
23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life

author:Subtle History

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23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have not been marked in the article, please be aware.

"You love someone, you have to love her for the rest of your life, but you often can't do it. It's not that you don't want to do it, it's that you can't do it. The world is unpredictable, no matter how good the couple is, maybe they will break up in the future......"

In 1953, Jin Yong, who had not really stepped into the literary world, ended his first marriage. Facing the friends who came to care, Jin Yong said this sentence bitterly.

Perhaps, Jin Yong at that time would not have thought that this sentence was not only a portrayal of his first marriage, but also a microcosm of his lifelong emotional experience......

23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life

"Asking for beauty in vain, where is the good fate?"

Asking for beauty in vain, where is the good fate? ”

For love, Jin Yong has always yearned.

Half a year after divorcing his first wife, Jin Yong gradually walked out of the haze of feelings. It was at this time that he noticed the movie star in Hong Kong at that time - Xia Meng.

In Jin Yong's view, Xia Meng is young, elegant, gentle, and beautiful, and his gestures completely satisfy Jin Yong's fantasy of all the beauty of the opposite sex.

23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life

It's a pity that Xia Meng at that time had already entered the palace of marriage and was in harmony with her husband Qin Se.

However, these did not become an "obstacle" for Jin Yong to pursue Xia Meng.

In the eyes of this genius, love has always been sacred, and since you like each other, you must dare to pursue it.

So, Jin Yong resigned from his already stable job and resolutely came to the Great Wall Film and Television Company, where Xia Meng worked, and became a full-time screenwriter.

Since then, many of the movies Xia Meng has starred in have been made by Jin Yong.

Jin Yong's pursuit is restrained but enthusiastic.

For such a relationship, how could Xia Meng not be aware of it?

For Xia Meng, Jin Yong is erudite, humorous, and capable...... It has advantages that many people can match. But at the same time, he also has a shortcoming - the timing of his appearance in Xia Meng's life is too late!

23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life

Although Xia Meng admires Jin Yong, Xia Meng is more loyal to her marriage and loves her husband more deeply.

"It is difficult to fulfill this wish in this life and this life, maybe there will be a chance to ...... in the next life and the next life"

In a dimly lit small café, in the only "date" with Jin Yong, Xia Meng told Jin Yong what he really thought in his heart.

At that moment, Jin Yong understood that in this relationship, he would return in vain after all.

Since then, the two have gradually distanced themselves from each other, and each has resumed their own lives.

23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life

The fate is not shallow

Soon after the relationship with Xia Meng ended without a problem, Jin Yong met a "confidante" again, her name was Zhu Luqian.

Zhu Luqian was born in 1934, 11 years younger than Jin Yong. But in front of true love, age is never a "chasm".

Zhu Luqian received Western education since she was a child and has an outgoing and unrestrained personality. In the face of work, he is even more rigid and unyielding, and he is very ambitious. Such a Zhu Luqian, it is difficult not to make Jin Yong's heart move.

For Zhu Luqian, Jin Yong, the "old man", is also a knowledgeable and talented person, which she also admires.

Helplessly, many times, in love, there are always "stumbling blocks".

23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life

Zhu Luqian's family is very optimistic about this relationship. At that time, Jin Yong was not a great writer who would become famous all over the world in the future. Not to mention that he doesn't have enough material foundation, he is still a divorced "old man" who is 11 years older than his daughter.

mentioned Jin Yong's first marriage, the second elder of the Zhu family shook his head again and again.

It was not long after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War that Jin Yong entered the "Southeast Daily" to work. During work, Jin Yong met a girl named Du Yefen.

The feelings of young people always come quickly and passionately. In the daily work contact, Jin Yong quickly fell in love with this colleague. It didn't take long for the two to fall in love.

tasted love for the first time, Jin Yong quickly sank, and vowed to spend the rest of his life with this girl.

23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life

In 1948, Jin Yong and Du Yefen got married. Young talent, the right family, to outsiders, this is an impeccable marriage.

However, after getting married, Jin Yong didn't think so.

The work of the newspaper and the stable life are actually not the pursuit of the young Jin Yong.

Because he was born in a scholarly family, Jin Yong was able to come into contact with a large number of books since he was a child, including many foreign books. In the process of reading foreign books, Jin Yong gradually broadened his horizons.

When he was a teenager, Jin Yong went out to study, and he fully saw the "flower world" outside.

Seeing China at that time, after a long period of war, poverty and backwardness, Jin Yong gradually developed the ambition of "serving the country through diplomacy".

It's a pity that in those days, it was even more difficult to become a real diplomat. After years of "unwillingness", Jin Yong gradually became depressed, and he cared a lot less for his family.

23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life

In addition, after marrying Du Yefen, his focus gradually shifted to Hong Kong. The perennial round-trip between the two places not only seriously consumed Jin Yong's patience, but also made Du Yefen extremely disappointed in this marriage.

So, Du Yefen chose to cheat.

Cheating has always been hidden for a while, but it can't be hidden for a lifetime. Soon after, Jin Yong was keenly aware of the changes in his wife, and then quickly cut through the mess and filed for divorce.

