are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

What do you think about the elderly to stay away from potatoes? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables


[1] Zhai Dehua, Tao Liqun, Research on the relationship between personality and psychological characteristics, eating habits and health and longevity of the elderly, Chinese Population Science, 2004-12-30

Older people want to stay away from potatoes? Doctor's warning: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these 4 kinds of vegetables

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