Although Du Yefen was unfaithful to her marriage first, after this relationship experience, Zhu Luqian's parents inevitably hesitated.

Fortunately, Zhu Luqian has always been independent and has a hard personality. Regardless of their parents' obstruction, on May 1, 1956, Zhu Luqian and Jin Yong became a legal husband and wife.

23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life

Those who can share the affliction are difficult to share the wealth

After marriage, the two had an excellent relationship. At that time, Jin Yong cooperated with his friends to start "Ming Pao". The newly established tabloid newspaper is not only not famous, but no one wants to work here.

Zhu Luqian didn't say a word, almost completely abandoned her original job, and became the only female reporter in "Ming Pao".

With Zhu Luqian's help, "Ming Pao" gradually became regular.

23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life

Many years later, when it comes to the original experience, Jin Yong still said gratefully: "My wife is very good."

Not only do they help each other at work, but they also help each other in life. "Ming Pao" has just started, and Jin Yong's novels are far from becoming household names, but their four children have been born one after another.

The pressure of life suddenly weighed on the couple's head. However, they never complained, but comforted each other, supported each other, and walked through the haze of life together.

Finally, twenty years later, "Ming Pao" has become a best-selling newspaper, and Jin Yong has also become a grandmaster-level martial arts novel writer. The road ahead is bright, and it seems that everything in life is so good.

It's a pity that flowers are not red for 100 days, and people are not good for 100 days. The contradiction between Jin Yong and Zhu Luqian was gradually revealed at this time.

Time has brought them money, honor, status, and has also consumed their love for each other. It wasn't until 1976 that the contradiction between the two broke out completely.

23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life

That year, Jin Yong and his wife received bad news from the United States - their eldest son Cha Chuanxia hanged himself!

For this eldest son, Jin Yong poured almost all his efforts into it. Since he was young, Jin Yong taught him to read the "Three Character Classic" and "Zengguang Xianwen", and many people praised this child as a "prodigy".

Even, Jin Yong also reflected his love for his son in his novels, which can really be described as "licking the calf deeply".

However, Jin Yong was greatly dissatisfied with his wife's attitude towards his son. Due to Zhu Luqian's personality, her temper is not particularly good, and she is inevitably a little impatient when dealing with her husband and son.

Sometimes Cha Chuanxia will also persuade his mother not to quarrel with his father. But every time, he will be ignored or even ridiculed by his mother.

Over time, Cha Chuanxia no longer persuaded his mother. He seems to accept the noise of the family, and he doesn't seem to care anymore.

23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life

It may be that Jin Yong cultivated it too early, so that Zha Chuanxia wrote the birth idea of "life is bitter and meaningless" in the article at the age of 14; It may also be that Zhu Luqian's irascible temper made Cha Chuanxia completely disgusted with the world.

In short, after studying in the United States for a year, after a quarrel with his girlfriend, Cha Chuanxia chose to leave this world.

And his departure also became the fuse for the breakdown of his parents' marriage.

After the death of his son, Jin Yong was depressed, went to a tavern to drink to relieve his boredom, and met a waiter named Lin Leyi. As soon as they met, Jin Yong had different feelings for each other.

Soon after, Zhu Luqian learned of her husband's "mental derailment", so she found Lin Leyi and made a big fuss about the tavern where she worked.

23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life

This incident made Jin Yong's dissatisfaction with Zhu Luqian gradually deepen, and the pain of losing a child was difficult to dispatch for a long time, so he completely made up his mind to end this 23-year marriage.

Zhu Luqian did not refuse her husband's request for divorce, but only put forward three conditions: 1. Jin Yong needs to pay a large amount of compensation after the divorce; 2. After Jin Yong remarries, he cannot have any more children; 3. If Jin Yong is found to have committed fraud after remarriage, Zhu Luqian has the right to sue.

Regarding Zhu Luqian's request, Jin Yong chose to accept it all. Soon after the divorce again, Jin Yong and Lin Leyi got together. Although she has long known the agreement between Zhu Luqian and Jin Yong, Lin Leyi has never regretted that she can't have her own children.......

23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life


After marrying Lin Leyi, Jin Yong seemed to feel the sweetness of love again. Despite the difference of decades, there seems to be no barrier between the two.

In the early days of marriage, Jin Yong often told Lin Leyi that if there was a more suitable one, he would not stop Lin Leyi. It's just that Lin Leyi has never given up this relationship that seems a bit incredible to outsiders, and has accompanied Jin Yong through decades of ups and downs.

As for the "ex-wife" Zhu Luqian, Jin Yong's feelings for her may be complicated. Jin Yong in his later years, when he mentioned Zhu Luqian again and their relationship, he said with feeling: "This matter is not good for me, I am sorry for her." So I feel very guilty and regretful......"


23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life


  1. "Jin Yong and His Children", Digest Daily, November 06, 2011
23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life

2. The emotional world of "hero" Jin Yong: twists and turns in and out of the "siege"-China News Network

23 years of Xiang Yi Mo was defeated by a 23-year-old junior? After the suicide of her eldest son, she left the mistress infertile for life